Chapter 7

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***Trigger Warning***
-brief mention of sexual assault towards end of chapter
***Use of Adult language at the end of chapter***

She groaned and turned her head to the side. "What happened to me?" she thought. She was lying on one of the couches in the room where she had heard the music and spoke to the hunter.

"Well Goddess, that's two times you have fainted on me," the hunter teased in his deep voice. She groaned more.

"Why did he have to sound so attractive?" she thought and groaned some more. He laughed.

"Your little groans are cute, but I prefer your moans," he said, huskily. She sat up on the couch with a huff.

Light was pouring in from the window now as it looked as if it was morning. This time the view was of a lake. The hunter was sitting comfortably in one of the large chairs across from the couch she found herself on. The color of the couches and chairs was a dark brown color and the material looked as if it were made out of the hides of some animals. He was still wearing the black pants from the night before without a shirt. She couldn't help but admire him. His brown hair was tussled. His forest green eyes were bright. His lips were spread into a beautiful smile. His upper body muscles were on full display in the light of the room. She looked at him longingly.

"Why are you so attractive?" she mumbled out loud. Then she gasped and covered her mouth quickly, realizing she said that out loud. Her face was turning a deep red color. He laughed looking at her with a smirk, his eyes looking her over.

"Goddess I know you find me attractive and I find you attractive," he said. "In fact," he said pausing, "I find you irresistible." The hunter moved quickly out of his seat grabbing around her waist lifting her up to carry on one of his shoulders. Her mouth was open in shock, but she made no sound. Her bottom was in the air, as her head hung upside down. He quickly moved his way back to the room with the big bed, almost running down the hallways and leaping up the steps with her on his shoulder. He dropped her down on the bed when he reached it and quickly peeled off her black dress.

"No," she screamed at him. She pushed herself back, away from him.

"What now," he growled, sitting back.

"I can't do this, I don't know you," she said the words meekly as she grabbed a covering from his bed to put on herself.

"What do you want to know?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

"What?"she exclaimed. "I want to know why I'm here. I want to know where here is. I want to know why you took me. I want to know who you are. I want to know to know your name," she ranted. Then she paused and took a deep breath. "I also want to know why I can't go home," she said in a whisper looking down. "Also," she mumbled, "your mouth matches the words coming out of it and I feel a strange sensation in my head when you speak."

"Is that all Goddess?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"For now," she replied looking up to his face. "Also my name is Fae."

"Your name suits you Fae," he said smiling. "My name is my designation and rank in my society," he said proudly. "You may call me Hunter," he said sticking out his chest a little.

"Hunter," she repeated the word. "Your name suits you as well," she said confidently and he smiled back at her.

"The strange sensation you are feeling in your head means that the translator is working," he said.

"But why does your mouth match the words?" she asked confused.

"The translator teaches you my language Fae, in time you won't need it at all," he said. "With more time and practice, you can even learn to speak it," he said proudly. Her mouth hung open in shock, her eyes wide. She could not believe something like this could exist.

"Maybe I'm in a dream," she thought. "A very strange and long dream."

"You are here by accident," he continued, shaking her out of her thoughts. "You are in my home on my planet." Then he paused looking around and wrung his hands. "You can't go home because it's complicated," he said grumbling his last words.

"You hunted me in the forest," she said sternly. "How was that by accident?" she huffed out.

"I'm a hunter," he replied. "I was hunting in your forest."

"You were hunting me," she said angrily. "What were you going to do with me, if not take me and imprison me?" she growled out angrily.

"It was an accident, that's all you need to know," he practically shouted the words at her. She lowered her head and looked away from him. She reminded herself that he was a dangerous man and very unpredictable. He sighed.

"Goddess, please," he said softly reaching his hand out to grab at the covering she held up to herself. She shook her head, still not looking directly at him.

"I'm finding it very difficult to control myself," his voice low as he spoke the words slowly. He grabbed the covering she had on herself and began to pull it down.

*** Final Trigger Warning***

"No," she cried out, tears forming in her eyes. She began to shake, her heart rate increasing as she tried to mentally prepare herself for what was about to occur. He suddenly stopped and pushed himself back, away from her.

"Fuck, not like this," he grumbled. "I want you Fae, and I know you want me, but I don't want to scare you," he said in a softer tone. She felt him get off of the bed and heard him walk off mentioning something about food as she curled herself into a ball on his bed.

What does everyone think of the hunter? I am trying to make him animalistic, yet human. Tell me how I'm doing. Comment please.

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