Chapter 18: The Worst is Behind Us

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You were brought back to reality when the eagles landed on a large outcropping of the mountain.

You hopped off your eagle, being sure to thank it for saving your lives. Then quickly ran into the open arms of Kili.

"I was so worried you didn't make it in time," he whispered, "are you hurt?"

You shook your head, trying to wipe away the dried blood on your face, "I am fine, where is Thorin?"

Before he could answer you heard your name, only it was not Thorin's voice that you heard.

You turned quickly to see Fili closing the distance between you, wrapping you and Kili in a tight embrace. "How is this possible?" you asked, "I watched you fall."

Fili nodded, "an Eagle saved me, caught me and brought me here."

You wrapped Fili in another hug, "I am so glad you are safe."

Fili breathed in your scent as he melted into the embrace. He tried not to admit how good it felt. Then Gandalf was calling your name and you quickly pulled away.

He leaned over the still unconscious body of Thorin. You ran to him, kneeling down and grabbing his face in your hands, "Thorin, Thorin, can you hear me?" you pleaded.

You lowered your ear to his chest, "Gandalf, he's not breathing," you panicked.

Gandalf's eyes were laced with concern as he held his hand over Thorin's forehead, speaking softly to himself. Suddenly Thorin jolted upright, breathing heavily.

You grabbed his shoulders, "it's okay, Thorin, you're safe now."

His breaths slowed as he took in his surroundings. He lifted his fingertips to brush over the dried blood on your face, "you're hurt."

You shook your head, "I'm alright."

Thorin shook his head, "you saved me."

You nodded, "of course I did."

He wasted no time, wrapping you in a tight hug, pulling you against him and holding on with everything he had. "I would never forgive myself if something happened to you," he whispered.

You pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours, "you'll never have to worry about that."

You helped Throin to his feet as the rest of the company gathered around you. In the distance you could see the outline of the Lonely Mountain, sitting tall against the gray backdrop.

"Is that the mountain?" Bilbo asked, taking a place next to you.

You nodded, "yes, our destination is near."

Bilbo smiled, "Good, I do believe the worst is behind us." 

The Lady of Erebor (Thorin / Fili / Kili x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now