Chapter 12

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Dakota Storm purses his lips and leans back in his chair, slowly folding his arms across his chest as I tentatively enter his office. He doesn't speak as he watches me and instead nods his head in the direction of a lone chair in front of his desk, signaling me to take a seat.

I wasn't planning on staying for a long chat.

"Are you sending more documents my way?" I ask, standing just beside the chair.

He ignores my inquiry. "Take a seat."

I'm surprised he thinks I have any ounce of obedience left in me.

"Spit it out," I say.

"AJ," he says. "We've gone over this a thousand times. That isn't how you speak to your boss."


He finally relaxes and uses his finger to drag a document toward himself.

"Emmett Sanders was impressed with your team's work," he says. "Yours specifically."

His eyes meet mine and he doesn't speak again.

"Uh, I'd hope so," I reply. "I do work hard, you know."

He grins slightly and pushes the document toward the edge of the desk.

"He wants you to transfer to his building," he says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Really? Why?"

Dakota places his hands on his desk and rises.

"You do a phenomenal job here," he says. "That's why."

It's the first time he's praised my work. I stand there, unsure of what to say and he takes a few steps toward me.

"Tell me," he says, his eyes falling to my lips. "Would you rather work under Emmett or me?"

I look up at him and he meets my gaze, his soft brown eyes seemingly paralyzing me.

"Well?" he asks, a slight smirk spreading across his lips.

"Depends," I finally reply, taking a step away.

"On?" Dakota questions.

"If you'll ever stop lying to me," I say.

Dakota's face hardens, losing every bit of arrogance he briefly displayed moments ago.

"You couldn't have spoken to Emmett so soon," I continue. "Please stop assuming I'm naive, Dakota. That got the best of me during our relationship. I'd be a fool if I hadn't learned from it."

Dakota sighs and takes a seat at his desk once more.

"Emmett and I spoke briefly this morning," he says. "He really does want you to transfer. That isn't a lie. I'm ashamed you'd think I would make that up."

I mull his response over for a moment.

"I'll think it over then," I say.

"I've never lied to you, AJ," he replies.

"Right. Goodbye."

I turn away from my boss and swiftly exit his office, quickly heading to the parking garage where I eagerly wish to return home.

Rory calls me on the way and I instantly relax, my thoughts of work leaving my mind as he cheerfully asks me to accompany him out tonight.

"Listen," he says. "Rachel from speed dating wants to go to Luna's Den tonight. I told her a little double date could be in the mix."

"Then I'm not sure why you're asking me to go," I say. "You know I'm not dating anyone."

"Didn't you meet someone at speed dating?" he asks.

I sigh. "No."

"C'mon, AJ. What about that guy? The one with the neck tattoo? He seemed interested."

"What?" I ask. "You saw us talking?"

He laughs. "That guy rotated the wrong way. Of course I saw."

"Jeez," I say. "I can't invite him though. He works at the same company as me."

"Sweet!" he replies. "Y'all can get to know each other better."

"I'd rather not," I tell him.

"Please? For me? I already told Rachel we'd go," he says.

I breathe out again. "You don't need me, Rory."

"I do," he pleads. "It'll be fun."


"Ask Dakota then."

"Fuck off."

I hang up.

And dial Emmett Sanders' number.


I meet Rory at Luna's Den and head to the back where a band plays. His arm is already slung over the shoulders of a woman with short, dark hair and bright red lip stick painted on her lips. She offers a beautiful, warm smile as I slide in across from the pair and I wait for Rory to introduce us.

Rory grins proudly and begins to explain the story of how we met while I glance down at my phone, my foot tapping the floor in anticipation.

Emmett said he'd arrive in about ten minutes and my nerves were spiking for no apparent reason. I wasn't interested in the guy and was only doing this for Rory, yet I couldn't stop my stomach from tightening.

"Sorry I'm late."

I almost jump in my seat as Rory looks up, quickly grinning at our new arrival.

"Thought you said you were ten minutes away," I say as I slide over in the booth and Emmett takes a seat beside me.

He laughs and the smell of his cologne wafts over me as he turns to me.

He isn't dressed in his usual work attire, and wears a black tank top, a silver chain around his neck, and his hair is messy with curls.

He smiles at me and my body grows hot.

"Jokes," he replies.

Emmett then introduces himself to Rory and Rachel when I fail to and Rory sends me a look, smirking. I roll my eyes.

The four of us continue talking as the band plays beside us and I find myself actually having a great time despite originally not wanting to come.

Rory and Rachel soon dismiss themselves as they make their way to the bar and Emmett turns to me and grins. "What'd Dakota Storm want to talk to you about?"

"Ah, sorry about how he interrupted us," I say. "He's a little impatient."

"I assume he told you how fond I am of your work, AJ," he replies. "It'd be an honor to have you come work at our building."

"You know," I say.

"I'll really consider it."

sorry for the delay hehe haha (,:

Arlo John (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now