Welcome Emerald Savior!

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     I woke the next moring with an unfamiliar weight on my chest and some soft cushiony pillows around my head. I reached up as to figure out what was around my head only to grab the pillow and it moaned. Panicked I open my eyes and realized I was in Nana's chest with my hand on one of her breasts. Before I could do anything she apparently woke up. Now fearing for my immortal life somehow being struck down I try to apologize when I hear. "Oh my you really do have a crush on your sexygoddess with perfect big tits and ass huh Izuku? Hehehe." I let go and started to tremble in fear as she chuckled. "Aww I didn't say stop whoa that's so huge." She said as she rolled off of me. I look down "O-Oh no I'm s-so sorry Nana I d-didn't mean for a-any of this to h-happen." As I try to swallow the heart that is in my throat. She chuckled. "Hehe it's no problem Izuku. Hehe just uhh wasn't expecting you to be so handsy hehe or that huge dick to poke my ass." I think I turned a new shade of crimsom from that. "Y-You're not m-mad?" She laughed. "I'd be more mad if that didn't happen after waking up in such a way hehehe. Least I know you really do find me sexy hehe." I blanked out at that "W-Wait....what?" She smiled. "Don't worry Izuku. It's fine. I just forgot how clingy I am in bed. Haven't slept next to someone in a very long time. You shouldn't have to apologize for a natural response. Anyway I'm gonna get a shower and get dressed." She said as she got up and went to the bathroom. I tried not to but I stared at her as she walked swivelling her hips. Not gonna lie she does have amazing tits and ass.

   I sat up in bed and looked at my hand. I was replaying yesterday's events in my head. Still amazed I did what I had done. Then as my mind wondered through everything I couldn't get the feeling of Nana's breast out of my head. Sigh hormonal teenager. After awhile Nana had come back in just a towel and I nearly had a heart attack. "Aww someone imagining my perfect big tits still?" I stuttered and was blushing so hard people could see me through walls. Hehe. She cackled as she opned her dresser and got a change of clothes I was still rebooting when she said "Well guess you wanna watch me naked as I change hehe." I panicked and passed out. Proper response I suppose. Good thinking brain you saved us. After awhile I regained conciousness with my head resting on something smooth. I opened my eyes as was looking directly at Nana as she laid my head in her lap. "Ah good morning handsome. Hehe." I panicked remembering what she said before I passed out. "Umm I uh..." She chuckled. "You passed out when mentioned you wanted to see me naked. Hehe. Guess the idea of your sexy goddess naked was too much for ya hehehe." I groaned. "Ahh. You're never gonna let me live that down are you?" She shook her head. "Nope. Especially after you said that and my big tits and ass were perfect. Not to mention you stared at my ass as I left the room to shower." I blushed "S-Sorry I didn't m-mean to it j-just sort of happened." She smiled. "Hehe after the hell you been through I don't mind. Besides was sort of....flattering you viewed me as such."

    "Wait really?" Was all I got out before my brain said fucking bye and leapt out of my ear. She blushed a bit. "Yeah. I sort if felt like a failure as a woman and mother after giving my kids up. I hadn't viewed myself as beautiful or sexy. Just....just a failure." She said as she teared up. I sat up beside her as she tried to not cry. "You know its okay to cry after having to do that right? It doesn't make you weak. I can see it hurt you greatly to do that Nana." She nodded as the tears flowed. "I....I have regretted it ever since I made that stupid choice. I felt dirty and ugly ever since I did that. As a woman I always wanted to raise children. But when I finally get the chance.... I had to give them away." She wept as I wrapped an arm around her. "The fact you regret it shows you would have been a great mother. If you never regretted it and it did not bother you at all is when you'd be a failure as a mother. You're not ugly or dirty for that. Especially in my eyes. When I see you I see a strong, beautiful, kind, caring, and brave woman. You made a choice as a parent to protect them from a monster by making it so he could never hurt them. That shows intelligence. You knew if they stayed that they would be used as pawns to get OFA. You knew they'd be at risk of horrible crimes if they stayed. As AFO has no conscience he'd have killed them just to hurt you. Knowing that you made a choice very few ever have to make under such circumstances even knowing how painful it would be for you Nana." She hugged me and cried into my chest. "T-Thank you Izuku." She said as she cried. Not sure what to do I just did as last time and rubbed circles in her back.

Nana is Saved By AFO's Son. Where stories live. Discover now