Chapter 7

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I look up at the beast before me and narrow my eyes. If he had spare time to travel down to my work area and spew lies, he should spend it in his office assisting our team with the workload.

"Go away," I say quietly. "You're going to cause me to stay overtime and I don't quite have the time to do that."

Dakota places his hand on the document I had scribbled on and stares at it.

"I'm not going to be the reason you stay overtime, AJ," he says. "Your childish drawings are."

I snatch the paper out from under his hand and purse my lips. It's not the first time he's brought up my childish nature and immature habits. Even so, I thought I showed more maturity than he ever did in our relationship despite being four years older than me.

"Bye," I dismiss him. "And please stop being dishonest with me. You never cared before and you sure as hell don't now. I'm not the same idiot who would fall for that in the past, you know."

Dakota takes a moment to reply and releases a deep sigh.

"Then you are the same idiot."

My mouth drops open at his absurdity and he quickly steps by, heading back to his office. It's been four months since we've parted and yet he still insists on badgering me. I'd prefer if we could go back to being strictly coworkers and forget about our past completely. But Dakota makes it incredibly difficult to do that.

Well, breathing out, I continue sorting through the rest of the documents on my desk and glance down at my watch upon finishing.

I promised Rory I would meet him for dinner and quickly say my goodbyes before heading out the door.

"Hey, what do you think about speed dating?"

I drop my fork into my pasta and stare across the table at Rory who sports a lopsided grin.

"I think it's stupid," I say.

He runs a hand through his curly hair and places his hat back on. "It'd be a quick way to meet someone."

"I'm not that desperate," I say. "My last relationship ended only a few months ago."

"Still, aren't you lonely?" he asks.

"Nah," I say. "I don't need to constantly be in a relationship like you."

He shrugs. "I get lonely."

"I'm always here, you know," I say.

"I know," he says. "But I really think speed dating would be fun."

"You do it then," I say, taking a bite.

"I'll do it if you do," he says. "Unless you're still hung up about Marcy."

"That's a hopeless cause," I say. "She's fallen victim to Dakota."

"Ah," he says. "Don't they all?"

"Unfortunately," I mutter.

"Cheer up," he says. "It was a learning experience. And it wasn't all bad, right?"

I sigh. "No."

"It's alright. Let's change the subject though," he says. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear."

"Right," I say. "We don't want that."

Rory silently scrolls on his phone for a while before raising an eyebrow and tilts the screen toward me.

"How about this?" he asks. "It's in two days at Luna's Den. I think it'd be kinda fun."

I read the contents of the speed dating advertisement and ponder on the thought.

I guess it would be nice to meet someone.

"Fine," I say, giving into my friend. "Let's try it."

Rory grins widely and sends me the link to sign up.

"Sweet," he says. "I'll pick you up around six and we'll go together."

"Sounds good," I say, standing up as I gather my belongings. "See you then."


The day of the speed dating event arrives and I anxiously sort through the documents on my desk at work, my palms moist with sweat.

Why am I so nervous?

I attempt to focus on my work without thinking more about it when Marcy walks over, offering a small smile.

I look up at her and force a smile as well.

"What's up?" I ask her.

"You said Dakota likes Luna's Den, right?" she asks.

"Uh," I say. "Pretty sure I've heard him mention it once. Why?"

"I'm going to ask him to go to dinner with me tonight," she says, shyly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm super nervous though."

"Tonight?" I ask, completely disregarding her anxiousness.

She nods. "There's a band playing tonight. I thought it'd be perfect."

"Shit," I say, earning a confused look from my coworker.

"What?" she asks and I slam my hand over my mouth.

"Excuse my language," I say. "I just remembered I promised my friend I would meet him there tonight too and you reminded me about it."

"Oh," she says. "Maybe we'll see you there then!"

I hope to God not.

But I'm not going to let Dakota influence my life to that extent. The speed dating event must be in a different section of the place than the dining area. The chances of running into them should be slim to none.

"Maybe," I tell her. "Good luck though."

She smiles again. "Thank you, AJ."

Marcy walks away and ventures to Dakota's office shortly after and I turn my attention back to my work. I'm glad I quickly got over my feelings for her or this encounter would certainly drive me nuts.

The day slowly drags on and I notice Marcy happily grinning at her computer screen as she taps her feet on the ground.

Dakota must've accepted her invite.

Not that it has anything to do with me. I'm going to enjoy the speed dating event without a care in the world that the two of them are there.

Well, Rory shows up at my house a little before six and we head over to Luna's Den.

"You excited?" Rory asks me as I pick at my nails.

"Nervous," I tell him. "I don't know why."

He laughs as he pulls into the parking lot.

"Dating is scary sometimes," he says. "But it's not when you find the right person."

sorry it took so long to update (,:

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