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With that said, enjoy🤭😌✨

Scaramouche's POV:
I woke up in Childe's arms, with his shirt on too. I was barely able to open my eyes, for some reason my entire body felt boiling hot. Eventually I managed to open my eyes just enough to see. I groaned, not wanting to go to school, especially not after last night.. I simply cuddled up to him more, his body heat warming me up even more even though I really didn't need it. I felt his grip slightly tighten which meant the bastard was awake.
"Mm... Fuck you.."
"Oh? Why princess? Something wrong?~" He said that teasingly but I still found it hot because of his morning voice- Anyway, I groaned and looked up at him. He simply gave me a quick kiss with a smirk
"C'mon, we gotta get up now, we've got school"
I groaned at him, cuddling closer and shoving my face in his chest.
"Scara-" Childe's 'sentence' was interrupted by the door opening by one of my moms
"Why haven't you two gotten up yet?"
"Scara won't get up- He keep groaning and trying to go back to sleep-"
"Let me see him for a moment"
I groaned once more and rolled over onto my back, allowing my mom to check on me for whatever reason. She pressed the back of her palm against my forehead for a moment before sighing and cupping my cheek and caressing it like she used to when I was a kid.
"Well, he has a fever. Me or Miko would take care of him but with our jobs we both have to be there, do you mind taking care of him for today Ajax?" My mom asked.
"Of course, I'll do my best."
"Thank you. I'll be off now. Make sure you rest a lot Kuni!" My mom said as she left my room, leaving us both there. Eventually, I heard the front door close meaning both of them had left.
"My poor baby~" Childe teased before kissing my forehead.
"Here, let's get you a bit more comfortable yeah?"
He adjusted me for a moment to where some of my upper torso was out of the blanket and my head was fully on the pillow. He smiled at me and pushed my hair back out my face, probably letting it all fall back.
"You go back to sleep if you like, I'm gonna get you a wet towel and make you something to eat." I nodded as I watched him leave the room.
Eventually, I simply let my body drift off to sleep, too bored to do much else.

(Like- an hour and a half later-)

