Chapter 21 Moving Forward

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𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑

*in editing*

Please be warned that this book has vulgar language read with caution!!

You gulped and scooted back on the bed as Heisenberg came round the corner, "I knew you weren't sleeping, darling." Heisenberg slams his hands on the bed. His face was expressionless as he fixed his gaze on yours.

"Look, I know this isn't your ideal situation." He threw his hands in the air. You think? you roll your eyes. Being kidnapped is not anyone's ideal situation. "I really do try to give you everything." In a whisper, he spoke.

Your eyes widened as you gave a bitter laugh. "Oh really? What have you done for me?" You leaped from the bed. Heisenberg raised an eyebrow. "I provided you with food; I gave you a room instead of that old cell; I went to the village and stole clothes as well as books! All I wanted in exchange was my own privacy." He huffed. "You had no right to go through my journal."

He did the bare minimum to qualify as a kidnapper, you thought as you looked away. You balled your fists tightly. God, you hated him! "You did the bare minimum, what do you want a trophy?" You let out a laugh. "The first thing you did was kidnap me, torture me, refuse to answer any of my questions, and never let me go outside. Who am I, Rapunzel?" Turning on your heel, you crossed your arms.

Heisenberg growled. "Fine, what do you want to know?" You plop down on the bed with joy, a grin spreading across your face. You noticed Heisenberg couldn't help but chuckle.

"Firstly, what happened to Rose?" Heisenberg took a deep breath. "Do you really want to know?" He asked, appearing uncertain.

You leaped out of bed. "Yes, I want to know! I'm curious as to why I'm even here." You couldn't help but admit that the words came effortlessly to you.

You tossed your hair back, awaiting an answer; Heisenberg only watched you. He then cleared his throat. He gestured for you to sit back down. You roll your eyes and sit back down. Impatiently, your leg starts to bounce.

"Look, Ethan, and Mia." He pauses, Ethan? What did this have to do with Ethan? "They aren't who they say they are." Heisenberg fixed his hair, as you put a hand over your mouth.

"What do you mean? I've known Ethan my whole life!" Heisenberg cuts you off, "Ethan and Mia are infected with something called 'The Fungus'." You raised an eyebrow at him, gesturing for him to continue on.

"Their baby Rose, she isn't very normal either." He takes a breath. "She's a humanoid of the mold." Heisenberg locks eyes with yours. You were so confused. What did this have to do with anything? Why did Ethan never mention this? You rub your hand against your face.

"What does this have to do with Miranda then?" Heisenberg coughs. You roll your eyes, "Mother Miranda." You fixed.

"Because Mother Miranda said Rose would be the perfect vessel," he said, looking down, almost as if he were ashamed.

Your legs started to tremble uncontrollably, and your anxiety increased. Vessel? What the hell does that even mean? However, more importantly, why are you involved in this? You knew damn well you weren't part of this mold.

"What..." You croak out. the lips of Heisenberg form a smirk.

"See, I told you the truth would be too much for your little brain to handle." You put a hand to his face. "You said a vessel. What does that mean?" Heisenberg laughs, and he brings your hand down.

"I don't know much; she really never told us. All we know for sure is that Mother Miranda had a daughter." Heisenberg stopped, waiting to see your reaction.

"Go on." You spoke, a daughter? If she had a daughter, then why take Rose? "Her name was Eva; she died at a young age due to the Spanish Flu." Your heart started to pound in your chest.

It was all making sense now. "Oh, my god." You covered your mouth with your hand. You felt queasy, almost like you were about to vomit.

Rose was going to be the tool Mother Miranda used to resurrect Eva.

You kept hearing those words as Heisenberg got to his feet. You sprinted to your feet in a hurry.

"Wait! I have more." The ground kept on spinning. It was like being on the ground version of a rollercoaster.

Heisenberg sighs, "Come on, you're sick; let's be done." His tongue was flicked out. He put a cigar into his mouth and lit it.

You were determined not to let him leave. You were so close to receiving all the information you required.

"Why am I here?" you asked, sitting back down as Heisenberg did the same. "Let's put it as you were in the wrong place at the wrong time." He took the cigar out of his mouth, blowing the smoke into the air.

You coughed and waved your arm in the air, clearing the air.

"I have one more question," You coughed the words up. Heisenberg nodded in approval. "Is Ethan okay?" When you gave Heisenberg your full attention, a frown formed on his face.

"Why-- Why are you frowning?" You got up, "Stop frowning!" Your hands became fidgety, and you felt your throat tighten. The one thing you held onto and had hope for.

"I'm sorry." He extended his arm. "He didn't make it." You slapped his hand away as he muttered. "Oh, my god." You cried out and fell to the ground. You sobbed as you buried your head in your arms.

You experienced a sense of nothingness. You were only able to feel complete sadness. A pain that couldn't be described

"If you had to die, how could it be without me!" Your screams and sobs echoed through the room. Heisenberg only sat there and watched.

Your stomach twisted into a knot as you got up and quickly ran to the toilet, throwing up as soon as you reached the toilet.

Your best friend since forever was dead. You wiped your mouth and flushed the toilet, staring back at Heisenberg, whose eyes never left you.

"I-- I'm so sorry (Y/n)." Heisenberg slowly stood up. He made his way toward you. He kneeled down next to you and hugged you.

This was it.

This was the moment you wished would never happen. Ethan was the only person who knew of your whereabouts. The only person who could get you out of this mess.

Heisenberg lifted your face; he whipped your tears. "How about in the morning, I'll let you go outside." Heisenberg tried to smile, but you could obviously tell it was fake.

You nodded as Heisenberg got up and left. You made sure he left your room when you quickly got up and closed the door. Your gaze scanned down the drawer.

Opening it, you saw a shaver.

"Perfect..." You smiled

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