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Scaramouche's POV:
I opened my eyes eventually, still hearing the TV playing Bluey, and neither of my moms where home yet. I slowly sat up, realising Childe had his arms around my waist, I looked over to him and saw him asleep. I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips before grabbing my phone and checking my messages, luckily there weren't any that I hadn't read already so I just let Bluey play in the background while I scrolled through TikTok.
Eventually, I felt stirring from behind me.
"Mmh.. Scara?"
"I'm here ginger, no need to give yourself a heart attack.."
Childe sighed and pulled me closer, putting his head on top of mine, clearly still tired.
"You alright?"
"Mhm.. why're you on your phone?"
"I was just watching TikToks."
"Can I borrow your phone for a sec babe?"
BABE?- EEKIEDHAIDBOS HOLY FUCK- I think I'm malfunctioning- Holy fuck-
I handed him my phone awkwardly.
"Thanks princess"
I could tell he went off of TikTok but I didn't really know what he was doing other than that. After a couple minutes, he handed my phone back, and grabbed his own, opened it and started typing something. After a while, I got a message from him.
Ginger: (💭: I really should change that... -Scara)

-"Здравствуйте, дорогая, я знаю, что вам, вероятно, понадобится переводчик Google для этого, но я подумал, что могу также отправить сообщение на языке, отличном от английского, которым я очень свободно владею. Так что, хотя я почти уверен, что сделал это ясно, я чертовски сильно тебя люблю, и я хочу, чтобы ты знал, что если тебе когда-нибудь что-нибудь понадобится, я всегда буду здесь для тебя, не нужно чувствовать себя подавленным, ты у меня есть. Вечно и навсегда."
"Hello darling, I an aware you will probably need google translate for this, but I thought I might as well send a message in a language other than english that I'm extremely fluent in. So, although I'm pretty sure I made this clear, I love you so fucking much, and I want you to know that if you ever need anything, I will always be here for you, no need to feel overwhelmed, I've got you. Forever and Always.")
I could feel myself about to cry, yes I had to translate it, but my god was that the sweetest thing I have ever had someone send me. I turned to face him and I felt myself begin to cry, so I let it all out, hugging him and giving him kisses.
"Baby.. C'mon, please don't cry, I know you're crying for a good reason but I hate to see you crying and upset like this... Unless the crying is because I'm fucking you so good-"
"Ajax!" I cut him off, pouting, doing my best not to laugh
"Sorry sorry"
He hugged me back, and he brought our faces close together, smiling and calmly swaying us both before kissing me softly.
Silence, for a small, calm, beautiful moment, there was silence. The warm sun beamed in through the blinds on the windows, casting rays of blocked up light on our faces with a warm orange-yellow hue. We both stared into each others eyes, pressing our foreheads together, me having my arms draped down his back, his arms holding me close. His beautiful ocean blue eyes... God I could die happy if I could stare into them all day every day... We both had the happiest smiles on our faces, my chest tightened, never having experienced this much serotonin at one moment before.
"I love you, Scara"
I love you... God, I know he's said it to me a lot by now, but it just felt so much more different, more meaningful, like he meant it even more somehow... It gave me butterflies...
I smiled more if it was even possible at that point..
"I love you too, Ajax" Saying his real name... It just made me so happy to say it... I guess it made him feel even better because I may as well have seen spark of joy in his eyes. He closed his eyes, still smiling, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. I cupped both his cheeks and wiped the tears from his eyes with my thumbs and pressed a small kiss to the tip of his nose.
"Hey! Don't go crying on me babe!"
"Oh- Sorry.. Do you not want me to?-"
"Oh! No, no, no- I love it. Just surprised at you finally giving me a cute nickname"
"I can give you more if you'd like~"
"Of course"
He smiled once more, angling his face slightly, I did the same also, just in the opposite direction. Eventually we closed the gap between us and pressed our lips together. AND HOLY FUCK- THAT KISS WAS STRAIGHT OUT OF ONE OF THOSE DISNEY RELATIONSHIPS- He was being so soft, so tender and gentle with me that I might've fallen asleep again if I wasn't careful. Eventually, he slipped his tongue in also, and SOMEHOW. SOMEHOW EVERYTHING THIS BITCH IS DOING FOR ME IS JUST GENTLE AND BEING THE MOST CARING BOYFRIEND I COULD EVER HAVE HOPED FOR IN LIFE. He was playing with my hair also, doing calming motions as he did so, eventually bringing his hand back down to my waist. I placed a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him in a little closer. At this point, we were having a full on make out session, and I let out very small moans into the kiss, not sure why however. Eventually, we parted for air and we were slightly panting looking at each other.
"I- Fuck- That was good.. really good.." I murmured.
"Thank you princess~ But I'd say it's because I know what you're into now!"
"Huh?- The fuck you mean by that Ajax?" This accidentally came out in a more... bratty tone than expected...
"Oh?~ Do you really wanna know?"
"Yes! So tell me idiot!"
"Oh but Scara~ I don't think I should~"
"What?! Why?"
