Chapter 5

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She was being chased. The forest was darker, so much darker than she had ever seen it. It was difficult for her to see where she was going. There was no illumination coming from her. She only saw a dark fog and dark soulless trees. The paths through the trees were few and seemed to go nowhere. Her pace quickened the farther she went with no end in sight. Her breathing and heartbeat became quick and erratic. She wiped the tears that streamed down her face with the back of her hands. Her vision was blurred with tears. She started to stumble as she ran, tripping on fallen branches and shrubs she couldn't see on the ground. It wasn't long before she fell. The hunter was right behind her. He approached her. She let out a scream.

"It's okay," he said softly. He was holding her face and wiping her tears with his thumbs. Her terrified eyes looked into his calm ones.

"It was a dream," she thought. She was disoriented but soon figured that they were both lying down on the bed as they faced one another. It was dark in the room, but her hair and freckles were illuminated. She looked into his mesmerizing eyes and breathed in his intoxicating scent. Her heart was still beating quickly, but her breathing was steady. When he suddenly looked down at her lips she felt an undeniable attraction towards him. She did the same and noticed him licking his lips. She bit down on her bottom lip, sucking it in her mouth a little. He let out a barely audible moan that caused a sensation in between her legs. Seconds passed before she felt herself being pulled towards him.

***Sexual Content***

A moment later and their lips crashed into one another. His lips felt firm but soft. His warm tongue swept over her plump pink lips and she opened her mouth inviting him in. His strong tongue licked hers, which caused her to moan. Soon both their tongues moved together in excitement as their lips moved against one another. She felt she was being pulled towards him. She was then on top of him, straddling him. She felt his hands go from her waist up to her breasts. She let out a moan. Then he let his hands drop and squeezed her bottom. He flipped her on her back and kept kissing her. Soon she felt dazed and out of breath. She turned her head to the side and he kissed her neck. He kissed and sucked on her neck trailing kisses down her body. She wanted the dress off. She was still wearing the same dress from before. He went back to kissing her mouth as she tried in vain to pull it off a few times. Then in one fluid motion he slipped the dress off of her. She felt his hands all over her body. She wanted more, more of him. She tugged on his shirt wanting it gone. He complied, and quickly it was gone. She could now feel his skin, as she moved her fingers along his smooth back marveling at his muscles. She was getting needier now, their kisses were more heated. He leaned back sitting up and looked lustfully down at her, with a smirk on his face. His eyes moved to look over her body. With that same smirk on his face and confidence radiating from his eyes, he pulled his pants down.

Quickly she moved back and immediately closed her legs. She looked down and saw something she was not prepared for, as the realization of what they were doing fully made itself clear in her mind. What she saw was quite large and her eyes grew wide looking at it, a blush formed on her cheeks. She quickly looked up to his face, which had a confused look. She put her hand up towards his chest as she shook her head.

"No," she spoke sternly. "I can't, I've never," she stumbled the words out.

"That's okay," he said softly as he reached out to touch her.

"No," she spoke with more conviction, moving his hand away. "I won't," she said in a serious tone as she looked him in the eyes. He still had a confused look.

"I'm promised to someone," she said with conviction. "You are my captor, and this is wrong," she stated. Without replying, he narrowed his eyes, huffed, got off the bed, and put his pants back on leaving the room.

"Was he mad?" she mused. "How dare he be mad," she thought getting angry over the thought. "He took me from my home, away from my family and friends, and he expects," she thought. Her thoughts stopping from the anger she felt move through her body. "I was having a nightmare about him, about what he did to me before things started happening between us," she thought angrily. She jumped off the bed and looked around for that dress.

"Lights," she half shouted. She found the dress and put it on. Then she sat on the bed and contemplated her next move. She looked around the room and found the door he had walked out of. She would go find him or find a way out of this place or both. Dying would be an option to leave as a last resort. Even dying during her escape was a better option than staying here with that strange man. With her mind made up she got off the bed and rushed to the door. She didn't know what to expect, but she found herself not caring.


I didn't want the scene between them to be too graphic. As a person I'm quite conservative. I could rewrite the scene or write an alternate chapter at a later date if I find the story needs it, or if a large number of you want it. I've never written anything too graphic, but it could be an interesting challenge. Thank you for reading. I could also make it less graphic.


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