Son of the Demon!

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         I am Izuku. The 16 year old son of the demon AFO. I have my father's quirk just far more powerful. My quirk is AFO 2.0. I can take, keep, give, copy, evolve, combine, and delete quirks. I can see what quirks others have and the present abilities with said quirk allowing me to fully utizile them. I had taken a quirk when I was very young the day my quirk first manifested. It turns out I had gotten an Immortality quirk. It would allow me to age up until I was 25. After that I'd never age a day. I have kept a few copies of the quirk to give to others who I deemed important. Due to my quirk being an evolved version of my fathers he could not take any quirks I had. This angered my father. As such he essentially tortured me daily to try making me become a villain just like him. I refused. Every time he tried I refused. I recently overheard him and his underlings plotting to kill the current user of OFA. A woman by the name of Nana Shimura. OFA was a quirk my father accidentally created when he forced a stockpiling quirk on his supposed quirkless brother. Turned out he wasn't quirkless. Just had a useless quirk. It allowed him to pass his quirk to others via DNA. Well the two quirks fused and OFA was born. As it would be passed on the stockpiling part would further increase in power. Nana is the 7th user. I've heard stories of her. She has the quirk Float as well as OFA. She is the hero Paragon currently the #1 and a true hero too. She didn't care for fame money or power. Only saving people.

       I've been locked up in a cell for past 6 years. But today I knew I had to escape and save her. She was very very powerful yes. But not powerful enough to stop father. Once I was left alone with a stupid underling I was able to manipulate him into letting me out. Once he did I took his quirk before knocking him unconscious and locking him in my cell. I learned where my father was going to attack Nana and her best friend Sorahiko Torino aka Gran Torino. Presently I have 450 quirks effectively making me if not the strongest then the second strongest being on Earth. Once I learned where to go I used a warp quirk and teleported there. However I was too late to save Gran Torino. He died in Nana's arms as father monologued. I started to rush to her aid when father inflicted a fatal wound on her. She was knocking on deaths door as father gloated about besting her. "Ahh finally I have killed off OFA for good. You have no one nearby to entrust OFA to as the sole person here just died in your arms. Soon you too will be dead allowing me to finally become the Demon King and rule this world. No one can save you Nana. You will die from that wound and with it Earth's only hope to defeating me. Goodbye Nana Shimura." He said with a mad cackle in his arrogance. "Well..... It seems I failed..... I couldn't even..... avenge you..... Sorahiko.... I'm sorry my friend....... I'm sorry people of Earth..... I just wish..... I could have stopped you AFO." Said Nana as she lay in a pool of her own blood.

"Paragon! Nooo dammit father I won't stand by on the sidelines anymore! I'll kill you and save OFA. I'll finish what uncle began all those years ago! I'll save you Nana Shimura just hang on!!!" I bellowed with power as I flew into the battle and landed a mighty right cross to father's face sending him crashing through multiple buildings. Nana looked at me in awe. "Who are..... You kid?" I rushed to her side "Please save your strength Nana Shimura we need to escape. Once out of here I'll heal you and explain everything." I said as I was about to pick her up. "Izuku! How dare you strike your father you useless brat! I will not let you have your way. I have been lenient with you for far too long. Now I will kill you and be done with your fantasy of being a hero. You can't hope to stop me!" We heard as my father shot out of the rubble and launched at me. Thinking fast I used my ki manipulation quirk and fired off a powerful wave of blue light striking father in midair dealing what I had prayed was lethal damage before I picked up Paragon and warped us away. As much as I wanted to kill father I knew I had to save Nana. Using multiple healing quirks I healed her. "What? How did you do all this child?" She asked after standing and examining her wounds. I cried as I told her everything. Every horrible thing my father had put me through. I stood eyes closed awaiting the attack I assumed was coming. But.... To my shock she hugged me into her. "I'm so sorry young Izuku. I'm sorry you were cursed to have that demon as a father. Let it all out young one." She said in a kind motherly tone as I wept into her chest. I know not how long I cried. Only that it was the first time in years I had done so. As well as the first time anyone has ever hugged me.

Nana is Saved By AFO's Son. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon