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Scaramouche's POV:
I had been woken up by the sound of Ajax's voice trying to get me up. I pushed myself to sit up right, taking out my headphones and putting them in my pocket along with my phone. I followed my three new 'friends' out the bus as they led me into the school. They all headed to where they needed to be and I headed to the principal's office to get my schedule. Once I reached the door to said office I knocked and waited for a response.
"You can come in!" I heard her say.
I sighed and opened the door, entering the office and shutting the door behind me.
"Hi Kuni! Please take a seat while I get your schedule" My mom said as she began searching through a file.
I sat down in one of the seats and fiddles with my fingers for a couple moments out of boredom.
"Alright, here it is. I'll be calling someone into the office to help show you around, alright Kuni?" Mom said.
"Yeah, yeah, go ahead mom.." I responded as my eyes began to wander around the room, no longer paying attention to my mom's words. Her hair was basically the same colour as mine and she pretty much always wore it in a braid, similar to my little* sister but I haven't seen her since she went off to her new school or whatever. I was dragged out of my thoughts when I heard the door slowly open and close again. Hearing footsteps come closer i naturally looked over to who had sat down next to me now.. And of course, it was Ajax. He smiled at my mom and looked over to me.
"Hiii scaraaa" He said to me, somehow with an even bigger smile.
"...hi Ajax.." I murmured in response.
We both looked back to my mother who simply started explaining to Ajax that he should tour me around the school, and since the school is so big, he's allowed to take as long as he needs as he is already marked in as present. With that we both nodded, I grabbed my schedule and we left the office. For the most part it was just silence with Ajax occasionally telling me which room is which. The silence was bothering me so I decided if he wasn't going to speak, I would.
"So Uhm... You like cats?.." I asked. God that was still so fucking awkward.
"Hm? Oh yeah! Love em! How 'bout you Scara?" He replied.
"Yeah, I like 'em.. they're really cute, shame my moms won't let me get one though" I rambled slightly.
And eventually we got comfortable enough to start having a proper conversation, and due to what I assume was his personality he would also make flirty jokes, which were pretty funny, not like I told him that though.
"Oh come onnn Scaraaa~ You are cute! Like- c'mon. You can't say you aren't cute with those rosey cheeks of yours~"
"My cheeks aren't rosey! And I'm not cute! I'm intimidating." My statement made the ginger laugh and stop walking, which I didn't notice so I kept walking. Eventually his laughter stopped and it was all quiet for a moment.
Then, I felt his arms snake around my waist which scared me a little.
"AH!- AJAX!-" I slightly yelled.
He then began laughing more and occasionally apologised in between laughs and eventually we got back to the talking and the tour. The bell rang eventually for the next class for those in lesson and people started rushing out the classroom doors. AjAx grabbed my wrist and held me close to him.
"Ajax? What the fuck?-" I asked
"I'm making sure you don't get lost or hurt, let's just keep going." He responded, flashing me a smile.
Finally, we reached a point where we could take a break at the third bell of the day. Ajax lead me outside and to a spot were Signora and Dottore were waiting.
"Hii Childeee~ Why where you sent to the principal's officee?~" Signora teased.
"Jeez- I was just called in to show Scara around, calm your tits" He responded in a smug tone.
It took me a moment, but I knew why he said it in that tone, he was thinking about when he scared me by holding my waist earlier, he was also staring at me while he responded to Signora.
"Tch.. Shut the fuck up Childe." I said, rolling my eyes, almost laughing at his offended reaction.
"Wha?- What happened to calling me Ajax?!" He asked, sounding somewhat whiny but more so offended.
"What? You want me to call you Ajax still when you have two other names you go by? No chance ginger." I retorted in a snarky tone.
A smirk of retaliation grew on his face.
"Hmm~.. Alright.. Kuni~" He said smugly.
"Don't fucking call me that!" I said, feeling my face heat up with embarrassment.
"Awh~ Why not Kuni?~" He teased.
"B-Because..." As I began, I soon started mumbling out of embarrassment, feelings my cheeks get hotter as I had also realised I stuttered. Childe giggled slightly and pat my head.
"Come on~ You can speak up can't you? You've been so loud and extroverted up until now~ Why is it that you're getting shy Scara?~" He whispered in my ear, making my face heat up even more which I didn't even think was possible, making me essentially a flustered mess, unable to talk with a slightly quivering bottom lip. Childe smiled slightly, chuckled and pulled me into a hug to help me hide my face in his chest. I hugged him back, too embarrassed to even attempt to look from the large amount of cooing and 'awww'-ing coming from Signora.


Nobody's POV:
Childe and Scaramouche were leaving the school and Childe was mainly the one talking as they left the gates.
"Oooh! Hey! Scara I had an idea!" Childe said excitedly
"Hm? What is it ginger?" Scara replied.
"Welll... I have a project that I need a partner for so I was thinking that you could be my partner and we could do it at your house tonight? I'll help though!" He suggested enthusiastically.
"Ughhhh. Fine. C'mon let's go then." Scara replied, beginning to walk back to his house with Childe.
When the two eventually reached Scara's house, they both entered, Scara quickly announcing he was home to whichever of his mother's were present, before talking Childe upstairs to his room.
"Woah, your room is so nice Scara~ I don't think I'll want to leave." Childe said, looking around the room.
The two sat on the bed and did the project Childe was talking about... for 30 minutes and then got distracted from it.

Scaramouche's POV:
"Uughhh.. Scara I'm boreeeddd~" Childe whined.
"Wha?- You're the one that suggested we do this!"
"I know but I wanna do something else now.. This shit isn't due for three weeks anyway"
I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out my pocket realising I had some messages from a group chat that Signora likely added me in.
Heyy guysss
What is it now?
I'm bored and I wanna hang outt
Well I'm over at Scara's rn loserrr
You guys can come over if you want
Awww, thank you mouchiee
What?? No! Why do they have to come over too?
Shut ur jealous ass up, we're coming over anyway bitch
Childe was slightly annoyed that I would let them come over and was being oddly quiet. I sat up, about to go do something when he pulled me down by the waist and started hugging me.
"What the fuck Childe?-"
"I'm not letting go until you call me Ajax." He said, being a petty ass bitch.
"Well then, guess I'm stuck like this."
"Oh come on Scara~ What's the worst that could happen?~"
As if on fucking cue, my bedroom door opens and it was Miko stood there.
"I... Miko it's not what it-" I stammered
"Shut the fuck up Kuni, I already knew you were gay. Anyway, your friends are over, and they're gonna come up in like.. 2 minutes.. anyway have fun! Don't get fucked or something!" Miko said, leaving quickly with the door left open.
More footsteps could be heard and it was definitely Signora and Dottore. How the fuck did they get here so fast? Nevermind that- I was still stuck.
"Now would be the time Scara~" He teased.
However, me being a stubborn idiot, I wouldn't just admit defeat that easily, so I was basically screwed either way. Signora and Dottore entered the room, closing the door behind them and just stared at us for a moment. God that was so fucking embarrassing. I heard Childe chuckle and felt his hot breath against the back of my neck which made my face heat up with blush a lot. He rested his head very close to my neck and it made me far too embarrassed to stay like that.
"Alright! Alright! Get off Ajax!" I yelled.
"Hehe~ There it is~ I'll let go now Scara" He said, freeing me from the hug.
"That was the gayest shit I have ever seen." -Signora.
1559 WORDS!!

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