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Scaramouche's POV:
Saturday had come and gone much faster than I would have liked, and Ajax had gone home very early this morning, we were both awake to say goodbye though so I suppose it was nice I guess. Good thing is that not only was I not sick anymore but I get to go out on a date so it's a great opportunity to avoid my moms as much as possible, maybe stay over at Ajax's if I'm able to. But, with my thoughts now not bothering me, I sat on my bed as I took pictures of myself and what I was wearing with was a tank top type shirt that showed my belly, (I liked it, it wasn't exactly my style but might as well switch stuff up a bit for once), light blue ripped jeans, a basic black pair of boots and a leather jacket. Of course I had my eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara on as I always had it, but I also wore foundation for once since I had very small spots that probably only I would ever notice, but that's enough for me to warrant foundation. After a few more pictures I posted them all on my instagram and pretty quickly started getting notified that Ajax was liking them, so I edited the caption to say:
"Looking good for a date, hope you're ready <3" and tagged Ajax in after the heart.
Not too long after I posted them, I saw a comment from Ajax.
"You look great princess, can't wait to see you<33"
I smiled and liked his comment and replied
"Thanks baby, I'll see you soon <33"
I sat and waited on my bed for a couple hours scrolling through TikTok before hearing my mom call me down.
"Kuni! Ajax is at the door"
I got off my bed, sorted out my hair and put my wallet and phone in my jacket pocket. I put my piercings in and put a couple of decorative rings on before going downstairs. Once I made it downstairs I saw Ajax stood there in a pair of grey-ish black jeans, a random shirt, converse and an open denim jacket with the sleeves rolled up and a bouquet of flowers in his hands as well as a pair of sunglasses on his head, accompanied by a bracelet on his wrist.
I smiled at the sight of the flowers, noticing he had lots of rings on both his hands as I took them from him, but besides that, he managed to get me my favourites, no clue how he knew but it's nice. I decided on handing them to my mother a few moments later.
"I'll take care of them don't worry"
I smiled and nodded as a thanks to her before looking back at Ajax who had his hand out for me. I held his hand and went out the house with him only to see a sports car I had never seen before parked outside.
"I forgot to mention I'll be driving us there."
"You have a drivers license? And why is your car so fancy?"
Ajax smiled and nodded before helping me in, ignoring my second question, then getting in himself and taking his car keys out his pocket. The seats were very comfy and there were chargers and plugs in the car in case they were needed. Ajax put the key in and revved up the engine then started to drive out his parking space. Soon, he began driving down the street. Eventually I was just staring at him while he was driving, smiling to myself at how pretty he looked..
"You good there princess?"
"Oh! Uh- Yeah- Yeah I'm fine.."
I laughed it off a little and looked away, fanning my face slightly due to it heating up with blush. Ajax chuckled in response with a smile before lowering down the windows to let the nice fresh breeze that was the start of spring. I leaned my elbow near the window and held my cheek in my palm as I heard him turn the radio on, causing music to start playing.
"You can change the music anytime by the way princess, don't gotta ask"
I smiled and slightly laughed to myself. The song "California Girls" started playing causing me to grin and start humming along. I then heard Ajax tap his finger on the steering wheel mumbling along with the words while smiling.
"you'll be falling in love~ oh oh oh oh~.."
I smiled and mumbles the words as well.
"California girls we're unforgettable~ Daisy dukes bikinis on top~ sun-kissed skin so hot, we'll melt your popsicle~.." Eventually, the both of us were laughing and singing the words together as Ajax drove smoothly. I was so engrossed in the singing that I hadn't realised we had parked at a very fancy looking restaurant until the music was turned down and the windows were slowly rolled back up by the press of a button.
Nobody's POV:
Eventually, Ajax got out the car and helped Scara out soon after, locking the car after they made sure they had everything they needed.
"Isn't this place too.. expensive?" Scara asked hesitantly.
"Hm? Oh no, not for me" Ajax said smugly
"Wait- You're paying?!" Scara responded
"No, no buts princess, it's our first date and I want to spoil you okay?"
