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Two and a half weeks after Operation Hiraishin

"Almost got the door open, the damn thing is stuck..." grunted the worker.

After another minute of work, the mechanism in the wall gave way and the door slid open suddenly, causing the worker to fall backward, the lever he was using to pry the door open falling to the metal flooring with a loud clang.

"Finally!" He said.

"All right, let's see what we got" muttered a tech, walking past him and into the room. Another tech and the worker followed after.

There was a snap, and several motes of light suddenly flew out from one of the techs, illuminating the space to reveal a sparse office, with not much in it apart from a computer and several desks. One desk had been destroyed by falling rubble, which had caused papers to spill out across the floor. 

The worker sighed and started clearing out rubble from the room, while one of the techs started gathering up papers, and the other started working on the computer.

They'd managed to restore power to the base from the generator in the basement of the base. That had been their primary objective when they started working through the rubble from the fortress's partial collapse. What they hadn't expected though, was for the security system to have a backup power supply, and still being operational even almost three weeks later.

Minutes ticked by with the only sound being that of the worker's grunts and the clacking of keyboards; eventually, the worker left, leaving the techs alone with the computer. The tech handling the papers gathered them all up along with any other papers in the remaining desks and started organizing them according to content and putting them into folders.

Most consisted of various basic medical notes and medical information of personnel, nothing interesting. However, some documents were more esoteric, talking about projects and subjects that the tech had no information about. The two of them were part of a small group of people authorized to review such information due to the likely sensitive nature of some of the research they were likely to find. They hadn't found much however, the lower levels of the base had been pretty well swept and they had found scant information on Zeus's experiments. Until recently the upper levels had been well buried, especially the giant shaft that had been used to transport large quantities of supplies. It had taken a full team equipped with appropriate tools and quirks to clear out enough rubble to make it traversable. Now, however, they were starting to make headway.

"Find anything interesting?" asked the tech at the computer.

"Some of it is interesting, but it's pretty basic overall from what I can glean with a cursory look. You?" the other tech said, stuffing a pile of papers into a sealable folder.

"Same here, looks like this was a personal computer for one of the techs working on a project codenamed ZERO BLOOD. Nothing on specifics though, just stuff about..." The tech started saying before trailing off.

"What is it?" the other tech asked, standing up and looking at the screen as well.

They were both silent for a time, just staring at the screen and its contents their frowns deepening.

"Is this real? There's no way they could have managed this..." the tech standing behind the other said incredulously.

"It's gotta be... but this is crazy, even if Zeus did manage to take the Nomu research into a new direction and create his hounds from it, there is no conceivable way he could have managed this," the sitting tech said.

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