Chapter 6: Departure

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The first thing she was aware of was how comfy she was. It was nice and warm, with the muffled sound of birdsong in the background. She debated opening her eyes, but sweet temptation won out and she snuggled into Izuku's side and fell back asleep. When she next awoke, however, it was due to Izuku shaking her. She blearily opened her eyes and yawned.

"Ochako wake up, we're running late," Izuku said.

Ochako looked at the clock, and the sight caused her adrenaline to start pumping. They would have to move fast to ensure they weren't late. They quickly got out of bed, dressed, and ate a hasty breakfast.

"You have everything you need right? Not forgetting anything?" Ochako called from the bathroom as she tried to get her bedhead under control.

Izuku opened and quickly scanned over everything in his bags.

"I think I do," he called back.

"What about her present?"

Izuku froze, then walked over to his side of the bed and grabbed the small bag that had fallen onto the floor, outside of his vision.

"Thank you," he called.

Ochako sighed and smiled, then scowled as her hair refused to cooperate. She tried for a few minutes more before finally getting it into a place where she was satisfied. She came out of the bathroom and saw Izuku had already grabbed his bags, so she followed him out.

Izuku was waiting in the doorway, bags in his hands and ready to go. Ochako took one of the bags from him and after checking once more that he had everything, they set out. They moved briskly across the grounds, but just as they got a third of the way to the parking lot, Ochako's phone rang.

"Where are you?" Came Tsu's voice.

Ochako internally winced, "We're a third of the way there, we overslept a little." She said apologetically.

"So long as you're out the door, you should be fine ribbit," Tsu said, before hanging up.

"We'd better pick up the pace a little," Ochako said.

Izuku nodded and they broke into a light jog.

When they got to the parking lot, Tsu's car was already running and she looked over at them as they approached. They put Izuku's bags in the trunk then quickly opened the doors and got in. Tsu put her car into drive, and before much longer they were driving down the street and toward the gates.

The gates opened automatically as they approached and they pulled onto the main road, Tsu setting a course for the train station. A few minutes after Ochako and Izuku got settled in their seats, Ochako up front with Izuku in the back, Tsu glanced over at Ochako and then Izuku.

"So... how are you two feeling about all this?" she asked.

"I mean, it's for the best," Ochako said.

"She can't stay in the city, it's not good for her," Izuku added.

"True, but that's not what I asked," Tsu said.

There was silence for a bit and both Ochako and Izuku thought about it.

"I'll miss her, she's a sweet girl. It was nice playing with her and helping her." Ochako said sadly.

"I'll miss her too, but the city isn't where she needs to be. It will be years before she's ready for any social interaction on the level she'll get in a city. That's not to mention that the city is only getting busier and the constant flow of vagrants in and out of the city. The place is a growing hotbed for crime due to the low manpower of police and heroes. The longer she stays, the slower her recovery will be and the more likely she'll be traumatized by something else." Izuku said with a sigh, a troubled expression on his face.

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