Chapter 3 Alone

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*in editing*

Please be warned that this book has vulgar language read with caution!!

You groan as you turn over, opening your eyes from your slumber. You yawn, sitting up. You look around, letting your eyes adjust. "Ethan?" You noticed he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Heavy snowshoe prints were leading up the stairs. "Ethan?"-- You repeat it louder, hoping he didn't hear you the first time. No response. You groan as you look over your shoulder. A note. It reads;

"Dear (Y/n),
I left you some food; it's just spaghetti. I found it in the village. I figured you were hungry.
I'll be back in a little bit.

You smile. You are starving. The thought of food made your stomach rumble. You open the fridge and grab the plate of spaghetti. It was still warm. You grab a fork and took no time to dig in.

Once you were finished eating, You felt drowsy. A sigh escaped your mouth. You make your way toward the door, trying to open it. It was locked. Was he trying to keep you locked in? Where was he?

You kicked and slammed your body into the door. In an attempt, it would open. But it didn't even budge. You need to get out of here.

As you're looking around for an exit, you find a window upstairs. You open it with ease as you look down at a blanket of snow. It should cushion your fall. Without hesitation, you jump.

You hit the ground with a loud thud. Your leg was aching. You couldn't breathe. "Fuck," you shakily muttered. A loud crack and a raspy growl made you sit up. You tried to catch your breath.

Then five Lycans jumped out of the tall grass that was lightly covered in snow. You curse under your breath. You were better off running. You got up and booked it for the open fence.

Turning the corner, you can almost see the Lycans behind you. You ran faster. You didn't care that your leg was in excruciating pain. Your breathing gets heavier and heavier the more you run.

Suddenly, you felt something tackle you. You squirm as you hear its growl. You manage to flip yourself over while struggling to get your gun out of your pocket. You were holding the Lycan up with your left hand.

You managed to retrieve the gun. As you're aiming, the Lycan snaps its jaws at your hand, making you flinch as a result, causing you to drop the gun. The one time you thought you were doing good but you put yourself in a dangerous situation.

A crack was heard from behind the Lycan. He turned his head, cocking it to one side. You took advantage of this to get to the gun. You pointed at his head and fired. The Lycan was knocked off of you. You quickly got up, and he did the same.

You pointed your gun at him once more. Aiming for the head, you shot once more. This time the Lycan fell to the ground. Dead.

You proceed to let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. You needed to find Ethan now. You started to wander around.

You ultimately found a slightly open gate. You peeked your head through the gate. You were inspecting to see if the coast was clear.

You entered once you were certain that it was clear. It was so quiet. You took a stroll through the tiny town in search of something or someone.

You went inside the chapel. You perked up at the wall. It appeared to be a sanctum. The girl in the largest image caught your attention. It was the girl from one of the houses in the picture. You turned your head to the left and noticed two photos in diamond-shaped frames.

One was a lady; she looked rather nice. She wore a big hat, a pearl necklace, and had black hair and white skin.

The image after that was of a man with a large lump on his back and a somewhat distorted face. It was unsettling, to put it mildly. I didn't continue to look at him.

After that, you turn to the right of the largest image. She was dressed entirely in black. Her face wasn't visible to you. She held a skeleton-looking doll in her hands. Your spine tingled as you stared at her.

The final image is what you see next. The man appeared to be quite normal. You realized you were fixating on his picture. He appeared normal. He covered nearly all of his face with a big hat on his head. You glance down at his beard before moving to his lips.

Who were these people? You could only imagine. They were in the church. So does this mean they are important? Looking down, you notice a piece of paper.

You pick it up. The map led to Luiza's home from the church. Surely, Ethan is there! Running from the church to Luiza's house, you stuffed the paper into your pocket.

That's when you saw it. Black smoke came from where Luiza's house was. You sprinted as fast as you could. You could feel the adrenaline rushing through you. You felt tears sting in your eyes.

You looked up at the burning house, tears rolling down your cheeks. You could only hope Ethan wasn't in there. But your heart sank when you saw Ethan up at the attic window.

"Ethan!" you shouted, waving your arms. You knew he saw you, as you saw a slight smile appear on his face. He jumped down from the window. He didn't even flinch as he landed. He ran to you, pulling you into a tight embrace.

"(Y/n)..." Ethan whispered, his fingers running through your hair. "I missed you so much." He told me calmly; you could hear him crying. You pulled him away by looking at his face.

"I tried to save her..." Ethan looked down. Rose? But before you could even question what was going on, he cut you off.

"I found out who Mother Miranda is. She has Rose. I know everything (Y/n). I know who all those people in the church were. I know what the old lady meant." His words were a blur after that. What was going on? You weren't going to have Ethan tell you everything here.

"Ethan, let's get moving, and you can explain everything to me on the way." He nodded in response.

We were walking around the little town. He explained to you that an old lady told him Mother Miranda took Rose here. That Luiza had told Ethan that Mother Miranda was known as "the black god" and her four lords were Alcina Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenberg, Donna Beneviento, and Salvatore Moreau.

Ethan also explained what had happened in Luzia's. When he got there, they tended to the wound on his shoulder. Then a fight broke out, a candle was knocked over, and it turned out that Elena's father was a Lycan. Only Ethan and Elena had made it out. But Elena saw her dad and wanted to help him. But she fell into the fire.

You nodded as you tried to process this all. This was all too much. You were taken out of your thoughts when you saw an old lady. She had a cloak on, long white hair, and some sort of skull walker.

"Death. Yes. Death has visited them all!" The old lady cackled, turning it into hysterical laughter. You raised an eyebrow at Ethan, who only shrugged as he grabbed your hand and led you off.

The old lady only watched as we walked away. "Um, thanks for the food, by the way." You smiled, and Ethan looked at you. Puzzled. "Food?" You nodded. "Yeah, and the note." Ethan only shook his head. "I didn't leave you food or a note." He laughed, thinking you were joking. You smiled nervously. "Haha, yeah, I was just joking." You faked a laugh.

A large stone wall then appeared to welcome us. It seemed to be a gate. Ethan placed the two big missing circle pieces as the gates opened. "This leads to the castle." Ethan looked at you.

You nodded about to go in. Ethan blocks your path. Looking back at you, "Let me lead the way." You nod, Ethan, leading the way. 

You were thinking of everything Ethan had told you. About Mother Miranda, Rose, the old lady—was Mother Miranda the woman you saw? You took a sharp breath.

"You ready (Y/n)?"-- Ethan glanced at you. You glance up. Moving your attention away from your thoughts, you saw an opening from the bridge. You nod, smiling.

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