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(Yeah no, it's very unholy and I will probably need a LOT of holy water for myself after this- I may not be Christian, but DAMN am I definitely not getting into heaven if there is one after this shit.)

No One's POV:
Childe carefully pushed the shorter down onto the bed, eventually bringing them both fully onto the bed. One of Childe's hands made its way up Scara's shirt, slowly caressing his body. Childe pressed his lips against Scara's neck, beginning to give his lover a hickey, making it rather hard for Scara to be quiet at such a late time.
Scaramouche's POV:
I couldn't fucking believe it. Here I am, barely able to keep quiet, and Childe is here multitasking by feeling my body with one hand and kissing my neck at the same time.
"Childe-" I tried to speak, but he shot a certain type of glance my way so I shut myself up before I said anything more. I squealed very slightly when I felt his cold hand begin to go... further up my body if you get what I mean... I whined quietly, wanting more than what was being given. This made Childe pull away from my neck and smirk at me.
"Oh? Well who's the needy one now princess?~"
"Shut up... And I said don't call me that-"
Childe nodded and sat up, pulling me up into his lap not long after. Both of Childe's hands made their way up my waist once more. He held the lower hems of my shirt, looking at me for a response. I nodded, allowing him to pull my shirt off.
"So pretty... alll mine~" He whispered against my neck, smirking. After a moment, he bit down gently, leaving a mark and pulling away after.
"Ajaxxx.." I whined, throwing my arms around his neck, letting them drape over his back.
"Awh~ Is my darling being whiny and needy?~" He teased, causing me to whine again and pout. He chuckled in response to my whining and guided his hands down my body and down to my hips, slipping the tips of his fingers into the edge of my pants.
"What? What do you need love, anything you need." Childe said this while looking directly in my eyes.
"I-..." I tired asking for what I wanted but could only form a pitiful whine.
"C'mon darling, use your words. You need to speak to me for what you want, okay?" He said this so tenderly that I almost forgot what kind of things my body wanted... almost. Involuntarily, I sniffled with tears forming in my eyes out of desperation.
"Hey hey, no need to cry, just talk to me darling. I can tell you're desperate, but you have to at least try to show me what you want if you can't say it" He reasoned, giving me a kiss on the forehead.
My breathing became slightly heavier, and I nodded. My hips rolled forward slightly, and then began to repeat the motion a small bit faster, making me grind against him.
"Oh~ I see." He smiled and held my hips, keeping me steady as I was grinding against his uh... y'know... I leaned my forehead against his shoulder, doing my best to only let out small noises, suppressing any louder ones.
"That's it darling, just like that, doing so well for me~"
Shit. Shit I'm in into that- I'm into that?- Oh fuck I am into that... Well fuck.
"Mmh... Ajax..." I murmured, closing my eyes and furrowing my brows, letting my body do what it wanted.
I felt his hands caress up and down my hips in a calming manner.
"You're doing so well~ keep going princess"
As I continued, Ajax continuously praised me and affirmed me that I was doing well, and holy fuck did that only make me want more, but I wouldn't be greedy and just kept grinding. At some point though, he held onto my hips somewhat tight, stopping me for whatever reason.
"Hmm??" I somewhat whined.
He simply 'shhhh'-ed me in response. I was confused for a moment until I heard some noise from outside, making me freeze up.
No One's POV:
Currently, the two where sat there on Scara's bed, Scara in Childe's lap, both of them shirtless, and being extremely still and quiet. While outside the room, Ei had woken up randomly to some noises she kept hearing and was wondering where it was from. Unfortunately, Scaramouche's body decided to betray him and try fight the grip Childe held on his hips and tried to grind on his boyfriend once more.
"Hey. No." Childe whispered to Scara in a demanding tone.
"Sorry.. Didn't mean to..." Scara whispered back, a small trace of a whine in his voice.
Despite the pitiful apology, Scara continued to try grind against Childe multiple times even though there was still some form of noise outside the room, and Childe had enough of it.
"Scara. No. I keep telling you. Behave and do as you're told."
Although Scara found this extremely hot, for some reason, the idiot decided to be a brat in that moment.
"What happened to making me tired yourself then, pussy?" Scara said this with a smirk on his face, as if he was the smartest being alive.
