Chapter 12

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She fell asleep on the couch, exhausted from crying. Her body felt too heavy to move. She felt an extreme hunger and thirst, and opened her eyes to see and smell food on a small table in front of the couch. Her stomach growled and the thought of eating slightly elevated her mood. She picked up a yellow vegetable, maybe, that was mostly round in shape. It had an interesting texture, almost grainy, and was very flavorful. It was a little spicy too, but not too bad. She munched on it, as she thought about her last conversation with the hunter.

"I feel like maybe he might care about me," she mused, "but why won't he return me home?" She felt sad. "I could use this spacecraft to escape, but I don't know how it works." She sighed. "There has to be a way to go home."

The hunter came in as she was lost in her thoughts. He looked at her eating the food he laid out and smiled.

"Are you alright?" he asked. "Have you rested enough?"

"I'm alright, considering my circumstances," she stated harshly, still enjoying her food. "I do not feel tired."

"Would you like to see the planet?" he asked anxiously.

"You mean get out from the spacecraft and explore around," she said almost sounding giddy. She was always curious and getting the chance to see somewhere else excited her.

"Yes Goddess, we can explore a little of the planet," he said while smiling. She smiled too, but quickly frowned as she reminded herself that she was his prisoner. She shrugged.

Soon they were exploring the planet. The hunter explained that every world was slightly different and it took a while for your body to adjust to the new environment. He explained that the way time worked was different along with other parts of the environment, like oxygen and gravity. He explained many things to her as they walked along. She nodded as he talked.

"Being on my ship helps your body adjust," he said in his deep authoritative voice. "It doesn't completely follow the laws of nature that belong to the planet it's on." She nodded her head, but had no idea what he was referring to.

The area of the planet where they were at had many rocks and hills. The trees were a vibrant green and there were a few grassy spots that popped up between the rocks. There were small animals that scampered all around them. She saw some with dark green fur, long ears and tails that hurried up trees as they walked by. She saw others that were grey and round that moved slowly on the ground. They walked and explored the area until they reached a river. The river wasn't too wide or too deep and the water lazily moved by. The crystal blue sparkling water looked inviting.

"Would you like to bathe in it?" he asked, looking at her expectantly.

"Yes, but," she looked down embarrassed. She knew that the hunter had seen her naked form a few times now, but she still didn't want him to look. He shook his head after a while.

"I can give you some privacy if that is what you want," he said thoughtfully.

"Yes, I would like that," she replied. The hunter turned around and headed back from where they came, as she made her way to the river.

The river was a little cold, but it was a nice contrast to the warm day. She had shed her clothes and placed them on a nice big grey rock that was near the water. She had been enjoying herself for a while, when she heard splashing in the water from behind her not far from where she was. She froze, not knowing what could be behind her. She turned around. She was ready to run when she saw a big beautiful white deer, or a creature that looked very much like one. It looked like a female, maybe, with her offspring. It did have antlers, but they were very small compared to the size of the animal. The deer's coat is what impressed her the most. The coat was the purest white she had ever seen and shimmered in the daylight. The splashing she heard came from the possible offspring. The small deer had a similar coat and was jumping all around the bigger one, while the larger one was drinking water from the water's edge. The water droplets and the deer coats shimmered and shined in the daylight. It was a beautiful sight. She smiled, but decided to leave as quickly as she could. She didn't know this place and didn't know how friendly the animals were. She cautiously made her way to her clothes and dressed quickly, hoping the animals wouldn't mind her. The larger deer looked at her as she was putting on her shoes. She froze again, unsure if she should run or stay still. She stood still, not sensing any danger. The deer looked around for the smaller one, and together they walked off.

"What beautiful creatures," she mused. She was glad that she agreed to explore the area. She smiled. She was happiest when she was out in nature.

She was still smiling when the hunter met her along the way. He looked at her with a satisfied expression.

"It will be dark soon," he paused for a moment before continuing. "Did you want to return to the ship?"

"Oh," she said. "Sure."

"I've left plenty of food for you to eat up in the rooms," he said, as he turned to walk. "There is also a change of clothes for you on the bed." She walked behind him, wondering why he said that.

"Where will you, are you not?" she stumbled on her words. He stopped walking and turned towards her.

"I will be hunting, so it will be better for you to be on the ship,"he said seriously. She nodded as they continued on the walk back.


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