Chapter 10: Shattered

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The door to the conference room opened and Hawks, accompanied by Naomasa entered the room. The murmurs that had been present immediately died down and everyone watched as Hawks and Naomasa took up positions at the head of the table, a laptop open and the projector on.

As the two settled in their seats, they had a quick conversation that no one could hear before Hawks turned to face the assembled group and cleared his throat. The projector turned on and a picture of a ruined building was displayed, clearly located in the ruined sector.

"As you are all aware, we made a breakthrough in the Ochako Abduction case. We were alerted to a widespread power outage in the ruined sector, followed by gunfire and explosions. Dynamite was nearby and promptly investigated, discovering the commotion to have come from a bar long known to be a hotbed for criminal activity. After subduing criminal elements, he collected statements that indicated that The Hunter had stormed the building and captured two of the people inside. We later received a message from The Hunter himself, leading us to where he had deposited the two." Hawks said, the projector's image changing to that of an abandoned office building.

"We brought the two men in for questioning and discovered that they were members of a hit squad specializing in abductions, with one of them being their leader. They revealed to us that they were responsible for the disappearance of Aria Lin from the forest we had tracked her down to. They likely beat our retrieval team there by a day or two. While this alone is cause for concern and further investigation, they also told us where they had delivered her too. While they didn't know where Ochako was being held, there is a better than average chance that she's being held in the same location." Hawks continued, the image now changing to a satellite image of a large industrial warehouse.

Hawks then sat down, with Naomasa taking the lead. The image changed again, to what was an image of the building before its ruination.

"The building was a chemical storage facility before its ruination. Nothing too dangerous, and reports show everything was moved after the devastation. The building is quite large and has a basement, this is where Ochako Uraraka would be held if anywhere. It is however host to various rooms and chambers, some designed to be locked down in the event of a catastrophic chemical breach, making locating her a potentially time-consuming task." Naomasa said, going through a plethora of images taken of the site during a state inspection to ensure all the chemicals had been moved.

Suddenly Rikugun-Shōshō Genryusai stood, drawing everyone's attention to him.

"I was given an abbreviated briefing earlier, and I would like to propose a course of action." He said, hands pressing against the table as he looked at everyone at the large table.

"We have some of the best heroes in this very room, not to mention myself and Gunsō Ahmya. I will personally lead a strike team to secure Ochako Uraraka tomorrow morning. Between the heroes present and my and Gunsō Ahmya's squad, I am confident we can accomplish our objective." he boldly declared.

This pronouncement immediately caused a great deal of discussion, but Bakugo and the rest of 1A were mostly left out of it. There wasn't any need to involve them after all, everyone present knew they would go even if they weren't asked.


He sat against the wall, his heart going a mile a minute. He gazed at the comatose form of the scarlet-haired woman; no.... not woman, monster. He could only compare her near-unstoppable power to that of the Angels, Shigiraki, Stars and Stripes, and All Might. All monsters in human form, and she was just another one of their kind. He spat on the ground, phlegm and blood visible in it and he winced.

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