Scara whines slightly but didn't object, eventually intertwining fingers with his boyfriend as the entered the restaurant, being eventually escorted to a reserved area that Ajax had booked for the two. The two sat across from one another, Scara mesmerised by the look of the place before eventually looking through the menu like Ajax was already doing. Scara hummed as he saw something he liked on the menu, but looked at the price and frowned at himself, deciding to try find something cheaper.
"Don't worry about the prices okay?"
"But most things on here a really expensive, I don't want you to spend most of your money on a stupid meal"
Ajax chuckled before intertwining his fingers with Scara's free hand.
"Baby, I have much more money than you may think, get whatever you want, don't even glance at the price, 'kay?"
Scara pouted a little bit hummed as a yes.
"Good boy~" Ajax whispered to him,
this caused Scara to blush furiously and go back to finding the food he was looking at earlier on the menu which he thought was too expensive.
"You decided?"
"Good, take a look at the drinks, you can get whatever you want"
"Well what're you having to drink?"
"Meh, just a coke, I would have alcohol but I'm driving so y'know"
"Hm, alright.. wait- can I get alcohol?"
"If that's what you want then of course princess~"
Scara smiled to himself mischievously, knowing how he gets when he's drunk. While looking through the drinks, he saw an option for champagne and gin and lemonade which, on the menu, counted as one drink. The description of the drink also said that you could get multiple refills for free.
Ajax chuckled, clearly seeing by Scara's face that he made his decision. Scara put down the menu and nodded. Ajax waved a waiter over and told them both of their orders easily, something Scara always struggled with. (Telling people what he wanted, no matter how big or small it was, he always struggled to do so)
Once the waiter had left the two eventually got lost in their own stupid conversation, until Scara asked a question that had been confusing him for a little while.
"How do you have enough money for all this?"
"Oh! It's a mix of inheritance and a part time job that I'll eventually make my full time job once we're out of school"
Ajax said this so nonchalantly and with a smile on his face that it baffled the shorter of the two. Scara himself knew what he was going to do when he was out of school, he would (eventually) get a job that he enjoyed, likely something to do with drawing since it was his passion, and if that didn't work out then he would go work at a fast food restaurant of some kind, but it still confused him on how Ajax earned so much money from some inheritance and a part-time job.
"How much money do you even earn from a part-time job anyway?"
"Well for me, I earn about $100 per week I think-"
"Per week?!"
Scara's jaw dropped. $100?! And per week?! Ajax chuckled once more and cupped Scara's cheek
"Now now princess, the only time you should be opening your mouth like that for me is-"
Scara blushed profusely as Ajax continued the sentence, surprised that Scara didn't dare interrupt him. After a while, their drinks came along as well as their food. Ajax had ordered a mixed plate that consisted of lots of meat, rice, curry, a couple peppers and chillis, noodles and fries as a side. On the other hand, Scara had ordered ribs, a large steak which came with plenty of seasoning that the shorter liked, as well as lots of chilli flakes and mushrooms, which also had a smaller side of fries. Scara's mouth practically watered at the sight and smell, it smelled gorgeous to him, so happily the two began eating away at their food, occasionally picking food from one another's plates, especially when Ajax saw a couple onion rings on Scara's plate that he had yet to touch. By now. both Scara and Ajax had ate most of their food, but Scara had also already had at least 3 drinks by now.
"Princess— might want to slow down on the drinks okay?"
"Why? I've not had alcohol in months"
"Because I want to make sure you're not going to get yourself sick or anything, I can't have that y'know?"
"Fine fine whatever"
After about half an hour, Scara only had half a beer bottle left and very little food on his plate that he was letting Ajax finish off while he finished his drink.
"So, you want dessert?"
Scara's eyes lit up. Just like his mother, he too had an incredible sweet tooth and loved sweets in general so he nodded eagerly. Ajax chuckled and eventually, once the two decided what they want, they called a waiter over and ordered. After a while, the two got their desserts and ate them pretty fast, before Ajax got the bill and pulled out his credit card.
"You sure you're alright with paying-"
"I'm sure darling, just let me treat you for today"
Ajax chuckled before paying and going back to the car and drove them both back to Ajax's house.
