Chapter 8

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When we get there it looks like a war zone. The others are already here. We get out. Nine uses the car door as a shield. Four starts firing fire balls. I get my sword ready, and take out as many as I can. A girl with dark brown hair is shooting people. A boy with dark skin and black hair is teleporting like crazy. And a girl about 12 is shooting. I don't see six. We keep fighting. We make it inside. It doesn't go as planned. I don't really know what happened. Because the second I walked into his power disarming shield I passed out. I wake up in nines bed. "You're awake." He say,

"What happened?"

"We lost." I nod, "come on let me introduce you to the rest of the team." I slowly get out of bed. We walk in the main room.

"Sara." I say, I wave at her. She nods.

"The girl over there cooking. That's Marina, number seven. She can breath under water, see in the dark, and heal people." He points over to tall thin girl with brown eyes, and dark shoulder length curly hair. She's over there flipping something. He then points to a boy over on the couch playing video games. He has dark skin he has long black curly hair. "That eight, he can shapeshift and teleport." He then points over to a girl with long brown hair with very light skin. She looks like she's 12. "That's Ella. She can go back to her younger age if she wants. She hasn't developed any legacies yet. We also got Sara and six back."

"No Sam?" I ask, he shakes his head.

"You must be freya." Marina says, with a smile.

"Yes, you're Marina." She nods,

"Why did I pass out?" I ask

"We think because you aren't loric or human that is did something to your nervous system. To make you pass out." I nod,

"Need help?" I ask,

"No, but thank you." We walk to the sirvalamce room. Four is watching the tablet.

"We believe that's number five." He says pointing to a solo blue dot on the screen. I nod

"Have you guys figured anything out about the other red dot? Besides being starganan." I ask

"No," nine says, I sigh. I then notice he's attached himself to the wall. He's five inches off the floor. One foot is dingling the toe of his shoe not quite touching the floor. His other foot flat against the wall. His back pressed against the wall. One hand flat against the wall and the other just hanging there. He acts like this is normal. Well for him I guess it is.

I lean up against the wall next to him. "Any plan on how we're going to get to him?" I ask,

"No, he moves too fast. Faster then you." Four responds, his voice is bitter. What's going on with him?

"Four, what's wrong?" I ask, camly

"Nothing." He responds, he's on edge.

"No, that's not true. You're on edge, and you're taking everything out on me. Now what's wrong?" The last part is said more sternly.

"You want the truth? Fine. Sam is missing! You're my brother, and ra is going to kill us all! We have no chance! This isn't a war we can win! I don't know how the rest of you are dealing with this so casually! Oh and I forgot to mention, I thought you DIED! I can't lose you. Frey, I can't." He looks broken on the inside. So I ignore the brother part. "I mean I'm still a little shocked with the whole brother thing, but it feels good I guess."

"I get it. It's a lot. I'll let it slid because you're angry, but that's it." At some point I put my arm across nines stomach. To keep him from jumping off the wall, and attacking four. Nothing else happens. Besides nine figureing out five can fly. We go in his room.

"You know I could have beaten up Johnny-boy for you." He says, taking off his shirt, and falling on the bed.

"Thanks for the offer neun, but I think I can handle him." I put my sword on the dresser. The lay down next to nine. "We just need to find five, and hopefully Sam. Then with some training and a lot of luck. We can go win this war." I say, running a hand through his hair.

"I hope you're right. We should probably sleep."

"Yeah," I turn on my side, and feel him wrap his arms around me. His chest pressed against my back. I feel safe in his arms. I go to sleep. I don't see him. I see my planet. So I lay on the snowy ground. The coldness fells good against my skin. I wake up to an empty bed. I get up and see him walk out the bathroom.

"Morning babe." He say, pressing a kiss to my hair. "Girlfriend, boyfriend, or partner?" He asks, I'm glad he asks.

"Boyfriend." He nods, I get dressed. One of his black shirts and some shorts. I brush my hair, and then we're in the kitchen.

Soon we will all be brought together. The question is; can we win this?

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