Chapter 6 Ethan?

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*In editing*

Please be warned that this book has vulgar language read with caution!!

You awoke with a feeling of unease. Your body begged you to return to sleep, but despite the feeling, you persisted and got up. Everything that took place last night is still fresh in your memory. It made you shudder to think about it—what a creep!

You moved over to the vanity, where a pair of shorts and a long-sleeved black shirt were waiting for you. This time, there was no note. You took one last look at the time. You sighed and picked up the pile of clothes, slipping them on—it's already nine.

You pushed open the door and looked around. You didn't see anyone. As you left the room, a wave of relief washed over you. You planned to make your getaway from here today.

As you moved about, you grinned. Hopefully, you could discover where they had hidden Ethan. You pushed open a door and sprinted outside. It ended here! You had freedom...

Four doors were present, and one of them had to take you back outside or even to Ethan. With that, you gazed up at the sky and let out a huff. You wanted to be out of here.

You intended to wander the castle in search of a way out. It can't possibly be that big. Could it?

As you let out a breath, you shrugged your shoulders. You wandered to one of the doors. Locked. Your eyebrows furrowed. You groaned and slid on your heel. You walked to all of the doors. But every one of them was locked.

It wasn't fair, so you made your way back to the large main doors. Then you forced them open. You entered and shut the doors after entering. As you heard approaching footsteps, you turned around.

"Ah, (Y/n)" You gasped as you turned to face Alcina, who was grinning. You smiled shakily while rubbing the back of your neck.

"What are you doing?" It suddenly hit me as she questioned me. She never told me I couldn't explore. I shouldn't have any trouble, then, right?

"I... I- was just looking around." She noticed your forced smile and raised an eyebrow at you, but she didn't say anything further as she motioned with her hand for you to continue. She turned on her heel and walked away as you nodded.

You quickly looked around, you saw a weirdly shinny object. You were about to grab it but decided it might not be the best idea, you'll get it later. You sighed and left the dining area. From the corner of your eyes, you caught sight of Ethan. How were you going to get his attention without attracting the attention of others?

You saw Ethan take a deep breath and release it. Maybe you could catch him if you ran. It was worth a try, so you moved swiftly and discretely toward Ethan.

He must've heard you as he turned around. His eyes widened as he quickly ran to you and hugged you. Tears sting your eyes as your breath quickens.

"Hey..." He whispered, and you smiled to yourself. "How have you been?" He patted your back as you choked, trying to make your breath sound less shaky.

"I... I-I'm doing fine; I just didn't expect to see you so soon." You spoke in a low voice before stepping back to see Ethan's already-smiling face. Ethan inhaled deeply. His expression changed to one of seriousness.

"Look, I need you to get out of here. It's dangerous–" You interject, "I can't go without you." He shook his head and stated, "I'm not giving you a choice."

"Fine," you huffed as you looked away in defeat. It was difficult to convince him of anything. He smiled and said, "I might have an idea." When you turned to look at him again, he motioned for you to follow him.

He directed you to a door, which you then opened to reveal a large man seated in a booth.

He greeted me and said, "We meet again. I see you brought a friend." His gaze was now fixed on me. You gave a shaky smile and raised your arm. The duke took it and gave your hands a brief shake while covering them with his own.

"Look, I need a favor," Ethan asked as the duke raised a brow.

"Get her out of here, please." He lowered his head. You swallowed the lump that appeared in your throat. You didn't want to leave Ethan. But you had to move forward.

The man let out a cackle as he stared you dead in the eyes. "I'm sorry, Ethan, but that's against my policy." Ethan balled his fists,

"She doesn't belong here; she wasn't supposed to be here!" He spat at the man, the duke's lips formed into a frown.

"I sympathize with your annoyance, Mr. Winters." Ethan simply continued to glare at the man as he spoke. You rubbed your eyes with the heel of your palm.

"Please." As he kept his head down, Ethan's voice became strained. The duke sighed. "Fine, I'll figure out how to free her." He took a moment to look at me and then back at Ethan.

"But that doesn't mean a full yes." He spoke before indicating that we should leave. Your hand was taken by Ethan, who dragged you outside.

You cast one last glance at the man, who was crossing his forehead with his hand and scowling his brows.

I guess this was it? You wanted to be joyful about leaving this place. But you didn't want to go without Ethan. You couldn't abandon your friend in that way, and he wouldn't either. You know him, and you love him.

Ethan noticed that you had a firm hold on his hand as he guided me up the stairs.

"Ethan..." Your voice cracked as you spoke, "What?" He was furious that the man might not be able to assist you.

"Please don't do this." He turned around, "You're safer out there! Do you hear me?" He pointed to the locked door. You swallowed, then nodded. He lowered his head.

"I only care about your well-being." He said in a whisper, but you couldn't hear him, "Huh?" You questioned

"Nothing." You slipped past him and went to your room as he stopped at the top of the stairs.

Your back was against the door as you shut it behind you. You closed your eyes as you felt tears starting to form as you slid down the door.

You allowed the tears to flow.

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