Author's Note

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    Thank you everyone for the reads and votes. I'm still going to be adding new chapters but I have not yet decided if I would do time skips to the point where we meet the class 1A of the original however I will stick with the central family of Izuku, Nana, Toshinori, and Inko. I will introduce Oboro, Shota, Nemuri, and Hizashi as a class but not sure how that will go as it will be a few years after Toshi has graduated UA.

    Mitsuki will be added soon when I get to Inko at Middle school. I've not quite decided how to write her as will be modified from canon. I have many plans for this story yet I just have to figure out how I'll write it. Oh and there will be a major event that has some repercussions as well.

    As well seeing as no longer AFO and Kotaro then Tenko and the LoV will not exist so I have created a new group of villains. Haven't decided on the name but I've already got their quirks, leaders, as well as their four major players decided. The major group members will all be named after their quirks except for the leader. The leader will be someone far stronger than AFO ever was and introduced years after the key players and group. I will be doing multiple time skips but have yet to decide when Izuku and Nana face off with the groups leader in a final battle.

   So dear readers I pose a question.

Should I make the final battle during canon timeline or before?

    I have thought of how things will go during the canon timeline but I do not know whether or not to do it. Feel free to give your opinions on the subject. Once I've decided when I get to a certain point I'll make another A/N part and give my thoughts either way. As I will wait a few more chapters and time skips before deciding.


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