"Oh wow.. are your parents rich or something?"
Ajax chuckled and shrugged his shoulders as he parked in the driveway, proceeding to help Scara out the car once more as they entered Ajax's house, only to be greeted by his mother.
"Ajax! You're home! Nice to see you! Oh and is this your little boyfriend you've been gushing about?"
Ajax blushed in embarrassment at his mother's remarks. The two stayed downstairs for a while and chatted with her before eventually heading up to Ajax's room.

(His room basically looks like this but with lots of band posters all over the walls and a whale plushie on the bed)"Holy shit

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(His room basically looks like this but with lots of band posters all over the walls and a whale plushie on the bed)
"Holy shit.. your room is huge"
"Thanks princess"
Ajax and Scara sat on the bed and ended up just talking to eachother for a while until Scara got a phone call.
"Hm? Yeah, who is it?"
"Kuni, it's getting late out, where are you?"
"Oh, hi mom, I'm at Ajax's house, why?"
"I want you to come back home soon"
"Really? Why?"
"Because you have school tomorrow"
"But I can just go with Ajax, do I really have to come back soon?"
"Yes, you do. No complaining Kuni."
"Ugh fine, I'll be home in like- and hour and a half okay?"
"Okay, see you soon Kuni"
Scara sighed as he got off the phone with his mother and leaned his head on Ajax's shoulder
"So what was that about?"
"I have to go home in like- an hour and a half"
Ajax hummed and nodded.
"Well, I'll drive you back home so we can spend a little more time together, yeah?"
Scara grinned.
"Sure hot stuff"
After a while of messing around with each other, the time had finally come for Scara to go home. Ajax had told his mother what time he would be taking Scara back so she knew where he would be. Scara huffed and got up off the bed, ready to head home, but Ajax had a slightly different idea. He held Scara's wrist and pinned him to the wall next to the door and held him there before kissing him passionately, eventually turning the kiss into a make out. After a while, they parted lips and Ajax was kissing all over Scara's neck and caressing his exposed waist as he did so. The only downside to doing this was that the door was wide open... So you can imagine the awkwardness when Anton walked in on them doing this.
"What the fuck."
Ajax stopped kissing Scara's neck and stared at Anton.
"Don't swear Anton."
"Jesus, if you're gonna do... that... keep the door closed- Anyway, Mom said to check you two are ready to go because she wants to say goodbye to your boyfriend, but I guess I'll have to tell her you two are a bit busy right now-"
"No! No- We're going to get going now.."
"What I thought bitch"
"Stop swearing"
Anton stuck out his tongue but went downstairs, soon followed by Ajax and Scara who now had multiple hickeys on his neck.
"Ah there you two are, c'mere"
Ajax's mother hugged Scara who hugged back awkwardly.
"Well it was nice to meet you, I'm glad my son found someone as nice as you"
Scara smiled and waved as he left the house with Ajax, once more getting in the ginger's car.
As Ajax reversed out the driveway and slowly began to drive Scara home, the shorter piped up.
"You're a dick"
"Yeah, but you love mine~"
"Go fuck yourself, asshole"
"I'd rather fuck you princess~"
Scara stuck out his tongue at Ajax as they reached a red light with a long line of traffic that was barely even moving. Ajax turned to him and smirked before kissing him, sliding his tongue in the shorter's mouth. They parted their lips as Ajax noticed people starting to move, and smirked at Scara's extremely flustered reaction. Ajax continued to calmly drive down the street slowly, nearing closer to Scara's house before eventually parking outside. Scara sighed and got out the car, followed by Ajax.
"The fuck are you doing?"
"Can't I give my darling a kiss goodbye?"
Scara laughed a bit
"Sure, c'mere"
The held eachother close and shared a deep passionate kiss before parting ways. Scara waved as Ajax begun to drive off and then head inside to see his mother's stood there.
"Oh, Uhm... hi?"
"Hi Kuni, you enjoy your date?"
Scara blushed and nodded, deciding to talk with his mothers before heading upstairs for bed.
2577 Words!!
Anyways, I really hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! <33

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