Chapter 14

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***Sexual Content***
***Adult Language***

He carried her to his rooms on the spacecraft. She did not protest. He set her down carefully on his bed.

"You might want to remove some of your clothing, so I can rub my salve on you," he spoke a little excitedly. She nodded, looking into his eyes.

"This is alright," she thought to herself. "He did injure me, it's only right that he take care of me." She stripped off her shirt, sitting toppless in front of him. He gazed at her figure, bringing his hand up to his mouth. She turned around slowly showing him her back.

"My back hurts," she said moving her dark brown locks out of the way. He groaned lowly and began rubbing her back with his salve. "My arms hurt too," she said, turning her head slightly to look at him pouting. He rubbed her arms as well.

"Is there anywhere else that hurts Goddess?" his voice husky, as he spoke lowly in her ear. She bit her lip and nodded. She kneeled on the bed and pushed her bottom out a bit.

"My bottom hurts," she said pouting again as she slipped down her pants to her knees. She then spread her legs as far as the fabric would allow and bent over a little more, making sure her bare bottom was on full display.

"Fuck," he groaned. He looked greedily at her bottom, then started caressing it. She moaned and pushed her bottom out more. He groaned more and moved one of his hands to her neck and squeezed a little.

"Tell me where else it hurts," he spoke lowly in her ear. She bit her lip, as images of intimate activities flooded her mind. The realization of what she was doing surprised and shocked her. She quickly tugged on her pants and wrapped her arms around her front. She jumped off the bed. He looked at her confused.

"No, no, no," she spoke out trying to convince herself. More images of intimate activities flashed in her mind. His mouth on her most intimate areas, his hands on her body, his heated kisses, his beautiful body up against hers. "What are you doing to me? Why do I desire you as much as I do?" she screeched out.

***End of Sexual Content***

"Goddess, please," he stopped speaking when she interrupted him.

"You have bewitched me," she spoke boldly.

"Yes," he said, "and you have done the same to me."

"No, I have not," she said, passionately. "What is happening? I need to know," she pleaded with him.

"You are mine," he growled the words out.

"No, I'm not," she said stepping backward shaking her head, as he made his way towards her. He did not answer only stared at her as he walked right up to her.

"Do you feel that between us," he whispered, bending his body down and bringing his head down to whisper in her ear. She felt her heart beat excitedly. "When I touch you, do you feel the warmth and tingles my hand leaves behind?" he asked as he touched her neck very delicately with one of his large rough fingers. She bit down on her lip, trying not to feel the sensations he described. "Do you delight in my kisses?" he questioned, his warm breath on her neck. She moaned.

"Then you're right, I must be mistaken," he said blankly as he pushed himself off of her. He turned and walked away, disappearing into another room. Her mouth hung open as she watched him. Her anger once again built up inside her. She looked for her top. She found it and angrily pulled it on. She paced back and forth, getting ready to scream at him to return her home. When he finally came out of the door he was wearing loose fitting black pants that clung lowly on his hips without a shirt. She cursed herself for finding him attractive. He made his way to the bed and got on it. She watched him for a while, then spoke.

"You said you were going to take care of me," she whined, confused because that is not what she meant to say. He sat up on the bed and looked at her.

"I was planning on it, but you stopped me." He shrugged. "Goodnight." She screamed silently and stomped out of the room. She paced in the other room, until she found herself running out of the spacecraft again. She felt like she was suffocating, like he was suffocating her. She decided she would go down to the river to scrub the salve she let him put on her off.

She soon reached the river and was excited to get in it. She stripped off her clothes and waded in. It was cool, a nice contrast to the warm night. She enjoyed herself for a while. There was light coming from the moons reflecting off of the crystal blue water as well as the light coming from her. She was at peace, letting go of her anger, and encouraging herself to keep believing in a way to return home.

She heard splashing in the river, the same as she did earlier in the day. Looking around her, she saw the same deer. A smile spread across her face, she knew they posed no threat. She watched them drink the cool water of the river. Their coats were just as beautiful at night as they were during the day. At night, however, the coats glowed bright white. She watched them content with herself. In a flash things would change.

The hunter looked for her on his ship until he followed her scent outside and deduced that she was by the river. Her scent still lingered in the breeze. He stood perfectly still, letting his senses flow. He heard her splashing in the water of the river. He sighed in relief as he made his way there. His muscles suddenly tensed as he stood still once more. Other scents were with her. Once again his intended nature took over as he hurried towards the river. His prey was there by the waters edge.

In no time the hunter was on the great beast. His knife, ever his companion, was in his hand as it came down on his prey. The hunter felt his prey's blood on himself, as he smiled triumphant. Her screams were instant.

"Savage," she yelled, as she made her way towards him. She pushed him down off of the animal with great force. She cried, falling over the animal, mourning the loss of life. Her tears streamed down her face and fell on the animal. Her tears glowed white, the same as strands of her hair and freckles. The deer stirred, rose up from the ground and bowed slightly. The animal quickly turned and dashed away. Her vision blurred, then there was darkness.

Thank you so much for reading. Thank you so much for your likes and comments. ❤️ I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. 💕

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