Chapter 4

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She woke up disoriented lying across the bed still wrapped in the white cloth from earlier. She had attempted to redress herself in the dress she wore earlier, but found it gone when she went to use the facilities to relieve herself. She soon fell asleep on the bed after she had gorged herself with food and drink. It was dark in the room. For a moment she forgot where she was. That moment, however, did not last long. Her kidnapping played out fresh in her mind and she grumbled aloud. She got up out of the bed and stumbled around. She walked out towards the windows and was confused. Instead of the rolling green fields, she saw darkness, an eerie fog and trees.

"Strange, what is this place?" She thought as a fear of not knowing where she was or more importantly how to get back came over her. She was very far away from home. She was certain of it now. But her curiosity about where she was had not left.

She was still looking out a window when he came up beside her. She did not see him, but sensed him the same as before in the forest. She shivered a little remembering their first encounter and tightly gripped the cloth around her. Her heart beat a little faster and her breathing quickened.

"Admiring the view?" He spoke up behind her. His voice deep and authoritative as usual. A shiver ran along her spine. Then she froze.

"Did I hear that right?" She questioned, becoming alarmed. She turned around to face him. His intense green eyes looking into her fearful blue eyes. Her heart was beating even faster. She had stopped breathing. Some time passed as her brain was trying to comprehend what had happened.

"Did I just hear you ask about the view?" she questioned breathlessly. Her voice came out small and shaky.

"Yes," he said. He held out a small box in his hand. "It's a translator," he said with the same assertion as before. His green eyes looked intently at her.

"Translator," she repeated. Her voice the same as before. She was trying to understand how such a device could exist or even work.

"Lights," he said suddenly, breaking her out of her thoughts. Light flooded the room. He held up a piece of black cloth, a dress maybe.

"I would like you to wear this when you join me for dinner," he said in his deep authoritative voice. She stared at the dress in his outstretched hand.

"Where am I?" she asked ignoring what he said and now breathing normally. Her heart rate was decreasing as well.

"My home," he replied.

"Where is that?" she asked. Her curiosity about where she was still present.

"A very long way away from yours Goddess," he said grumbling.

"Can I return to my home?" she asked in a whisper, not wanting to waste an opportunity to ask, but still very much intimidated by the man that stood in front of her.

"No," he said abruptly and walked away throwing the dress on the bed as he left. She shivered a little as he left.

She watched him leave through a black door that she hadn't noticed before. She was sure that it wasn't there before. She turned her attention to the black dress that was thrown on the bed. She walked over to the bed and picked up the fabric. She was eager to wear something more than the small white cloth she clung on to. The dress looked strange, like it had missing pieces or holes. She turned it every way trying to figure out how to wear it. She was finally able to figure it out. The dress was long enough reaching her feet and had a high enough neckline. However it had two slits up the sides that went very far up her thighs. It also had two cut out holes one in the front that ran from her cleavage down to her belly button, the one in the back exposed her entire back and stopped right above her bottom. Small strings of black fabric held the holes so that the dress would not just fall off of her.

"No," she gasped looking down at the dress on her slender frame.

"Great, you're dressed," he said nonchalantly, suddenly appearing in the room. Then he looked at her, his eyes roaming all over her body.

"Beautiful," he murmured.

"I can understand you," she snapped looking at him. "I can also see you," she said as she crossed her arms in front of herself. Although he intimidated her, she found herself feeling brave.

"So?" he replied. "I enjoy looking at you, you enjoy looking at me." He spoke very casually.

"I don't enjoy looking at you," she scoffed. As she said that he let out a laugh.

"Oh Goddess, you more than enjoy looking at me," he smirked as he spoke. He looked at her, his eyes darkening as he did.

"You kidnapped me," she said angrily.

"Not on purpose," he spat. She looked down and started to tremble. She did not know this strange man. She did not know what he was capable of. She could not even trust the translator that made it so they could speak to one another.

"It was not my intention," he said softer. "I'm sorry," he said.

She shook her head, still looking down. She was afraid to look at him now. He looked down at her seeing her tremble. He didn't want her to be afraid of him. He let out a sigh.

"I'll bring the food to you," he said gruffly, leaving the room swiftly.

She stood there for a while not knowing what to do. Then she went back to one of the many windows and looked out it once more. She felt an overwhelming sadness and loneliness she had never felt before. She had never been apart from her family and friends and she missed them terribly.

After a while he brought in trays of food. She did not turn around to acknowledge him. She wasn't hungry. Her feelings of despair were enough to fill her up.

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