"Well~ Its just that... You're being a bit bratty with me right now~ and I'm pretty sure only good boys deserve to know don't you think?"
"I- Uhm-"
"Well? C'mon now baby, if you want to know how I know then you're gonna have to be a good boy for me~"
"Mmh... Ajaxx.." I whined
"..'m sorry.."
"There we go, that's my good boy~"
"Anyway, I know because of earlier in the shower, it was really easy to get to know what you're into, but considering we were being gentle then I obviously don't know all of what you're into"
"...then you can find out now can't you?..." I mumbled as quietly as I could.
"Baby, speak up remember?"
"Mmhm... it doesn't matter.."
"You sure?"
Ajax then out of nowhere pressed the back of his palm to my forehead.
"Hm, well, I'm pretty sure your temperature went down, so that's good"
"Is something wrong?"
"I- Well- No- But.."
"But what? Is there something you need? I can help if there is"
Nobody's POV:
The truth was, Scara actually wanted to tell Childe all of what he was into, but Scara being Scara was far too embarrassed to say all that out loud. Scara though for a moment, maybe paper? No, that would be too easy for my moms to find... hm.. eventually, Scara settled on messaging Childe about everything he was into.
"You okay? Like- Really okay? You keep spacing out, it's concerning.."
"Oh! Uhm- Yeah, I'm okay, I'm just gonna message you something real quick.."
"Can't you just tell me what it is?"
"Uhhh- I can but I-"
"You'd be embarrassed about whatever it is wouldn't you?"
After a few moments of Scara typing, Childe got the text:
"Hey uh- Earlier you said you don't know all of what I'm into soo- here:
-Praise (you knew that)
-Pet names (you knew that)
-Aftercare (you knew that)
-hickeys and biting (you knew that)"
For the most part, the list was all stuff Childe knew, but eventually, he read all the ones that he had yet to find out and my god did it only make him love Scara more.
"Awh~ That's adorable~"
"N-No it's not!"
Childe smirked and his hands made their way up Scara's shirt. Childe began kissing Scara's neck once more, leaving more hickeys and yet again, occasionally biting. While Childe did this, Scara was doing his best to stay quiet, mainly so by covering his mouth. And just like in the shower, Childe moved Scara's hand away from his mouth, and pulled away from his lover's neck.
"Now now, what did I say about those pretty little noises of yours?~"
Scara whined and shoved himself into Childe's chest, hiding the large amount of blush on his face, causing Childe to laugh a bit and hug Scara.
"Awh, Scara c'monnn~ Don't hide from mee~"
Scara pouted and looked up at Childe.
"I love you"
"I love you too idiot ginger"
The two smiled and kissed once more, quickly cut off however by the door opening with no warning.
"WHAT'S UP BITCHES-" Signora yelled as Dottore closed the door behind them.
Quickly, Childe and Scara parted lips, embarrassed and blushing quite a lot. Childe more so due to him still not having a shirt on.
"Why are you two here? And how the hell did you get in my house??"
Signora gasped and ran over to the couch, sitting next to the two who were still holding one another VERY close.
"Hiii mouchieee"
"Don't call me that"
"Yeah yeah, ANYWAY. What are you two doing here hmmm?~"
"One: I live here.
Two: I have a fever or something so I was let off school today"
"Okay- And what about you Childeee?"
"Uh- I stayed over last night and I was allowed to stay here today to look after Scara since his moms have shit to do"
"That's nice and all- But I have... Questions.."
"Oh? What are they then?"
"1- Why don't you have a shirt on?
2- Why is mouchie in your shirt and boxers?
"For fucks sake Signora, calm down, my neighbours are probably already pissed at me I don't need you making it worse" Scara said in an annoyed and also bratty tone. While the bratty tone wasn't intended, Scara was currently thinking,
"OH FUCK OH SHIT I AM FUCKKEDDDD- I mean- I wouldn't mind but I'm not sure how harsh he would be- WAIT NO-"
Childe's POV:
I snickered at the tone in which Scara responded to Signora, and he looked like he was about to get fucked... I mean maybe but not right now obviously..
"Hey now princess, play nice"
"... Childe, shut the fuck up."
"Don't 'oh?' Me ... bitch..."
I chuckled and allowed Scara to face Signora before carefully slipping my hands under his shirt and holding his hips.
"Something wrong?"
"I- Uh-" Scara couldn't form a proper sentence as a response and eventually just began talking with Dottore and Signora. But obviously it didn't take long for me to get bored of just watching them talk about random shit, plus I wanted to spice things up a bit so I lowered my face down to Scara's neck and began leaving a few more hickeys, which made him blush a lot and cover his mouth once more. I chuckled and stopped for a moment before going next to his ear.
"Now now princess~ I told you earlier that I want to hear all those pretty noises didn't I?"
"And since you're such a good boy, you'd let me hear right?~"
"Heh, that's my good boy~"
Scara pulled his hand down and his lip quivered slightly as Dottore looked like he was going through a crisis and Signora was taking pictures. I leaned down my head once more and began leaving hickeys again...
2045 Words

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