Important Announcement

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All right so this is a pretty important update.

I've decided to cut back on my release schedule. A chapter a week worked great on Requiem of the Broken, but only because when I was writing it I had some "fuck you" energy going into it. I initially started to work on it out of frustration with the manga's writing, and annoyance with the quality of fanfiction surrounding stuff like IzuOcha amongst others. I was also in the middle of my senior semester of college and was doing plenty of papers and even learning how to write screenplays in my last semester. All the factors aligned to drive me to write like a madman. I wanted to prove, to myself if nothing else, that you don't need a degree or specific training to be able to write a competent story. Just some bloody common sense, a basic understanding of literature, and willingness to put in the effort. (I was and kinda still am mad at how much crap storytelling I'm seeing nowadays from supposed "professionals". Which I guess would make for another source of my "fuck you" energy when writing Requiem of the Broken)

Anyway, when the story finished, I also graduated from college not long after. A sort of perfect ending to it all.

Then it came time for a sequel, planning out the story and plot, and getting various life aspects in order. But by the time it came to start publishing chapters, I didn't have that "fuck you" energy, the environment, or as much dissatisfaction with the manga. I'd sort of accepted the manga's current state as not changing.

I also realized I'd written/planned a lot of depressing stuff for this story overall. Of course, I like to say I balance it out throughout the story, but it has more sad stuff front-loaded in comparison to its predecessor. And the more I put out, the more depressed I got. And this past week I finished the story beginning, and these last two chapters have been a true slog to write. In part because writing them often got my mood down.

So... I'm taking an extended break to instead work on my Pokémon fanfic idea. I need something more lighthearted and fun to balance out the darker themes of Requiem of Revolution. So next month and this week there will be no MHA updates. Instead, I'm gonna throw some of my Pokémon ideas out there.

I know it's not what people hoped for (it's not what I hoped for either), or expected and I cannot express how sorry I am about this. But understand that I'm not giving up on MHA, I'll see it through and fortunately, it should be shorter than its predecessor. The fact that Requiem of the Broken was as long as it was still shocks me...

This will probably be a recurring thing, maybe bimonthly maybe longer or shorter, it depends on how things go. But for my sanity and quality of the story, this must be done.

Lastly, in a worst-case scenario. If, for whatever reason I give up on it or if my life completely changes in a very fundamental way, where continuing to write in the long term is impossible. Then I'll upload my documents detailing the story and characters, I'll never see it relegated to "permanent hiatus" status where people have no closure (Like many, MANY, other good fanfic's that I've gotten invested in). Even if that closure comes in the form of a Word document.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this story and its predecessor. I'll never be able to express in words how it feels, or what it means to me. I hope you'll continue to read and enjoy this story in the times to come.

Pokemon Post-Script

All right, well that's the announcement done, and this bit is gonna be about my Pokemon idea. So if it doesn't interest you, fair enough. But if you are interested, then thank you for your interest.

 I had this idea a really, really, long time ago. More of a vague concept than anything else. It will focus on James of Team Rocket when he ran away from home and eventually found himself with Team Rocket. Except, unlike in Cannon, Growlie his childhood Growlithe and companion, goes with him when he runs away.

I always wondered, even when I was a kid, what might have been if Growlie had gone with him. Then, when I finished Requiem of the Broken, I realized I could explore that concept myself. I'd be keeping with anime logic for the story, and unlike my Requiem series, I have no long-term plan for it. Just some fun ideas, thrown into a garden and left to grow at will. I'll try to keep things consistent as best I can with the anime, but I warn you now, I never watched Pokemon past Black and White, with most of that series being a blur at this point anyway. It won't be nearly as grim as Requiem of the Broken/Revolution turned out, and I'm not gonna put a lot of effort into planning, so I can keep that focus on Requiem of Revolution. I'll probably put out the first chapter next month.

I hope to see some of you over there!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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