Chapter 9: Split and Stitch

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Bakugo opened the door and stepped inside the large conference room. As he expected, almost everyone was already present; the surviving members of 1A, Nezu with most of the U.A. staff, high-ranking members of the H.A., other high-profile heroes including Mirko (who had moved to Mufustafu), Hawks, and Best Jeanist to name the names he knew personally. Then there was the commander of the QSU Rikugun-Shōshō Genryusai, accompanied by his team of other highly ranked officers including Ahmya Baresi, Izuku's friend.

He briefly recalled running into her in the hospital as she was leaving after seeing Izuku, warning him that he was asleep and should come back tomorrow. He wasn't one to take the advice of others he didn't know very seriously, but he had been willing to listen to her, if only because of her close connection to Izuku.

It took him but a moment to register everyone present, and he walked over to where Kirishima and Mina were seated. He grabbed a seat and plopped himself down just as the rest of 1A noticed him. He'd never been part of a briefing of this scale before, but given the situation, he wasn't surprised. He could only imagine what kind of response the abduction of All Might might have generated. It probably would have been bigger, but Ochako's fame could not be underestimated.

"Hey man, how's it going?" Kirishima asked, trying his best to be upbeat, but not quite selling it.

"Fine, I just want this to get underway so we can get to work," Bakugo said.

"How was Izuku?" Tsu asked, coming up behind him.

"He's managing." He responded.

When Tsu just continued to stare at him expectantly, he sighed.

"He's angry, probably wants to be here, but isn't physically capable. Not that he would have been invited anyway. That being said, he recovers pretty fast so I imagine he'll be fit in several more days." He elaborated.

"Several days? He should be out for weeks!" Momo suddenly chimed in, looking shocked and worried. "He lost enough blood that it should have killed him. Transfusion or not, you can't just replace that much blood that fast."

Bakugo just shrugged, "He recovers from any injury pretty fast, not to mention he's durable as fuck. Don't forget all the fights he was a part of during the Zeus crises. If he can take hits from me and Zeus without issue, he can survive blood loss."

"Damn..." Kirishima said looking impressed.

"It does sound like he has a physical enhancement quirk," Shoto said.

"That's why it never occurred to anyone that Izuku and The Hunter were the same person. Despite being quirkless, he has exhibited feats that one would attribute to a quirk." Tokoyami said.

"That aside, do you think he might try and do something?" Tsu asked.

"He's angry and likely thinks that it's all his fault. I'd be surprised if he didn't try something." Bakugo said.

"Do you think someone needs to watch him? As capable as he is, his judgment will likely be seriously impaired by his closeness to Ochako." Momo asked.

Before Bakugo could respond, Mina spoke for the first time.

"What about us?" she asked quietly.

"We are trusted and trained to be able to act calmly and rationally, no matter the circumstances," Shoto said.

Bakugo wasn't sure all of them would be able to do that however, Kirishima and Mina both were extremely kind-hearted, and more emotional than either himself or Shoto. He trusted them implicitly of course, but he did have silent concerns in this case. Even if their emotions got the better of them though, Bakugo wouldn't be swayed so easily. He had always thought of himself as more pragmatic than most of his classmates.

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