Chapter 8

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***Trigger Warning***
-brief mention of starvation
*** Sexual Content in the middle of chapter***

She heard the hunter move around in the room some time later. She smelled food and heard dishes being moved around. After a while she felt a bed covering over her nude body and heard the hunter sigh.

"I brought you food," he said quietly. She didn't care about food. Her stomach started to growl as soon as she smelled whatever it was he brought, but she ignored it. Her plan now was to starve herself. The hunter was unpredictable. He was a savage. She couldn't trust that he wouldn't try to take advantage of her again. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards him. But feeling attraction and acting on that attraction was different. She was promised to someone and made promises to him. Her dear Kieran never tried to force himself on her. He never even touched her inappropriately. He was kind and considerate. Thinking of Kieran made her sad once more. She wept thinking of him and her family.

"They think I'm dead," she thought. "I might as well be dead." Time passed and her stomach stopped growling leaving her with an empty feeling. She lay curled up on the hunter's bed, not moving as the hours moved forward. Eventually she fell asleep. She was hungry and she was thirsty, but the only thing she wanted was a break from feeling.

"No Kieran you're running too fast now," she shouted. Kieran didn't hear as he ran faster and faster. She looked around for him, noticing how dark the forest had suddenly become. Green eyes appeared behind some trees not to far away from her. She felt an alarm go off in her head.

"Kieran," she shouted. "Kieran where are you?" The glowing green eyes moved closer. She started to panic and tears streamed down her face. "Kieran," she shouted one more time. "Help," she sobbed the word out. The glowing green eyes were now right in front of her, belonging to no one, just staring at her. She let out a scream.

"It's okay, it's okay, I have you," the hunter spoke in his deep voice softly into her ear. "You're safe." He was laying behind her, her back to his front. His hand touched her face and head. He smoothed down her hair. Her freckles and strands of her dark hair illuminated in the darkness. She could smell his intoxicating scent and felt his muscles up against her still nude body. Again, her mind wandered to forbidden places. She abruptly turned to look at him, his eyes looked concerned, and he had a slight frown. His eyes seemed to shine in the small amount of light there was in the room. She searched his eyes, mesmerized.

***Sexual Content***

"Beautiful," she said out loud. Then quickly closed her mouth, embarrassed that she had said that out loud. He smiled at her and reached for her face with his hand. Electricity and warmth shot out from where he touched her.

"Beautiful," he replied still smiling, his hand on the side of her face. She felt a strong desire for him that she could not understand as she leaned into him and kissed him. He kissed her back timidly. She kissed him more forcefully and quickly forced her tongue in his mouth. He moaned at the intrusion. Soon they were kissing passionately, both fondling one another. He caressing her breasts and she pulling at his hair and running her hands down his back. She was panting, her heart rate increasing, her mind and body wanting more.

She gasped when he moved her to straddle him. She felt the material of his pants on her most intimate parts. She paused for a while knowing what was under the material that separated them. She kissed him again deeply and passionately as his hands traveled down her back to grab her bottom. She moaned and started to move her body causing the friction she desired. Electricity and heat radiating through her body. He stopped kissing her and moved his hands to her breasts, which he fondled while pushing her to sit up on him. He smirked as he looked up at her. She stopped moving and looked down at him, at his eyes. They glowed green for a few seconds before turning back to his darkened shade of green.

***End of Sexual Content***

She inhaled deeply and quickly jumped off of him. Panicked, she moved to jump off the bed and tripped hitting the ground. Her face and hands hitting the floor hard.

"Ouch," she screamed. In a few moments the hunter was beside her.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

"No," she said grumbling to the floor beneath her. She was lying on the floor, her head slightly to the side so that the left part of her face hit the ground. Her hands were slightly underneath her face on the outside of her body. She started crying, feeling miserable.

"I'll pick you up," he said softly. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up and back on the bed, covering her up.

"Thank you," she said in between her sobs.

"You haven't eaten or at least had a drink for quite awhile," he said concerned. "Do you want something?" he asked earnestly.

"Yes," she said, wiping the tears from her face with her hands. She was done feeling miserable and at least the food would make her stomach feel happy.

He quickly disappeared, leaving her alone with her thoughts and feelings. Those thoughts and feelings which left her confused, disappointed in herself, and incredibly sad.

The hunter soon returned with plates of food, drinks, ice, and salve for her face. He spread the plates all around her on the bed. She got busy eating fruit, by the look of it. She was taking a bite of a particularly juicy green fruit, she could not identify, when he plopped himself down on the bed and started rubbing salve on her face. She pulled her face away and gave him a startled look. He laughed.

"It'll heal very fast with this salve," he said, as he glanced quickly to the hand she had injured before. "I'm a hunter," he said with a cockiness in his tone. "If I didn't use this all of the time, then I would never heal, and would be a grisly sight," he said with a laugh. She thought over what he had said.

"You may put it on me," she said, nodding her head. She didn't feel now would be a time to discuss strange medicines being used without consent and didn't think refusing his help would be the best idea. She gave him a small smile as he went back to putting the salve on her and she went back to her fruit. After the salve he insisted on putting ice on her face as well.

"It will help with any swelling," he insisted. She only shook her head. She was too busy gorging herself on the delicious foods he had brought. After she ate and drank her fill he took the plates away. She yawned as he left the room and was very soon in a peaceful sleep.


Thank you for reading. Please like and comment. ❤️ Should I post warnings for any of the adult content this way?

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