🍋Nana and Izuku🍋 (edited)

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            A/N sorry guys I almost fell asleep writing this one and accidentally published too early. I edited it to hopefully satisfactory results. I blame the fucking dragon narrator-san sent after me but meh

A week had gone bye since we confessed our feelings. Nana and I had gotten married. We've also picked up word through the grapevine about the Right hand of AFO. A powerful multiquirk user who has a huge hatred for me as well as Nana. During a battle we had today with some high ranking yakuza they gave us this little nugget and Nana not being informed of who Right hand is may have spoken ill of the man. After we got home I explained. "Nana you do realize the massive amount of shit we have in store for us now right? The Right hand is second only to AFO. His quirks and mind make him a very deadly foe even for me to face in battle and I'm immortal." That made her stumble a bit. "Wait..... Really?" She asked nervously. I sighed and gave her the man's backstory.

'20 years ago Nana a boy was born. He had power that's true but his quirk drove him insane with it's drawback. His name is Sosuke Furizan. His quirk created this blood red energy that he could mold into any shape and control perfectly. But it was tied to his emotions. He is called the right hand because his left arm from the elbow down blew up when he got too angry and tried unleashing his quirk the pain of which drove him crazy. Father gave him a very powerful electricity quirk and strength comparable to the 6th user. He has slaughtered thousands of people from civilians to military and government officials and even hundreds of heroes. The late #1 hero Zenith was slain by him along with over thirty top 100 heroes that day.'

"Holy shit! W-What do we do?" She asked shaken by the revelation. "We do nothing. I will face him if we meet. You will run. I'm immortal. He cannot kill me but I don't know if I can take him down. I know I can escape him but you. Your only hope is to flee and let me fight him." She was scared as she knew how powerful I was and even I had no clue if I could defeat this foe. "B-but what if?" I smiled as I could tell her fear. "I'm unable to die. If I lose you however I do not know what I'd do Nana." She took a few deep breaths. "I know Izu but it terrifies me to think of leaving you to face such a threat all alone even with your immortality." I chuckled a bit. "I'll gladly face him a million times if it keeps you alive Nana. I am immortal yes but I'm not fearless even as powerful as I have made you the odds of us both living through a battle with him are small. Which terrifies me to my core."

Nana listened and saw the look on my face. "You're really scared aren't you?" I nodded. "I've even considered making you immortal and fighting together but it is still a major risk. The immortality doesn't prevent death states. Meaning if we both died entering the death state as the immortality works to revive us we'd be captured resulting in permanent torture." She began to tremble at the thought of that outcome. "Then is the only way what you suggested originally?" I nodded. "It's the only path we have currently. I would rather we not face him at all but he can track me if I warp due to the red tendril like quirk." Nana sighed. "I thought it'd be easy for us to take down all but your father. Guess even as long as I've been a pro I'm still learning." I smiled. "Maybe but even so we still have one thing they do not. We have each other who we both fully trust and love. They do not trust each other completely and would turn on each other to save their skins." That made her giggle a bit. "True and neither have these perfect tits and ass so they shit outta luck at stopping you. So 3 things hehe." I laughed hard at that. "Much as I wanna disagree with that logic. I can't hehehe." Nana laughed at that. I sighed. "No matter what happens always remember Nana that I love you and will never leave you." She blushed as she returned the sentiment. We spoke for a bit longer before we decided to go to bed.

I spoke to uncle in my mindscape again. "It seems that brother is no longer content with letting you two stay out of his grasp nephew." I groaned at that. "Yeah. But it's not me I am worried about Uncle. I can handle the consequences if I were to be captured. Nana for as powerful and determined as she is we both know she'd be unable to survive it." Uncle sighed and asked me how the immortality quirk worked exactly. It will fully revive one from death but it requires an hour to do so. The regeneration helps speed it up but even so it still takes an hour. But for me to pass it on to another it requires the ingestion of my DNA as well as the both of us truly loving one another and accepting of it. It takes 24 hours to take effect after the ingestion of the DNA. "Wow. That's uhh. That's something." Said uncle with a look of shock on his face. "Yep. Tell me about it." He sighed again trying to help think of a way to take down the right hand that wouldn't lead to Nana being captured. Unable to think of any we felt the best course of action was I face Sosuke alone.

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