No One's POV:
Scara stirred awake in his bed, rubbing his eyes before pushing himself out of bed, letting his lover's shirt drag down and expose a large amount of his shoulder and more of his neck. He stretched for a moment and yawned before leaving his room and going downstairs due to the sweet smell of food coming from down there. Eventually, he got to the kitchen and saw Childe stood by the stove cooking what was most likely a soup of kind, possibly some other things as well with an apron on, evident by the straps Scara could see from the back. The idiot still wasn't wearing a shirt though.
"Mm.. What're you making?" Scara asked, walking over to Childe.
Childe chuckled to himself slightly at the shorter's nasally voice.
"Some chicken noodle soup and a few rice balls."
Childe eventually began pouring the soup into a bowl and plating up the rice balls before grabbing some chopsticks and placing them on the tray that both the bowl of soup and plate of rice bowls were on.
"Upstairs or couch?"
"Mmm... Upstairs, my room has AC"
"Alright darling~"
Childe gave Scara a quick kiss before taking of the apron and picking up the tray, then they both went back up to Scara's room.
The shorter of the two walked away for only a moment to the wall where the AC control was and turned on the AC for his room. He could hear his boyfriend put the tray down and heard more footsteps while he was adjusting the dial. As soon as he turned around, he saw Childe stood right in front of him.
"Ajax?-" Scara was interrupted by Childe picking him up and began kissing him all over his neck once more as he brought him over to the bed.
"Wha?- Heyyy.." Scara whined when he noticed Ajax was just getting him on the bed rather than... something else.
"Scara, as much as I would love to, you're sick and I can't fuck you if you feel like shit okay?"
"What? Noooo" Scara whined once more and pouted. Childe simply chuckled and put the tray of food on Scara's lap. Being petty, Scara turned his head away and folded his arms, still pouting. Childe sighed and took the tray off of Scara's lap, putting the tray in his own instead once he sat down next to the shorter.
"Princess~ C'mon, look at me darling~"
Scara whined and looked at Childe.
"Good boy~ Now c'mon, you've got to eat"
Scara huffed and nodded slightly, still not moving however.
"Fine, fine. I'll feed you princess, c'mere" Childe smiled and placed the tray next to him carefully and opened his arms, letting Scara crawl into his lap, sitting comfortably. Childe picked up the spoon, getting some soup and put the spoon up to Scara's mouth, feeding him it. After repeating this process a lot and after getting Scara to eat most of the rice balls, Childe deemed that enough.
"Alright, you're getting a shower now"
"What? Nooo, I don't need oneee"
"Yes you do, plus it'll make you feel more relaxed."
"But....." Scara began before mumbling the rest of his sentence very quietly.
Childe sighed.
"Baby, speak up for me okay? Gotta hear you to help you remember?"
"Mm... C-can... Can you take a shower with me?..." Scara asked, seemingly very embarrassed and nervous to ask.
"You want me to shower with you??"
"Mm.. Y-You don't have to-"
"No, it's okay. I will. C'mon."
Childe picked up Scara, allowing him to wrap his legs around his waist as they made their way into the bathroom which was luckily just a bit away from the bed due to Scara's bedroom having an en-suite bathroom. Childe placed Scara down on a counter and closed the door. Opening the shower door, Childe reached in just enough to turn in the shower and let it heat up after he closed the door once more. Childe then went over to the counter Scara was sat on.
"Arms up."
Scara did as told. Childe pulled off his shirt from Scara and put it on the floor before beginning to blush a bit.
"Huh? What's wrong?"
"N-nothing princess- Don't you worry"
The truth is, Childe was just awkward. Him and Scara so far had barely even been shirtless in front of one another, let alone entirely naked AND in a shower together.
Scara sighed and threw his head back in annoyance before bringing his head back and began taking off his own pants.
"What? You don't expect me to go in there with clothes on still, right?"
"W-Well no, but- Uhm-"
"I get you're nervous, but it's fine, it's a shower, now hurry up and undress so I can get warm already ginger."
"Hey!- Fine. You gotta wait for me though"
Childe then took off his own pants and socks, the two now only being in boxers, Scara now being nervous, while Childe was now feeling flirty.
"Well? Whatcha waiting for princess?~"
"Ugh... f-fine.."
Scara huffed and eventually took his boxers off , putting them on the floor with the other discarded clothes before bringing his knees up to his chest out of embarrassment.
"That's my good boy~" After a moment, Childe took his own boxers off and brought Scara down as they both got into the shower.
"Warmmm" Scara said, enjoying the warmth.
Childe chuckled and kissed his forehead.
"Alright, alright- Let's do what we actually came in here to do"
Scara nodded and relaxed as he felt Childe begin to soak his hair and eventually put the shampoo in carefully.
After a while, they both had done what they needed to, except for washing their bodies due to finding it awkward slightly. Childe watched as Scara struggled to reach the soap from the shelf which was slightly too high for him, causing him to go on and off of his top toes, failing to reach each time. Carefully, Childe made his way directly behind Scara, pressing himself against Scara's back entirely (😉) and reached the soap for him.
"Need some help princess?"
"I- uhm- ... mhm..." Scara mumbled.
"Of course, how 'bout we sit down so it's easier, yeah?" Scara nodded at this and they both carefully sat down on the shower floor. Slowly, Childe began to cover his boyfriend's body in soap, lifting up his leg against his shoulder to reach the inner thigh, causing Scara to become flustered. After it all washed off, Childe began to caress Scara's inner thigh with his hand before leaning his head closer. Eventually, Childe's lips made contact with the inner thigh and Childe began kissing and biting up and down it, repeatedly teasing him by getting close to his crotch, then going back to the inner thigh (Christ kill me now.) Scara struggled to keep in his noises so he covered his mouth with his hand, doing his best to conceal the whines and what almost were moans. Childe pulled away from the inner thigh, instead going closer to Scara's face, removing the hand covering his mouth.
"Now now love~ Don't hold it in, let me hear all your pretty noises~"
"I- mmh.." Scara couldn't muster a proper sentence, instead just nodding his head. Childe cupped Scara's cheek, the shorter immediately leaning into the touch. Only now had Childe noticed the desperate look on Scara's face, eyebrows tilted up, a pout growing and cheeks filled with blush. Scara kept leaning into Childe's hand as much as possible, holding it in place weakly with his own two hands. With Childe's free hand, he reached to Scara's waist pulling him closer, noticing the hand marks that had been left over from gripping his hips tightly the night before. He heard a slight noise noise that sounded like a hitched breath or held back moan from Scara, causing him to look at his lover.
"Mmh.... Ajax..." Scara said this looking deep into Childe's eyes with a breathy, almost desperate voice. When Childe looked into Scara's eyes, he saw something that he couldn't see last night. It was not only Scara's desperation, but also his lust.
"Please... Ajax. Please, I want it..."
"Really?- I- I mean- Only if you really want to but are- are you sure?"
"Mh.. Just be gentle... please?" It was almost like he was pleading... begging... This confirmed it and by gods did it make Childe want to do more than just be gentle, but he also wanted it to be enjoyable and pain free for Scara.
"I... Okay. Tell me if you want any more than what I'm giving you alright princess?"
"Now, you just be a good boy and relax, you're mine until we're done here okay?"
"Mhh.." Scara nodded as he whined.
"Words pretty boy, good boys use their words don't they?"
"And you are my good boy aren't you?"
"Y-yeah..." Scara was beginning to get more flustered and turned on as Childe said this, so much so that he basically didn't notice Childe lifting up his legs to where they where wrapped around his waist. Eventually, Childe lined himself up and looked up at Scara who nodded desperately and slowly pushed himself in, leaving them both like that for a while.
"Fuck..." Scara muttered under his breath
"Is something wrong?"
"No- J-Just- Mph... A lot... bigger than expected.."
Childe chuckled and caressed Scara's cheek with the backs of his fingers lightly.
After a little while longer, Scara spoke up finally.
"Y-you can start moving now.. please.."
Childe nodded and slowly began moving, not going too fast, and being gentle, just as promised....
(Alright- I can't write sex scenes- Y'all can guess what happened next soo- AFTER THAT-)
Childe and Scara where sat on Scara's bed, Scara in boxers and an extremely oversized shirt from Childe, showing off his body from his collarbone upwards and a lot of his arms at the sleeves. The boxers being short also showed off Scara's thighs in basically their entirety, these things also showed Scara's body to be littered in hickeys and bite marks, a large amount being on specific parts of his collarbone while the rest are just all over. Childe however, was holding Scara's waist with his chin resting on top of Scara's head, him in nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants.
"Hmm?.." Scara answered, his voice being a little strained (😉😏😏)
"I forgot to tell my family I'm over here"
"Can't you message them now? Y-you're phone is charged.."
Childe blinked and mentally face-palmed at his own stupidity before reaching over with one hand and grabbing his phone, now seeing the multitude of worried messages.
Childe's POV:
I opened up my family group chat on my phone and saw all the worried messages from my mom, dad and Anthon and Tonia (pls tell me if I spelt their names wrong- 😭)
Ajax, where are you? School finished 2 hours ago.
Ajax?? Hello?? Are you okay? Why aren't you responding?
Oi! Ajax, when are you coming home? We miss you plus Teucer was gonna wait for you until you came home today!
Ajax, if you're somewhere else, we need to know, please respond soon..

