Chapter 13

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The hunter made sure she was settled in the rooms, then made a hasty retreat. She ate, cleansed herself, and changed into the grey outfit that he left. When it was time for sleep, the bed felt big and empty. She felt something was missing. She went to lie down on the couch and felt the same. Her pacing around the room did nothing to alleviate her sorrowful mood.

"He wouldn't let me sleep alone, and now I'm here all alone." The strangeness of her situation ever present in her mind. Her thoughts drifted back to Kieran and her family. She sighed. She wondered if she would ever see them again. She had to believe that she would. She wondered if her relationship with Kieran would be the same. Kieran was the person she loved, her friend since childhood, and the one she would be united with. In the back of her mind the words the hunter spoke made their way forward.

"You're mine now, Goddess." He had said. The times she spent in his arms haunted her. She thought about his kisses, his body, his intoxicating smell. She had never felt such an intense desire. "You feel it the same as I do." The hunter's words were so fresh in her mind. She did feel it, she felt it through her body right down to the deepest part of her soul. She had never before questioned her love for Kieran. Now, she wasn't so sure. This angered her.

"Aggravating man," she thought, no longer feeling the sorrow from moments ago. "He must be enchanting me." He was definitely causing her to be confused about Kieran. "Maybe he has a device that causes these feelings." The more she thought about it, the more angrier she became. "He has a device that teaches a language. Is altering one's feelings that different?" Her need for answers was consuming her. "I am his prisoner," she reminded herself. "He took me by force from my friends and family, from Kieran." She continued to pace back and forth, until her thoughts and feelings were all consuming.

"I'm going to go tell him just how angry I feel." She huffed. "Maybe I'll force him to give me some answers." With that last thought she stormed out of the room and out onto the planet. Foolishly, the hunter had forgotten to lock her in the rooms. He had been in a hurry to leave.

Where the hunter had gone was a mystery to her. Her anger, however, fueled her onward. She stomped around the picturesque hills. She snapped the smaller branches of the trees she passed. She kicked at everything in her way. The small animals that resided where she stormed through scurried away from her. The two small moons in the sky and her illuminating hair and freckles provided her with enough light to go on her rampage. She paused at one point and looked up at the sky.

"Two, how strange," she thought. Her planet only had one. "Planet," she thought about the word. The hunter had taken her and now everything was different. She had a great life before. She was at peace and she had Kieran. Now everything was wrong. She stomped around and made her way towards the river. Something collided with her, taking her breath away. Her body landed on something hard, pain shot up through her body. She felt his warm strong body up above and against her soft slender one. He pinned both of her hands behind her back. His mouth was right on her neck and she felt him breathing in her scent. She felt her body tense up in fear, but also felt an unmistakable desire. The hunter kissed her neck.

"I told you to stay on my ship," he growled out very lowly on her neck.

"I'm angry with you," she said, in the bravest voice she could muster. He kissed her neck. "I need to speak with you," she said, timidly. He responded with more kisses. This annoyed her and she began to struggle to break free. She felt him bite down on her neck. It wasn't enough to break her skin, but it warned her to stay still.

"I'm hunting, and it's dangerous for you," he growled.

"How is it dangerous for me?" she whispered the words. He released her hands and looked into her eyes, his eyes glowing green. "Are you a danger to me? You said that I should never be afraid of you. What more could you possibly do to me?"

"Oh there's far more I could do, beloved mate," he said lowly. She pushed on his chest to try to get away.

"Ouch," she said, when a sharp pain came from her elbow. The hunter immediately got off of her and inspected her elbow. His eyes reverted to their usual shade as he looked over her. He immediately reached into a small bag that hung around his waist and pulled out salve.

"I'm sorry, you hurt it when I pushed you to the ground," he mumbled. He reached out to put it on her, when she sat up and shook her head.

"No," she said, frowning. "I don't want you to touch me." She held her arm close to her body, cradling her elbow.

"Please," he pleaded, with a frown on his face.

"You leave me all alone and then you injure me," she said while she pouted. A small smile formed on his lips. She frowned then.

"I think I will postpone my hunting until tomorrow night," the hunter said, still smiling. "Tonight I need to take care of you. Where else does it hurt?"

"Everywhere," she whined. He raised an eyebrow.

"Everywhere," he repeated, trying to conceal his growing excitement while turning away from her. "Then I insist on rubbing salve everywhere."

"It's the least you could do," she said, pouting again. He turned around to look at her.

"I think you hit your head, my beautiful Goddess," he said, while he picked her up in his arms. She sighed, but felt content.

Thank you for reading. Also thank you for any likes and comments. ❤️

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