Izunana vs AFO!

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      Its been a week since we began our preparations to defeat father and his underlings. Nana and myself have gone to where we felt fathers life energy. The heroes we requested aid from are all at the locations I felt father would be most likely to send his forces. Now all that remains is to take down father and slay him. We cannot fail in this endeavor or Nana and myself will be his captors for eternity. Father doesn't have immortality as we do but that won't stop him. He will improson us in a place where we could never escape then dominate this world.

      "Are all forces in position Nezu?" I ask as Nana and myself are outside father's base ready to strike at a moments notice. "Yes Izuku. Your suits cameras are working as well. I can see the feeds from both you and Nana. I'll try and help how I can. Are you two ready for this? AFO is insanely powerful so you two need to avoid being reckless to protect yourselves." Nezu spoke with both fear and admiration in his voice. Nana hearing that smiles widely. "Thank you Nezu. For your assistance in this as well as the search for my children. Have no fear though. Between myself and Izuku here there's a much higher chance of success than if others were to aid us against AFO." I smile softly at that. Nana is not underestimating father. That's good because we can't afford to look past him. We must be prepared for all possible outcomes. Even those which make him more powerful than myself.

   I know not if mine and Nana's strengths can take him out. But I'll be damned if I allow us to fail for such a fool reason. "Everything's good to go. You two can start the attack any time now." I smile at Nana. "You ready Nana?" She nods and smiles back at me. Determination and fear in her face. She trusts me as I trust her. Together we're an amazing powerful team yes. But what makes us so is our complete trust in one another. "Yes Izu. Lets put an end to the Merchant of Quirks and his bitches." She says with a slight chuckle. I laugh as I nod. We walk forward. Thoughts of the past in iur minds. Thoughts of the people of Japan depending on us to stop these demon. Hopes for our future in our hearts. I'll use everything I have to take him down. Even that.

    We get to the door of the building and I smash it in a single blow causing the door to be sent flying forqard slamming into the wall fifty feet away. The villains freeze and look up to see Nana and I smiling brightly. "Oh my bad. See Nana I told you this wasn't the orgy location. You owe me anal for that." Nana laughs hard at that. "Well my bad Izuku. Guess I'm getting ridden hard all night again. Oh is that a darth vader clone I see?" She asks as her cheeks are a bit flushed. "Oh no. I'm sorry. We didn't realize this was the star wars convention. Oi pops you ready to get bent over and raped for days from all the heroes in Japan?" I swear if father had his retarded as fuck rip off vader mask off we could ses his look of sheer confusion and rage on his face.

    "Izuku! So the bastard pup finally returns. How did you know the location of this base boy!?" He demands as his men start to shuffle their feet drawing their weapons. "Oh easy. You see Nana and myself were raping this one bitch boy and he gave up everything. Sad to hear pops that you're only three inches and a bottom." Nana who was trying to look serious broke at that one as I chuckled a bit too. "How dare you foolish brat!!!" He roared as he started to step forward. He tells the men in the room and through his comms device to attack now take over Japan. Causing the retards in the room to try and kill us. Sad for them that Nana and I are taking this serious despite our jokes. We both blitz through the room dispatching everyone in a matter of moments. I also started copying the quirks I could with each attack.

    Father upon seeing this growls and leaps towards me. I smile and torch his ass with a powerful ki blast. Nana starts to use her energy attacks as well. Father howls in pain as he's sent flying through the building covered in burns and lost an arm. We know he's got a lot of regen quirks so we just wait for him to come to us. Didn't take long for him to do precisely that. "I'll capture you again Izuku then I'll take One For All as well as the quirks you gave Nana Shimura. You're not strong enough to take me on boy!" He roars as myself and Nana laugh hard. "Dumbass I gave Nana immortality. Meaning you can't take any quirks from her or myself. Did you not think about that?" Father growls at me as we can feel his rage and bloodlust building. He fired off an enormous air cannon that tore the majority of the building apart. Blasting us back through the other warehouses in the city. We stood up as we heard fathers cackling laughter. He rushed forward as I smirked and we both launch powerful lightning bolts into father head first destroying the majority of his helmet. "Get Damn you! Ill find a way to kill the bith of you and take your quirks!" He bellowed as I started rushing him and throwing punches, kicks, elbows, palm strikes, and knee strikes. Father is very powerful yes but he has fuck all of nothing in terms of actual hand to hand training. I'm tearing him apart and sent him flying only for Nana to use powerful energy blasts on him. I charge up some energy swords on both hands. And rush forth again and as I reach him I start slicing and slashing him to pieces as father cackles. His regeneration is as powerful as my own so I know it'd take hours for him to be worn down enough to end his regen ability. He used a combination of quirks to slam his fist into me sendibv me back as Nana used a combination of wind, lightning and energy to fry him buying me time to get up. I used telekinesis and grabbed him letting Nana attack with all the long range quirks she has. I used a weapon creation quirk and started launching spears into him as Nana rushes him with deadly kickboxing combos still not much is dealing damage to Father due to his healing quirks. I use telekinesis to start slamming him on the ground hard as I can. I then fly towards him and use a powerful fire quirk on father in hopes I can overwrite his healing abilities. After I stop the attack father is not healed but is slowly healing.

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