Chapter 11

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She awoke to kisses on her neck. There was little light in the room, mostly coming from her hair and freckles, as she opened her eyes and saw that she was in his bedroom on the spacecraft. She could smell his intoxicating scent and feel his strong body up against her. He was warm and she felt her body reacting to him. Her desire for him was strong. She groaned and tried to move away.

"No, mine," the hunter growled. She sighed and tried once more to escape. His grip only got tighter around her waist. Then she felt him licking and sucking on her neck. She felt heat and electricity travel down her body. She felt an unmistakable sensation between her legs. She curled her toes and squeezed her legs together.

"No," she scolded herself. She reminded herself of Kieran and how she needed to find a way to get home.

"Get off of me," she shouted. He immediately moved away and sat up with a confused look on his face.

"What's wrong?" he asked. She sat up and looked at him in his eyes.

"I have been promised to someone," she said with conviction. He yawned and stretched out his limbs a little.

"Not anymore," he said in a casual tone.

"What do you mean by that?" she spat out the words, feeling angry. He shrugged.

"You're mine now Goddess," he said, confidently.

"No, I'm not," she yelled. Her anger flowing through her body.

"You feel it, the same as I do," he said pausing, "the attraction, but it's so much more than that." His eyes glowed green for a few seconds, before they were back to his usual shade. She jumped off the bed quickly and began backing away.

"What are you?" her voiced croaked out as she asked, her hands up in front of her defensively.

"I am a hunter," he said in his deep authoritative voice. "I've told you this."

"Your eyes were glowing," she whispered out, her body going tense.

"Oh, that," he chuckled. "It happens when it's dark enough anywhere."

"No, it doesn't," she said with more confidence. He frowned.

"Don't be afraid of me Fae," he said looking concerned.

"How can I not be afraid of you?" she paused, nervously looking around the room, "when you force yourself on me constantly," she said, not looking at him.

"I'm sorry," he said softly, "but you smell and feel like you enjoy it."

"What do you mean by that?" she asked hotly, feeling bolder. Her cheeks were turning red from the embarrassment she was feeling.

"I can smell your arousal," he said with a shrug, "and feel your heart rate increasing when you get excited, as well as hear your breathing getting shallower." She glared at him.

"I won't deny that I am attracted to you, for some reason," she said, dismissively. "But what I have with Kieran is special." He huffed, shaking his head, as he looked right back at her. Then he let out a laugh as she continued to glare at him. He slid out of bed and sauntered over to her.

"You're cute Goddess, but we are at our destination and I have to prepare," he said winking at her. She crossed her arms in front of herself, pinched her lips together, and glared at him. He smiled, walked past her and spanked her bottom with his hand. She gasped.

"You enjoyed that," he said laughing while walking into another black door. She looked around her and now counted three doors.

"Oh, I give up," she grumbled to herself. She stomped out to the room with the couch and chairs and sat on the couch. It was then that she noticed that her clothes were different. She was wearing a brown shirt with sleeves down to her wrists and matching pants down to her ankles. She sat and thought about how her clothes were different from before. She did not remember changing.

"He's been changing my clothes," she thought, as more anger built up inside of her. Then her thoughts went somewhere darker. "What else has he done?" she questioned herself. A shudder went through her body.

He strode into the room, wearing the same clothes as he did in the forest that night he took her. She panicked a little and began to tremble. Her heart rate increased, as she thought about any possible exit. He looked down at her on the couch. He looked concerned. She did not look up at him, but knew he was looking at her.

"Please, don't be afraid of me. I won't hurt you," he said very softly while looking down at her. He walked towards the couch and kneeled in front of her.

"Please, don't be afraid of me. Please, trust me," he said softly. She looked at him then, her breathing shaky.

"You changed my clothes," she said, holding back tears.

"Yes," he said lowly, "I tried to wake you to change, a few days had passed."

"Days," she repeated the word.

"Yes," he said while shaking his head.

"What about food and drinks?" she questioned, her voice shaky.

"Oh, supplements," he said, looking at her concerned. She was still trembling. "Don't be afraid of me," he said in a commanding tone. Tears flooded down her face.

"Return me to my home," she said sobbing.

"I'm so sorry, I can't," he said softly. His eyes were sad as he looked at her, his mouth in a frown. "And I won't," he whispered. She nodded her head and curled up into a ball on the couch. She felt helpless and hopeless. He got up from the floor in front of her and walked to the small table in the room. He reached out and took the knife from the table, then walked to go out of the room. He paused before he left, turning around to look at her.

"I'm so sorry Fae. I wish I could make you happy," he said speaking lowly. "Please don't be afraid of me, never be afraid of me." Then he walked out of the room.


Thank you for reading. I felt a little sad writing the end of this chapter. 💔

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