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No One's POV:

"Zandik" Yae's voice was harsh, cold, with a clear edge to it to go along with her glare. "You're supposed to be suspended, aren't you? Why're you here and why not Escher?" She continued, her voice growing increasingly annoyed just staring at the blue-haired boy.
"I.. Yes, yes.. I'm suspended." He groaned, considerably more nervous with Yae's presence. "Escher's sick, so he's at home.." His tone was more of a grumble now.
'Escher? Do they mean Dottore? Is that not his real name?' Scaramouche thought to himself for a moment before discarding the thought for later, it wasn't that important to him right now.
"Thought so; but that still doesn't explain why you're not at home." She groaned, her annoyance growing more and more obvious by the second. "Will I have to get your mother up here?" She asked
"Can't." He groaned "Mom's in the hospital" He added, saying it as if it were more of an inconvenience to explain rather than a misfortune.
"Then how about your father?"
"Mh. Any other relatives?"
"Other than your brother, Zandik. You said he's sick."
"Well what? Is he sick enough to stay home from school or not sick enough to come get you? He can't be both, I'm sure you're aware with how well you were doing when it came to your sciences."
An annoyed groaned escaped his throat and he moved himself away from Scaramouche and took out his phone; to which Scara glanced over to Yae who just nodded a little and motioned for Scara to move closer to her, an option he gladly accepted as he shuffled closer to her.
Zandik proceeded to scroll through his contacts for a moment before pressing on one and letting the phone ring, before someone answered and the call was put on speaker.
"What is it now asshole?" The voice was audibly annoyed but Scara got the impression whoever it was on the other end was usually like that anyway.
"Are you... busy with anything?..." Zandik asked slowly
"Other than my cousins? No." The other person responded
"Right... Would you.. mind coming to pick me up?..."
"I... went into school..."
"Why? You're suspended, and as far as I know, you hate every last person in there! I've only ever known you to "like" one person, and he's not even at your school!"
"I mean... as of about.. a week or so ago, he is..."
"you're stupid. So fucking stupid. Fine. Whatever. But you're helping me look after my cousins"
With that, the call ended and Zandik put his phone away.
"And who was that?" Yae asked sternly
"A.. friend."
"Name? It doesn't have to be their legal name, it could just be one they prefer, I don't care about that sort of stuff, but I need a name at least" Yae sighed
"Thank you, when are they going to be here?"
"Dunno, few minutes? They don't live too far away.."
Yae didn't say anything more, and just nodded to him, then patted Scara on his head and ushered him out the bathroom
"You head back to class; I've got him sorted"
Scara nodded and groaned a little but walked back to class, only to see people were packing away already, and Ajax had put his stuff in his bag for him, so he just snuck back to his seat and grabbed his bag and gave an awkward smile to Ajax.
"You okay? You were gone for basically the whole lesson" Ajax whispered, concerned
"Yeah I know, I'll tell you about it later..."
They both went quiet as they waited dismissal, and stayed in that same oddly awkward silence as they made their way out of the stuffy little classroom.
They continued through the cycle of classes and occasional breaks, chatting at lunch as normal and eventually walking out the school together.
"Hey. Princess? Mind telling me what happened now?" Ajax asked, the two stood side by side at the gate.
"I... Not here"
"Your place?"

Back at Scara's room

(Can you tell I've not wrote anything in a while?)

Scaramouche's POV:

"So...?" Ajax muttered, suggesting I start getting down to telling him what went on while I was out in the bathroom back at school.
I let out a sigh that felt like it had been waiting to be released for days, and before I knew it, I was just pouring out what happened. It wasn't a lot to explain, obviously, but it felt good to tell him. It always does.
772 Words!

Hi! Sorry the chapter is so short, I was having trouble with thinking of how to continue this part since it seemed a bit boring, so if the next chapter starts off later on in the day or even a few days after, that'll be why! Sorry, but it hope you all enjoyed the chapter regardless!
See you next chapter <3

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