Chapter 3

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She woke up in a large ornate bed with dark bedding. The bedding was made up of black sheets and various dark colored animal furs. It was a different room than before. The bedposts were very dark brown and looked like trees with branches going up the sides of the bed.

She stared up at the ceiling which was a painted sky with blues and purples with white fluffy clouds. The ceiling was very tall, as tall as some of the ceilings found in the ruins. She sat up on the bed and noticed the walls were a dark blue color and had large windows which were almost floor to ceiling. It was daytime and the views were of rolling fields of grass. Then she looked down at herself and noticed she was not wearing the clothes from before, neither her dress nor the cream colored piece. She was wearing a small white flowy dress with a square neckline. The bandage on her palm was also gone and her hand was completely healed. She remembered her bracelet and let out a sigh, feeling sadness and hopelessness.

One of the walls had a door that disappeared in which the hunter walked out from. The door was black and barely visible against the dark shade of blue from the walls. She gaped at the man that sauntered past her. She thought that this could not be the same man. His hair was cut short, the top strands not even reaching his ears. His hair very short against his head. Also, his beard was gone. His hair was a sandy brown color with lighter brown highlights throughout. It was not in any particular style and looked a little messy in the front. He was wearing a white cloth that was wrapped lowly around his waist and stopped above his knees. Her eyes grew wider as she stared at him, at his muscles, at his golden tan skin. He was like no one she had ever seen, a thought that kept popping up in her mind. She looked at his wide shoulders, his pectoral muscles, his strong arms, and down towards his abdominal muscles. Her eyes trailing to the cloth below until her cheeks reddened, her breathing more shallow, her legs moving farther away from each other. She felt tingling and a heat go throughout her body and an unmistakable sensation between her legs. He looked at her then. His forest green eyes, no longer glowing as they were the night he took her, flashed towards her looking into her sky blue ones. She sank down in the bed and slapped her legs tightly together which made a sound as he and she made eye contact, a slight smirk was on his face. She covered her head with a sheet and groaned when she saw him open his mouth and laugh.

"He saw me looking." She thought. "He, my captor, saw me." The tingling, heat, and flush in her cheeks and in between her legs still lingering.

She stayed in the bed awake for quite some time, unsure of what, if anything, she could do. The time passed minutes, hours. She only resolved to get up when she heard her stomach grumble.

"When was the last time I ate?" She questioned herself. "How long have I been away from home." Thinking about home made her lose her appetite. She thought about Kieran, about her family, and wondered what they must be thinking.

"Did they know I have been taken?" She questioned. Her bracelet was gone. "Maybe I dropped it in the forest." Not wanting to lose hope she also thought that they might be tracking her. "Soon," she thought, "soon Kieran, my family, and friends will take me away from this place."A smile forming on her lips. " Far away from this place and far away from this man."

With new resolve she got up out of the bed. "Maybe I can even escape myself." Her stomach grumbled once more. "Well, after I get something to eat."

She walked around the room cautiously, unsure of herself. She walked around the room and stared out the windows to the rolling green fields. She looked for any doors, but only found the one that he had walked out of. She didn't know how or where he left the room.

She walked towards the only door and it disappeared for her as she passed through it. She still found it strange. On the other side was a bathroom of sorts. The room was made up of large stones cut into rectangular pieces that were a mix of lighter brown and darker brown colors. They were rough in texture, not too rough, but they were not smooth. The walls and the floor were made up of these stones. In the middle of the room was the bath with water pouring in it from the wall behind it. The stones on that wall were haphazardly placed one on top of the other. They were also different shapes and sizes. The water came from a hole cut through these stones. The bath itself was very large and was made from the same lighter and darker brown stones. She walked up to the bath and peered in and saw that the water was crystal clear. She also saw stairs that led down lower into the bath. Taking a bath was the last thing on her mind. Although she had no idea of when her last bath had been.

"Maybe I should start with a bath." She thought to herself. "It could be nice." So she stripped out of her clothes and walked into the bath. The water was warm and felt amazing. After a while she stood up against the wall, closed her eyes and let that water fall down her face and hair. She stood there for minutes, possibly, enjoying herself when she felt as though she was being watched. She stepped out from the water that was falling on her head and face and opened her eyes to see him standing in front of her watching her. He was wearing a black shirt that clung to his muscles and matching pants that did the same. The same heat and tingling sensation went through her body. She rubbed her legs together and almost let out a moan. She looked into his eyes. He had a smirk on his face and held out a white cloth for her to wrap around herself.

She looked down immediately. Horrified that the water only reached a little past her waist. She was standing topless in front of him. Her cheeks burned red and she quickly moved her arms and hands over her chest. He laughed then.

"Oh Goddess, don't cover those plump perky breasts up." He spoke deep and lowly. He had a smirk as he spoke, his eyes looking a darker shade of green than usual. She still did not understand him, but could only guess what he was talking about. She stomped over to him, completely exposing the rest of her body as she snatched the cloth away wrapping it around herself. She huffed and walked past him back to the room. He smiled throughout the interaction.

Once in the room she noticed the table and all of the food on it. She recognized some of the foods on the table, maybe some fruit, while others looked exotic. But everything smelled and looked delicious. She hesitated before relenting to her stomach, which started to grumble once more.


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