Chapter 14: Bloodbound

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He awoke around noon the next day, his body a sore mess, and bruises all over his body. He winced and grimaced as he got up off the sofa and went to take a long bath. He needed the soak, it didn't take long before he felt his stiff muscles starting to relax. He spent a while there, letting his thoughts wander, all of which centered on Ochako and Tsu's warning from the previous night. Eventually, he sighed and got out of the bath, he needed to get ready for the day.

He dried off and dressed quickly, not bothering with his hair beyond a quick combing, which didn't do much. Then he was out the door, making his way to the hospital.

As he passed the numerous people of the city on his way to a bus stop, he noticed how they went about their lives as if nothing last night had happened. For a brief moment, he felt a rush of resentment towards them, but as quickly as it had come, it left. Instead, he envied them their normal lives, simpler lives. As he rode the bus, he heard snippets of conversation. A group of junior high students on their way to school, discussing their exams; a pair of older women discussing current food prices and where to find the best deals. He couldn't help but smile to himself. While he might envy and resent it to a certain extent, the fact they could even talk about such subjects meant that they felt safe enough. Which, he supposed, Ochako would be happy about.

Suddenly the bus started to roll to a stop, and before he knew it, he was clambering off the bus, and walking along the sidewalk to the hospital.

The hospital had a steady stream of people coming and going, but when he walked inside he didn't have to wait for anyone ahead of him. He walked up to the nurse at the desk, who looked at him as he approached.

"I'm here for a visitation," Izuku said, forstalling any questions.

"Who for?" The nurse said, going to her computer and bringing up their list of people hospitalized.

"Ochako Uraraka."

There was a brief silence as the nurse started combing through records before she looked back up at him.

"I'm sorry but there is no one by that name present." She said apologetically.

Izuku blinked in surprise.

"What? She was brought here last night via helicopter." Izuku said, confused.

At this, a realization seemed to strike the nurse.

"Ah, in that case, it's probably a matter of she hasn't been fully registered in the system yet. One moment," she said and made a quick call.

She spoke with the person on the other end for a moment before ending it.

"She is currently in the psychiatric ward, but you've been given special permission to see her." The nurse said then then told Izuku how to get to her room.

Izuku immediately flashed back to last night as he talked with Tsu.

"-but Izuku, when you visit her tomorrow. You... it might not go the way you hope."

Something like this must have happened before if Tsu could have predicted what condition Ochako would be in.

He walked to the relevant room, a bit numb feeling, fearful of what state Ochako might be in. As he was turning a corner, however, he nearly walked into a diminutive middle-aged woman with large glasses. Before he could give an apology, however, the woman beat him to the punch.

"Are you Izuku Midoriya?" she asked, looking him up and down.

"Uhh, yes?" He said confused.

"Mm. I'm the head of the psych ward here, my name is Hitsu Sone. You're here to see Ms. Uraraka correct?" she asked, adjusting her glasses

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