Chapter 1

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I completely changed the story since the old one was trash, sorry. Thank you for giving it another chance (:

A stack of papers drops onto my desk without a single word from the delivery person, for it's just expected that I'll do it by the end of the day. It's expected that I'll sort through each and every document, email those who must address the information, input the data into our system, and file the records in case they're needed for a conference. Speaking of which, one is going to be held in fifteen minutes.

With the head of JC Entertainment.

Dakota Storm is a powerful businessman known by his provocative and charming nature. He's daunting, classy, and confident all at the same time. Traits I unfortunately do not share.

The intimidating man enters the conference room two minutes before the scheduled meeting time and greets each person he passes by, a slight grin spreading across his lips as he tilts his head, sharing a brief utterance of his appreciation for their time.

Stretching out his hand, he offers me that same rehearsed grin and I too, smile back at the taller man before me.

"Dakota Storm," he says, introducing himself as his dark brown eyes pierce into mine.

"We've met," I tell him, releasing his hand as his eyes fall to my mouth.

"So we have," he says, his sly grin widening.

This asshole.

"Arlo John," I play along.

"Good to see you, Mr. John," he says, sparing not a second more before taking his seat at the head of the long table in the room as everyone else takes a seat as well.

"I'm interested to hear your proposal, Marcy," Dakota begins. "Perhaps we can improve the atmosphere of our company with a few suggestions."

"Yes, that is the goal," Marcy says, standing by a large screen displaying hundreds of graphs and thousands of words that are much too small to see from where I'm sitting. Though I may be exaggerating.

"By having frequent employee recognition opportunities, regular one-on-one meetings with you, and feedback that is both timely and positive, your employees will feel valued which will allow them to see the importance of their work, in turn, improving the overall atmosphere of the company."

"And how do you suggest our employees should be recognized? On what criteria should I base the decision?" Dakota asks after Marcy completes her proposal.

"Well, that's up to you and what you expect from your employees," Marcy replies. "Some examples could include those who work overtime, consistently complete tasks in a timely manner, or something as simple as something you admire about them."

"Hmm," Dakota says, thinking about her words. "How often would this 'frequent' recognition occur?"

"Whenever you feel someone deserves it," she says. "The timeline is up to you."

"I see," he says, his eyes suddenly finding mine. I almost jump. "Arlo John."

"Yes?" I ask, my entire body heating up at being called on in such an important meeting. Speaking in front of people is not my specialty.

"What would the employees receive once they are recognized?" Dakota inquires.

"That is your decision as well," I say. "Though I'd prefer vacation time or something exciting."

"Something exciting," he repeats, his smirk widening again. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Feel free," I say.

Dakota puffs out a laugh before returning his attention back to Marcy as she completes her presentation. I'm surprised I'm still awake by the end of it.

I swiftly take my leave from the suffocating conference room and find myself back at my desk, loaded with the same papers from earlier and consider burning them.

I begin sorting through the documents as phone calls erupt and people quickly type away on their keyboards, the sounds becoming an annoyance.

"Mr. John," a voice suddenly says as my concentration is disturbed.

"What" I say, recognizing the owner of the voice to be Dakota Storm.

"I'll let that slide," he says. "I just wanted to apologize for not remembering your name."

I'm not sure why he took the time to come find me only to tell me a lie.

"Right," I say. "Don't worry about it."

He doesn't reply and takes a look at the scattered mess on my desk.

"How long does it usually take you to complete all of that?" he asks.

"One day."

He raises an eyebrow. "You work quickly."

"I work overtime," I correct him.

"Do you?" he asks. "Often?"

"Most days."

"Perhaps you're worthy of that employee recognition, huh?" he says, his tone playful.

My hard work shouldn't be mocked in such a way.

"I'd rather not be recognized," I tell him.

"Why's that?" he asks. "I thought you said you'd like some vacation time."

"It would be nice," I assure him. "But I'm not working just so that I can be praised. I already know I'm doing a good job. Nobody needs to tell me that."

He grins again. "Well aren't you confident?"

"I wish I was."

"Swing by my office before you leave today," he says. "Sorry for the interruption."

I narrow my eyes. "Can we discuss the matter now?"

"No," he says. "Not with so many others around."

I resist the urge to curse at him.

"That's quite suspicious, is it not?" I ask.

Dakota laughs and lowers his head, bringing his lips to my ear as I feel my coworkers' intense stares.

"You left something in my office last time."

I turn my head, my eyes glaring into his only inches away.

"So now you remember who I am?" I joke considering our history.

He grins and stands tall again. "I only pretended to forget for your sake."

"You didn't need to do that. I don't particularly care what others think," I tell him, spewing a lie of my own.

He reaches down his hand, lifting the bottom of my chin with a single finger as I feel the room go silent.

"Is that so?" he asks, a wicked grin adorned across his lips. "They're all watching you."

"They're watching you," I tell him.

He removes his hand. "Mr. John."


"You're the only one here who has dared to speak to me in such a way," he says.

"This isn't the first time," I say and he knows it.

"I do seem to recall one particular instance of your sharp tongue," he proclaims. "Do you remember what happened afterwards?"

"I'd prefer not to," I tell him.

"You didn't enjoy it?" he asks.

"I did," I say as the smile on his lips fades. "I only wish I didn't."

thx for reading (:

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