Chapter 5

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"Beep, beep, beep."

I jump awake and slam my hand on my phone, desperately trying to shut off the alarm.

I don't work today. I forgot to turn off my scheduled alarm and curse at myself for my never-ending stupidity.

Though, seconds later, my phone buzzes as an incoming call follows my alarm. I guess I never did have the chance to sleep peacefully.

"Rory?" I answer. "Why are you calling me so early in the morning?"

"You're off today, right bud?" he asks.

I rub my eyes. "Yes. Why?"

"Sweet," he says. "Let's go out later."

"Where?" I ask, still only barely awake.

"Vinicio's," he replies. "The bar down the road from your place."

"As if we haven't been there a thousand times," I say, sitting up in my bed. "What time you thinkin'?"

"Around eleven tonight," he says.

"Then why in God's name are you calling me at five in the morning, Rory?"

I hear him laugh.

"You're a busy man, AJ," he says. "Gotta make sure I grab you first, you know."

"I'll always have time for you," I say. "You know that."

"That might be true now that you're not spending every waking second of the day with Dakota," he says.

"Shut up," I say. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah," he says. "Can't wait."

I hang up.

Rory is my childhood friend. We grew up across the street and spent most days together outside catching frogs and playing soccer. Everyone knew we came as a pair back then and nothing changed once we entered high school.

Rory made the Varsity soccer team and began dating someone from the girl's team, but he always found time for me. He was always there when I needed him. I thought he was the coolest person I knew. I still think that though.

Well, Rory and I arrive at Vinicio's ten minutes before eleven.

We sit at the bar long enough to finish a drink and order another before we head over to the dance floor where most of the crowd is.

Rory's grinning, the widest he possibly can, when his favorite song blasts from the speakers.

"Come on," he says, grabbing my wrist as I attempt to steady the drink in my other hand.

"Jesus," I say as he drags me out to the dance floor.

Placing his drink down, he immediately begins to sway to the music, and insists I do the same.

Despite the countless times we've been on this dance floor, I still haven't learned how to correctly move my body.

I look up at Rory as his cross earring dangles and he dances while laughing at me.

"Like this," he says, attempting to teach me some moves.

I try to replicate them, only earning laughter from my childhood friend.

But his laughter quickly fades in an instant as his smile disappears.

"AJ," he says, staring off into the distance.

"What?" I ask. "What? You're scaring me, Rory."

The loud music continues to boom around us but my world stops as Rory seemingly takes forever to answer.

I follow his eyes and try to make out just what he saw to initiate such a cold reaction. And that's when I spot him.

"Dakota," Rory says.

Dakota's eyes lock on mine from across the bar as soon as I find him and he doesn't smirk as he usually does when he sees me.

He quickly removes his eyes from mine and tips a glass of liquor down his throat.

"Um," Rory says. "Should we go somewhere else?"

I shake my head. "I'm not going to let him ruin this too."

Rory playfully slaps my back. "There you go!"

He jumps up and down, following the beat of the music and I do the same, feeling complete bliss in the moments that I spend dancing with him.

"It's been a while since we've gone out, huh?" Rory yells over the music.

"Yeah," I say. "Let's get wasted."

"AJ," he says. "I've never heard something so smart come out of your mouth."

I shrug. "I'm a genius, actually."

Well, it isn't long before the dizziness sets in and my words come out slurred no matter how hard I try to pronounce them clearly. Rory imitates me when I attempt to speak to the woman dancing next to me and she leans close, slurring her words as well.

"What's your name?" she says loudly into my ear.

"AJ," I say, my body swaying. "Want a drink?"

She nods and I stumble over to the bar, Rory grasping my arm, steadying me.

"What can I get ya?" the bartender asks upon my arrival.

"Uhhh," I say, my eyes struggling to focus.


I look over to the person who had rudely interrupted my order and glare.

"Move," I say. "It's my turn."

"He's all set," Dakota says to the bartender, completely ignoring me. "Just a water for me please."

"Ssstop it," I say, narrowing my eyes as much as I can at my boss.

He continues to ignore me.

The bartender brings Dakota his water and he silently slides it over to me.

"What?" I ask, frowning. "Did you poison it?"

"Yeah," he replies.

Rory watches the exchange and doesn't say a word.

"Good," I say, tilting the glass of water into my mouth. A few drops run down the side of my lips and I swipe them with the back of my hand, looking over at Dakota.

His hair is different. It's not slicked back as it usually is when we're at work. Instead, his brown hair is curly and tossed around as it was when we were dating.

"What're you looking at?" Dakota asks me, his lips pursed.

"Why're you so angry?" I ask, my words coming out slowly.

He releases a deep sigh.

"Take him home, Rory," Dakota says. "I'll get you two an Uber."

"No," I interject. "I'm not ready to leave."

I'm ignored once again as Dakota pulls out his phone, clicking away.

"He's right, AJ," Rory says to me. "I think it's time we headed home. You're already drunk."

"Whatever," I mumble.

"It'll be here in five minutes," Dakota says.

"Thank you," Rory says. "You didn't have to do that."

Dakota nods and nudges my arm. "Hey."

"What?" I ask, refusing to meet his eyes.

"You shouldn't get so wasted, stupid."

thx for reading (:

Arlo John (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now