OFA is no more! Nana's Confession!

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     I woke up the next morning with Nana holding my head between her breasts. I groaned as she mumbled something about fuzzy animals. I tried to pull my head out of her grasp but she just pulled me further in. I seriously think she's planning this stuff simply to tease me. I reach up and tap her shoulder. Since I was unable to speak with how hard she was pressing my face into her. After a moment she finally woke up. "Mmmwha? Oh sorry Izuku hehe." She said as she let me go. "Ohthankgodpreciousoxygenicanfinallybreathe!" I said as soon as I got a chance to breathe. "Yeah yeah whatever you say. We both know you enjoyed it." Nana said as she got up. "Hack. Uhh well that is umm to say uhh. Sigh fine I kind of enjoyed it but I also enjoy breathing Nana!" She stumbled a bit. "Uhh yeah hehe sorry Izuku. Now let's get dressed and head to my friends place." I was confused. 'Wait why wasn't she teasing me more?' After we got dressed and had breakfast we headed off to her friend in order to get my new identity sorted out. It took only about an hour to create my identity then Nana and I headed to the HPSC to get a license. She had just finished filing the form she brought with us with both hers and Sorahiko's signatures on it. Apparently she wasn't joking about being the one to handle his signatures on most paperwork. "Hey Nana what if this doesn't work?" I asked her. She thought about it for a bit before having an aha moment "Then we will go to the International hero committee and file there as that'd give you a license to work in any and all countries." I nodded "Do you have an international license?" She smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Basically got it to work a few cases overseas but I haven't done any international work in a long time. I preferred staying close to home." I smiled at that. "Thats cool. Do you have to do anything different for an international license as opposed to strictly a japanese one?" She shook her head. "Not really. Its just a bit more easily accepted than in Japan or a few other countries." I nodded at that.

    After about an hour we got the news that I was accepted and went to go take the photo for my card. Once that was done I got my license issued and we left the office. "That didn't take very long all things considered I said as I placed the card inside a wallet Nana had gotten me yesterday. "True but thats because I was one of the names recommending you for a license. If had been two other heroes it would have taken a bit longer or been declined outright." I smiled "Well good thing you were the one to refer me hehe.  So now what do we do?" She giggled a bit. "Well for now we head back to the house and I start teaching you whats necessary to know as a pro hero. I have a feeling you'll be a quick study." I shrugged. "I wouldn't know. Other than when I first learned to read and write I wasn't ever educated. I basically had to teach myself everything I know." She frowned a bit. "I keep forgetting how your life has been as you don't act like someone who has been through hell." I shrugged again. "I basically accepted my lot in this world about a year into the torture. Made it easier to manage the pain. The mental and emotional abuse I went through was a bit harder to handle. Still you'd be amazed at what the mind and body can adapt to." She sighed "Maybe but that isn't something you should have gotten used to."

    We get back to her place and she starts instructing me on various things one is expected to know as a hero. It actually wasn't as difficult of a subject as I was anticipating.

Time skip 6 months.

      "That's about all there is I can actually teach you about becoming a hero Izuku." Said Nana with a big smile. We had worked a number of cases during my training. Much to my shock father in all this tine hasn't sent anyone to capture me. "So do we start working on bringing down the organization's that work with father now?" I asked but Nana shook her head. "Not yet. For now we work on bigger cases. So far your father seems content in just leaving you be. Which if we begin dismantling his organizations could cause him to focus on getting ahold of you again." I could see the wisdom in that. "True. Plus it would help me prepare for such a dangerous mission. I believe I am more powerful than father at present but I don't know. So better safe than sorry as it were." Nana smiled and nodded. "True. If we get arrogant and try and take him on when both of us aren't ready the consequences could be dire." I nodded. "That's true. I've seen firsthand what happens to those who underestimate him. Other than when I surprised him and rescued you I haven't seen anyone get any victory over him. I heard him say he had lost a hundred years ago but he said back then he was acting on emotion and started playing the long game." Nana chuckled. "You know you're surprisingly mature about all this. I would have figured you would get mad and throw a tantrum." I shrugged. "Nope. Because I really don't want to go back to being fathers pet again. I want to be truly ready before confronting him. Because if not then its back to torture and solitude." She smirked. "You just don't want to miss sleeping next to this sexy body of mine huh?" I blushed but after 6 months of this I got a bit better at handling it.  "Maybe. Who knows Nana. I could probably go without waking up everyday with you all handsy and clingy hehehe." Her mouth was left open at that. "So cold Izuku."

Nana is Saved By AFO's Son. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora