Chapter 16: Forlorn

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"Is there no other option? What about the girl, Eri?" Nezu asked looking up from the medical documents in front of him.

"I've already gone through quirk records and I've not come across any that could help. Quirks useful in healing are rare." Okimi said with a sigh.

"As for Eri, that won't be possible either. She's used her quirk accidentally a few times, but only to rewind a few minutes to an hour at most. But that's beside the point, she can't consciously use it. Every time she had, she was under significant stress. All of her trauma is tied to her quirk, and she's actively blocking out her ability to use it consciously. If we forced her, there is no telling what damage it would do to her. As a Doctor I can't allow that, nor would Izuku or Uraraka." Okimi said firmly.

Nezu nodded, knowing Okimi was right. Izuku and Uraraka both would rather die than torture the poor girl.

"How long will Uraraka last in the pod?" Nezu asked.

"I can't be sure, but from what we do understand about its function, I'd say... six years? Five at minimum. I have no idea what the upper limit could be though." Okimi said apologetically.

Nezu sighed, put his paws together, closed his eyes, and rested his forehead against them.

"Her mere presence was of tremendous help. Not to mention she's a national hero and well-known overseas as well." Nezu said, the exhaustion in his voice evident.

"She was thinking of retiring from heroics you know. Considering the second problem you mentioned, I think she would have when she found out. It probably would have been for the best."

"I wish there was another option, but this is the only one we have to keep her alive," Okimi said.

"And Izuku?" Nezu asked, not looking up.

"He's happy we can keep her alive while we work to figure something out, but... the twin pieces of news came as a great shock to him. He needs time and a lot of it. Probably some professional help too, sooner rather than later. Frankly, he should have gone to see someone before now. He has enough internal problems, these latest pieces of news aren't going to help." Okimi said massaging her temples with one hand.

"I'll see to it he starts to see Dr. Minoru," Nezu said.

"Good. Now, I better get going. Thanks for the tea Nezu." Okimi said, getting up and taking her leave of his home.

Leaving Nezu to ponder a future that had suddenly become more bleak.


The knock on the door shattered the silence. Tsu set her book down, stood from her chair, and walked to the door. She opened to see Ahmya on the other side, dressed in casual clothes, and an eyepatch covering her missing eye. She let her in without a word and the two sat down in the living room.

"Thanks for coming," Tsu said demurely.

"It's no trouble," Ahmya said, leaning forward, elbows on her knees.

"I was hoping you might be able to help. You know Izuku better than anyone else right now, except maybe Bakugo but he's... not the right person for this." Tsu said.

"You got that right..." Ahmya muttered to herself, before focusing on Tsu fully.

"I'll help in any way I can, but what happened? I assume it's related to Ochako?" Ahmya asked.

Tsu nodded. "Yes. It'll take some time to explain though, would you like coffee or tea?" Tsu offered.

"No thank you, I don't drink coffee and I've found I'm not fond of most teas," Ahmya said shaking her head.

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