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I woke up with Richarlisons arms around me, he was whispering my name in my ear to wake me up. I had no intention to get up until I remembered training is at 9 this morning. My eyes shot open and I immediately turned to him.

"What time is it??"

"It's 7, I'm sorry for waking you up so early. I know it should have been 8. I just remembered we still had to go and pick you up some clothes at your place,"
We were holding eye contact and his raspy morning voice was so attractive yet so cute.

"Don't be sorry, thank you!"
I shot him a soft smile which he quickly returned after I kissed his cheek.

I shifted in the bed one more time before i pushed my hands in the bed, lifting myself up and hanging my legs off of it. I rubbed my eyes and felt something in them. Shit, when I fell asleep last night I didn't take off my mascara. I got off the bed quickly and after looking down at his shirt in me, I turned to look at Richarlison. He had both of his hands folded behind his bed and he was eyeing me down.

"Is that the bathroom?"
I pointed at the third door connected to his bedroom, the first one being the entrance and second - the door to the balcony.

"Yeah, I'll get you some more clothes."

"Thank you, you're the best Richi."
He smiled widely at me and before I turned away to the bathroom, I saw him get up making his way to his closet and opening it.

I walked into his bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes didn't look that bad, just a little smeared mascara right under them. I turned on the sink and tried my best to wash it away with warm water. As much as I needed some cleanser to work with the waterproof mascara, I had to make it work.

I heard Richarlison open the door to the bathroom and he placed some sweatpants and a sweater on the sink counter. He had his head through the door and he was just watching me wash my face. Once I was done I walked over to him and gave him a small peck on the lips. He was all dressed and had his car keys in his hand as well as his house key.

I took my shirt off and exchanged it with the sweater Richarlison picked for me, after that - the sweatpants.
I could feel Richi staring at me. He was sitting down on his bed and I was still in the bathroom but this time the door ti it was wide open.

"I'm all done!!"
I exclaimed while walking up to him. He was staring me down, almost checking me out.
He had a slight grin on his face and it only make him look better. I was standing over him and I bent down to press a soft kiss against his neck.

As I was leaning down I felt his hands travel from my neck to my back, then my ass. He just placed them on there.
I stood up straight again and so did he right after me, putting one of his hands around my waist.

"Breakfast? I have leftover porridge from yesterday. Is that good enough?"
He asked, focusing his eyes on mine.

"Yeah of course!"
I smiled at him as we both entered his kitchen.

Richarlison went over to his fridge and I just watched him. He took out a pot from a cupboard under the sink and placed it on the stove. He poured all the porridge from the bowl previously in the fridge in the pot. He quickly turned the heat up and I took my phone out of my pocket.

Two new notifications.

Yo do you have anyone to pick you up? If not I'll do it bro

I can't stop me - Richarlison de Andrade x readerWhere stories live. Discover now