Authors Note

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All right! So this is a sequel to my prior work Requiem of the Broken. If you haven't read that one, then you are going to be VERY lost.

Secondly, I want to thank everyone who stuck around and waited after Requiem of the Broken ended. I know it was a long wait, but hopefully, you'll be satisfied. I will try and follow the same kind of schedule I did with Requiem of the Broken. Roughly a chapter a week, usually dropping on Sunday, but Saturday and Monday also being possibilities depending on how my schedule works out. All my chapters will also fall between 2,500-3,500 words on average but may rarely exceed or fall short of that average.

Thirdly, and lastly, I hope you all enjoy the story. Took me a while to nail down the plot and the story. I talked my proofreader's ear off at times just throwing ideas at him and sometimes I spent hours just ranting to myself like a madman in an attempt to think of ideas haha... So here's hoping the story doesn't come off as the ramblings of a madman!

I wanted to talk about my side story Requiem of War real quick. As is obvious to anyone who followed it I kinda stopped updating it a while ago...
It was always meant to be a more casual project for me while I worked on the sequel, with more infrequent updates and I never intended to let it languish like this.
Apart from hitting writer's block part way into it, I was also entering my final semester of college, dealing with some stuff involving my grandparents, and finally, my worst enemy being myself and my ADHD.
This culminated in me forgetting I even had a side project to begin with, even as I worked on the plot and story for the sequel. So yeah... business as usual for me and casual personal projects... No idea if I'll go back to this at this point, so I might just opt to clean up what chapters it does have and maybe throw out one last chapter or two. We'll see.

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