Chapter 11

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Adam and Sam are over at the computers. Four and Sara are talking and four is rubbing bk. And me and Malcom are talking. This is our newest hide out. And abandoned wherehouse. We did figure out that it's not nine because when we were fighting I felt him in pain. The I felt him being healed. So we know Marina is still alive. That leaves the other three. "I found something." Adam says, it's mark. He's taken control of the 'they walk amount us' blog.  He also wants to meet with Sara. The others are now closer. "Bring them home bk." Four says, to him. He turns into a bird, and Off he goes. A while later they walk in. Marina, looks pissed. There's a frost coming off of her. She also glaring daggers at nine. Nine's, hair is a mess. He looks tired like he's beating himself up over something. Six, looks tired like she been babysitting those two. Julie, has her hand resting in the handle of her sword. Her hair normally in a ponytail is all over the place. I don't see five or eight.

"What happened?" Sara ask, running over to six,

"He killed eight!" Marina yells, pointing to nine. He nods. I walk over to six and Julie.

"What the hell happened?" I ask,

"Fives a traitor. He beat up nine. Knocked out six. Nine started yelling at him. He was about to kill him, and then eight teleported in front of him. His weapon went through his chest killing him instantly. We have his body." Julie exsplains, I look at both nine and Marina. She doesn't seem mad at him since they're talking.

"They don't hate each other anymore." Six, says

Four walks over. "We plan to take over mog headquarters and meeting with mark." He tells us the plan. Nine wasn't very happy with us naming one of the critters after him. We go through the plan at least ten times. On the way there. Adam kills his father. Walker joins us. So right now eights body is in a freezer of sorts, and we're all standing around walker as she tells us her plan and about mogpro. We're going to get a sentor on our side. Marina, Adam,Julie, and six are in Mexico trying to get us help.

Malcom hands her a cup of tea. "Thank you." She says, John continues to flip through the files she gave him. I stand next to her. The tip of my sword right next to her neck. If it touches her it will cut her.

"So we get to him. We can get to ra." Four says,

"Sounds like a trap." Nine says, leaning against a wall.

"We don't have any other options. Plus this guy will probably know more then walker. No offense." I say,

"It's fine." Four sighs,

"We should probably go then. "Malcom you mind staying here?" Four asks,

"Not at all." He replies,

"Alright walker, nine, sam, Frey come on." Four says to us. I take my sword back.

"My people will take you." She says, it's me, walker, and four. Sam Is in the car behind us. Four hangs up the phone.

"So are you going to tell me about this super secret mission you sent your sexy girlfriend with her ex off to?" Nine asks, I roll my eyes. I hit him in the arm.

"Ow," he says, rubbing the spot on his arm.

I roll my eyes. "I didn't hit you that hard." He smiles at me.

"Great, the planet lies in the hands of a bunch of horny teenagers." Walker mutters under her breath.

Nine shots her a look. "She has a point." I say, agreeing with her.

"I'm not!" He yells,

I chuckle. "We've had sex two times. Once was in a dream state. Neun,"

"As interesting as alien teenager sex lives are. We should be going over the plan." Walker says,

"Please, I'm done listening to my brother and his boyfriend sex life. I'm gendering you correctly right?" He asks, I chuckle again.


"Ok then."

Walker sighs in defeat. "Ok, so you confront him. Get him to tell you about his plan, and only fight if you have to. Got it you three." She asks, her eyes staying on me longer then the others.

"Yes." I say, when did I become the leader? I thought that was four. Who am I kidding I'm just the voice of reason. Yeah that's not right.

"You guys should try to get some sleep." She says, nine puts his head on my shoulder. I wrap an arm around him. I play with his hair. He falls asleep on my shoulder. Four stares out the window. I put my head on top of nines. I go to sleep.

"Wake up kids." Walkers voice rings through the SUV. I wake up first. Lifting my head from his. He wakes up second. He wipes his eyes.

"are we there?" He asks, his voice groggy. He's so cute when he's like this. I can't help, but to press a quick kiss to his lips. He smiles. "Boyfriend?" He ask, half asleep.

"Yes and yes." I respond,

"Shit! You should have woken me earlier." He says, I chuckle at him. His hair is disshovled. He's completely awake now. Walker shakes her head. Four pats my shoulder. Nine puts on some gloves.

"Really?" Four asks,

"What better way to test them then in a life and death situation?" He asks, he has a point.

"Don't break anything." Four says,

"Let do this." He claps his hands together, and he does the opposite of what four told him to do. All the windows shatter the car jerks forward. The drives airbag knock him out. "Oops." He says, me, walker, and four just glare at him. Four sighs, and gets out the car. Walker loads her gun, and does the same. Then nine then me. I get my sword ready. Sam runs up to us.

"Ready?" He asks, walker walks over to him, and gives him a gun.

"Never thought I would be arming a minor." She say, he slings it over his shoulder.

"Let's do this!" Nine says, about to clap his hands again. I stop him, and take off the gloves. I hand them to four. He burns them to ash.

"Let's go to war." I say, my sword swung over my shoulder. The handle part touching it. Sam has his gun strapped across him. Walker has her gun in front of her. Four has his hands lit. And nine has a huge smile on his face. Like he's going to rip every last one of them to shreds. Here we go.

Here we come.

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