Chapter 13 It's You.

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    𝐼𝑡'𝑠 𝑌𝑜𝑢.

*in editing*

Please be warned that this book has vulgar language read with caution!!

You pulled Marvin away; it was time to let go. You got up as you sulked away. The farther you walk, the more your legs hurt. You heard a crunch behind you. You whirled around to face Heisenberg's gaze.

The feeling in your gut told you to run as far as you can, so you turned around and booked it. You kept running when you heard footsteps behind you, enclosing on you. "Shit!" You screamed as Heisenberg tackled you. Then you felt a sharp pain in your inner thigh.

You squeezed your eyes shut as Heisenberg scooped you into his arms. Your whole body was weak, you could barely turn your head. Even if you tried to speak, it came out as a pathetic sound. Heisenberg chuckled.

You awoke in a cell. A jail cell to be exact, "The fuck?" You questioned why you backed yourself into the farthest wall. How could you let him take you?

You scoffed as you remembered Marvin, and your heart dropped as you clenched your fists. Your head snapped up as you heard someone rattle the door open.

"Good afternoon," Heisenberg spoke as he entered the cell. You rolled your eyes. He set out a plate of food for you and slid it towards you.

"I'm not hungry." You looked from the food to his face. His smirk turned into a frown. As he flipped the plate, food went flying. You flinched as you covered yourself.

"Whatever." He stormed off, and you watched as he carelessly left the food. What a bitch! You grumbled as you got up and searched the area. There was a lonely bed and a toilet; the light switch was on the other side of the bars.

Heisenberg came back and threw you a whiteboard.

"What is it?" You questioned before picking up the board. He rolled his eyes.

"It's your schedule." Schedule what was I a kid? You flicked him off.

"I'm not a kid, you prick! Let me go!" Heisenberg chuckled and shook his head as he pointed to the board.

"I'd read that before something bad happened to you." With that, he turned and walked off. You picked up the whiteboard. It read;



1. No talking back I won't accept that.

2. Bedtime is when I turn out the lights.

3. Don't try to run away; it won't work.

4. Punishments get worse the more you misbehave.


8:00: Wake up

9:00-9:30: Breakfast

10-12: TV time (If you've been good)

1:00-2:00: Reading

3:00-7:00: Hang out (Snack time is somewhere inbetween)

8:00-8:30: Dinner

9:00: Lights out

"Are you fucking kidding me?" You threw the board onto your bed. You slowly crept up to the door and tried to open it. Of course, it didn't open, and you groaned. "How am I supposed to know what time it is?" You slid your back down the iron door.

"God, I hate him." You grumbled to yourself. You turned your head when you heard footsteps. You scrambled to your feet and took a couple of steps away from the door.

Heisenberg came in and closed the door behind him. He gave you a glass of water.

"Here," He hands you the cup of water. You frown and say, "Please let me go.." You looked away from him.

"Why would I do that?" He lowered his sunglasses as you turned to face him. He chuckled as he covered his mouth with enthusiasm.

"Oh, you don't know. Do you?" His laughter continued once more. "Know what?" Before leaving, he gave a wink. What the hell?

"Oh, lights out soon." He talked as he moved on. Already? How long have I been here? I didn't think I was out for that long.

You combed your tangled hair with your fingers. You turned to look at the schedule again. So it's almost nine. You frown. You walked over to the bed and climbed on.

You saw what, hopefully, was going to be your escape plan. There was a bar that was windowed slightly above you. You stood up and attempted to grab the bars. jumping, you grabbed on. Pulling yourself up and looking outside

Realization struck with a sting in your heart, and you jumped to the ground. You didn't know where you were. And the drop appears to be far. You catch sight of your wrist. You inhale deeply and move toward the door.

"Heisenberg?" You yelled, perhaps he'd be kind enough to extend a hand. You noticed him turning to look. He wasn't wearing his glasses, and his expression was startled.

"Can you help with my wrist?" Heisenberg cast a sideways glance as you raised your arm. He then stood up, walked away, and vanished.

Shortly after Heisenberg entered your cell, you went over and sat on your bed. He approached you and knelt down. He applied an odd liquid to your arm before wrapping it.

"It should be healed by the morning." Your light was turned off as he left after finishing his sentence. How's that even possible? If my wrist is sprained, it's not going to heal overnight.

You sighed and covered yourself in the blankets that were given to you. They smelled like they had just been washed. "Hm, lavender and roses. My mom used to use this when I was a kid." You whispered to yourself.

You watched as all the lights went out one by one. Heisenberg must be going to bed as well. You rolled on your side as you clutched the blankets close to you.

The image of Marvin dead flashed through your eyes. You felt your eyes sting as your heart ached. I wish I had told Marvin how I felt. Well, how I started to feel.

But those thoughts don't matter now. You pushed your thoughts aside and swallowed your tears. 

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