Chapter 1: Dark Dawns

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Ochako gazed into the night sky, blanketed in stars and the Milky Way stretching across it. A meteor shower broke up the stillness and the lapping of the waves against the shore added a beautiful ambiance.

At this moment, she felt free from everything. At this moment she could forget everything.

And yet...

Something was wrong.

The sound of the waves grew steadily louder, but she couldn't look away from the starry sky. Only now it wasn't so comforting as the stars seemed to be looking back at her.

A sense of forbidding formed within her and she finally tore her eyes away from the sky and looked around her. She realized she was deep in the water, water that did not reflect the light of the stars. It was black and churning angrily. She got to her feet and looked around for the shore as the water lapped at her almost in anger.

The water grew angrier, becoming thick, clawing at her. Like hands, it seemed to grab hold of her and try and drag her under. She thrashed desperately but couldn't stop it, only barely managing to keep her head and shoulders above the water. She looked to stary sky for aid, for anything that might save her.

Yet the stars were gone, replaced by a million tiny eyes staring at her, unblinking, accusatory. She screamed in terror, the eyes content to watch as the water slowly dragged her millimeter by millimeter downward. She thrashed desperately, some of the black water getting into her mouth and tasting of ash and burning. 

Now the entire water was starting to burn her, a sea of burning blackness, eager to drag her under.

She looked up once more and suddenly saw a figure standing above her, tall, imposing, and dark, silhouetted against the sea of eyes. He stood atop the water staring down at her, two red unblinking eyes blazing down at her, the only thing of his body that was visible. 

"HELP ME!" She screamed out, trying to reach a hand out to him.

The figure said nothing and just continued to look down at her.

Then slowly, he raised one boot above her head. Then slowly, agonizingly slowly he moved it toward her face. She tried to stop him, desperately trying to stop his boot but it was unstoppable.

"NO!" She screamed tears running down her face as the water burned hotter scalding her and torturing her.

"DON'T DO THIS IZUKU!" She screamed.

"You are unworthy..." he whispered, his voice echoing across the water, creating a chorus that repeated the words endlessly.

He just pressed down on her face obscuring one eye as he pushed her under the water, drowning her in the scalding black water under a sea of eyes in the sky gazing down unfeelingly.

As the water overtook her, she looked down and saw that it was no longer the water pulling her down, but the skeletal visage and body of Stain, his mad eyes smiling in delight, a rictus grin on his face.

"Death, to the false hero." He whispered and then pulled her into the void of the darkness that lay at the bottom of the burning ocean. All of it overseen by the sea of stars that lay in the sky above.


Ochako awoke, eyes flying open and seeing nothing but darkness. For a moment, she thought the nightmare had come with her, she and her chest heaved, desperate for air, as if she had just been saved from drowning

She felt a weight atop her, and she thrashed about, throwing the covers off of her bed and she sat bolt upright, shivering and gasping. Over time she started to make sense of her surroundings and her sense of reality started to return.

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