That smirk was soon turned into a more nervous expression when Childe pushed Scara onto the bed on his back and then proceeded to pin his lover to said bed.
"Keep that up and your moms will easily be able to hear how much of a brat you're being darling, so choose your words carefully like a good boy, okay?~"
Yet again, Scara being Scara, didn't think of any possibly consequence and FUCKING DOUBLED DOWN ON THIS SHIT-
"So? What if I want them to ChIlDe?" Scara said the name in a mocking tone, making a joke about this, but boy was he screwed- (🤨😒😏)
Childe then began leaving multiple hickeys and bite marks all over Scara's upper body, most of them not easily covered if able to be covered at all. While doing so, Childe was making sure that Scara couldn't hold back any possible noise by holding his mouth open very slightly, not too harsh, just sturdy enough to keep it open. Eventually, when Childe finally stopped, he smirked hearing footsteps approaching the room somewhat quickly.
"T-the fuck is that look for?..."
"I think you know princess, or would you rather me continue, I mean- I would just love to hear more of those pretty noises, and I doubt you would mind, right?" He teased sitting up once more, pulling Scara up again just like before.
"Ajax..." The shorter whined.
"Oh but they sounded so beautiful~ All for me too... Plus, like you said earlier, I've not made you tired quite yet have I?~"
"S-shut up- !! H-hey-"
Scara's whining was interrupted by two things there, Childe kissing him and caressing his body once more and... Ei having entered the room, glaring at them both...
"Ahem, Ajax. What are you doing to my son?..."
The sound of his mother's voice caused Scara to squeal quickly after the kiss was broken, and Childe whipped his head around in fear also after said kiss.
"I- Uhm- Just- Uhhhh..." Childe fumbled on his words, trying to form a coherent sentence but obviously failing miserably in the process.
"Sorry?? I think-" those words were all he could provide to the angry glare of Scara's mother. His school's principal.
"The fuck do you mean 'I think' ??? Are you sorry for trying to fuck my son or not??"
"Not really no- I would've preferred to continue actually-"
"Ajax!-" Scara interrupted Childe's sentence in an accidental higher pitch than usual.
"What's up princess?" Childe said with a smile on his face when he turned back to look at his boyfriend. All Scara could form in response where a few flustered sounds until the shorter of the two just hugged the taller, cuddling close into his chest once more. Ei sighed, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.
"Well then, you two get to sleep, you've got school in the morning, you can do this another time- When it's not almost 5 am. I'll be off now. Don't fuck and if you do be dead silent about it." With having said that, Ei soon left the room, returning to her and Milo's shared room, leaving the two boys just sat there.
"So can we?-"
"Noo... 'm tired nowww" Scara whined
"You sound upset, what's wrong darling?"
Scara murmured something, but Childe couldn't hear what he said so he lifted Scara's head up from underneath the shorter's chin. Scara's face looked exactly as it did before the two went to sleep earlier, making Childe's heart melt.
"You're gonna have to speak up a bit for me okay love?"
"Mmmn... cuddles..."
This request made Childe smile, somehow melting his heart even more.
"You want your shirt back on then? Although you look beautiful like that, I take it you're cold."
"Mmm... your shirt.."
Childe laughed and smiled to himself, carefully picking his own shirt up, that had somehow landed on the radiator when he took it off earlier, keeping it nice and warm the whole time. Carefully, Childe lifted up Scara's arms and put the shirt on him, the shirt being far too big for the shorter, but he still snuggled into it comfortably before returning to cuddling up to Childe for more warmth.
"Mh.. Thank you.." 
Eventually, the two managed to get settled under Scara's blankets comfortably with some annoyance from Scara who was now noticeably tired. After about 15 minutes once more, Scara fell asleep in the living embrace of his boyfriend, Childe falling asleep much faster his time knowing that Scara was there and not going anywhere anytime soon comforted him enough to sleep properly. Before the two went to bed, they both made sure their phones where in charge. But in Childe's case, he had only just put it on charge before he went to sleep, causing him not to realise the large amount of messages he had gotten from family members concerned about where he was currently. The poor idiot didn't know what was gonna hit him in the morning...
1748 Words

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