Chapter 10

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The interior of the spacecraft was tan and white, a contrast from the dark colors on the outside. He carried her through the insides until he eventually reached a bed that he placed her on. She immediately recognized it as the room she was in from before, when he first captured her. She began to panic and looked at him confused and scared. Her heart rate already starting to increase. Quickly she scanned the room for a way out.

"It would be best if you rested," he said softly, with a concerned look. "Space travel on my ship is hard on the body." After speaking he quickly turned and walked away. She was left confused and irritated. She looked more intensely around the room. The room had more light in it now. It was still dim, but she could see that the bed coverings were a dark blue fabric that felt silky and soft to touch. The walls were a dark blue color as well and had nothing on them. There was also an ornate wooden desk and chair in a corner that she hadn't seen or noticed before.

She got off the bed and made her way to the other room. The room had a couch and chairs. She could see that the couch had a dark grey fabric, as well as the chairs. She walked up to the dark blue walls that had paintings on them and looked at the paintings. The paintings were of forests, mountains, grassy plains, and lakes. There was even one of an indigo colored stream. They were all beautiful and all of them slightly differed in the colors used depicting nature. She also saw a small dark wooden table in a corner of the room. It appeared to have some trinkets on it. She walked closer to it and picked up a large knife with a beautiful ornate handle. The handle was made of a very dark wood that had some carvings of tree branches. The other items she did not recognize, but they looked ancient.

She looked around the room for the other door that led out of the rooms and could not find it. She looked around the walls in frustration. There was no other door, just the one to the room with the bed in it. She huffed and used her hands to feel the walls in between the paintings. She also pressed her hands on the walls and shoved, hoping for the wall to give way. Nothing happened. He locked her in his room once again. She huffed angrily and balled up her hands getting ready to hit the walls, when she felt dizzy and faint. She made her way to the couch on her wobbly legs. She felt the room spin and saw stars right before there was nothing.

She woke up groggy. Her head hurt. She opened her eyes and saw the dark blue walls of the bedroom. She wanted to turn her body from her side when she realized the hunter's body was close up against hers, her back to his front. He was sound asleep and she could feel him breathing in and out. She needed to use the facilities. She squirmed around and tried to get free, causing him to tighten his grasp on her. She huffed out loud.

"This man treats me like his promised one. I'm not going to be mated to this man", she irritatedly thought.

"But, you are my mate," he said sleepily into her neck after moving his head there. He kissed her neck. She screamed silently and quickly jabbed her elbow into him. He grumbled and moved then.

"I need to use the facilities," she said out loud.

"Through the door," he grumbled, yawning.

"What door?" she questioned herself. "The one that leads to the other room."

"What door?" she asked. He huffed.

"That one," he said gruffly, picking up his arm and pointing with his hand in the opposite direction of the only door she knew of. She huffed and made sure he heard her as she headed in the direction he pointed to.

He was still lying in bed after she had relieved herself. The bed looked so enticing next to him, next to the beautiful wild man. She paced in front of the bed for a while. She wondered how much time had passed. She did not feel hungry or thirsty. She did, however, feel tired.

"What are you doing?" he grumbled some time later. She stopped pacing and stood completely still looking at him on the bed. Intimate thoughts about their times together passed through her mind. She didn't answer. He huffed loudly.

"Come back to bed. You need to rest," he said, sounding annoyed.

"Is there somewhere else I can rest?" she asked. She was very tempted by him and did not trust herself.

"No," he growled. She stood silent for awhile, then marched over to the door that led to the couch and chairs. She sat herself down on the grey couch and crossed her arms in front of her. A short time later, with an exasperated look on his face, he stood in front of her. He ran one of his hands through his hair and pulled at it. He looked so good. He was only wearing a pair of black loose fitting pants that hung lowly on him. She tried very hard not to look at his muscular upper body and tried even harder not to glance down below his waist.

"Why are you on the couch?" he growled, taking her out of her thoughts. She straightened her back more, pinched her mouth together, and glared up at him.

"I'm staying here," she said, confidently.

"No," he said, sternly. He moved quickly towards her picking her up and laying her on his shoulder with her bottom pointed up. He reached the bed and dropped her on it. She moved quickly to get off, but he was quicker grabbing her and holding her up against himself. She wiggled and struggled to get free.

"No," he growled lowly on her neck right below her ear. "You stay with me." She huffed and struggled once again. The same dizzy feeling came over her again as she was struggling. She closed her eyes.


Ten chapters. Thank you so much for reading everyone. And please excuse any mistakes. ❤️

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