All read 10:46
Hi! I'm really sorry I worried you all!! I didn't mean to, promise 😓 I'm over at my friends house right now, I stayed the night and forgot to tell you, and I'm taking care of him at the moment since he's sick
That's okay Ajax, all that matters is that you're safe and okay. What's your friends name but the way?
It's Scara! Y'know- The boy I keep telling you about?
Ooo~ Do you have a boyfriend?!
Haha, no- Well, I'll talk soon, I've gotta take care of him still- Bye! Love you all!!

Ajax is offline.
"You alright now?" Scara asked, his voice still sore.
"Mhm, but shouldn't I be the one to ask you that?"
"Heh.. Shut up.. Can we go downstairs by the way? I wanna watch something"
"Alright, let's go"
Once more, I scooped him up in my arms and carried him downstairs and we sat in the couch. I handed him the remote and let him pick whatever it was he wanted.
".. Ah! One minute princess, I'll be right back"
"Huh? Okay-"
I kissed his forehead and got up, going into the kitchen to get something.
"Where is it?..." I murmured to myself, looking around.
"There we go!" I picked up a small cloth and got a bowl of warm water and carefully made my way over back to the couch, placing the bowl on the coffee table, reaching over and soaking the cloth enough to make it warm and damp.
"What's that for?"
I cut him off by laying him down, pushing his hair back once more and placing the cloth on his forehead.
"Mmh... I want cuddlesss" He whined
"Pfft- Okay okay... One moment then"
I adjusted him carefully and sat down behind him, allowing him to sit up enough to see the TV but also enough to keep the cloth of his forehead. Like that, we ended up just watching Bluey for most of the day.
2678 Words!
Hope you all enjoyed!
Also hope you didn't mind the fucking-
Lmao- Have a great day everyone! :D

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