Toshinori's Fight! Inko's Kidnapping!

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    Three months have passed and we return to our tale. Toshinori having trained with me for the past 3 months almost religiously. His drive and passion remind me of my own back when was facing fathers torture. I warn the young man that having drive and passion for justice is fine but need time to relax and heal. I could tell he wants to be just like myself and Nana not a good hero but a great hero. A top ten worldwide. It's a grand dream but one needs to not get so focused they can't see the forest through the trees.

    Unfortunately he was stubborn but one experience against true villains would change his thinking and almost cost us both children. I was with Nana as we accompanied the hero course students for training camp and we had Chiyo watch over the kids in our stead. But one day she was called to help heal at a major disaster and had left Toshinori in charge. It was a big responsibility but we had faith in him. Anyway the children decided to head to the park nearby as Inko had friends who lived by it. As they were arriving Toshinori had left his eyes off the children for a moment to buy them some ice cream. After purchasing it and turning round the kids had vanished.

   Toshi panicked and began asking everyone there if they saw the kids. One adult mentioned seeing a group of kids walking off with an old man but couldn't remember where they went. Toshi rushed around the nearby roads and alleys all while contacting Nezu and requesting help. Nezu sent the big 3 and contacted several heroes who had patrols in the area. Toshi however was the first to find the kids. All the children around 6 or 7 years old were in a daze in a long line in an alleyway. They didn't respond to his words or even acknowledge his existence. He began to scan through and found Inko at the front of the line. But when he reached her a group of villains caught sight of him. Scared out of his mind he began to try and pull Inko towards him. But even as strong as he was he could not lift her off the ground.

  Before he could think of anything he was attacked by the men. Toshi fought like a man possessed and was actually doing pretty well especially seeing as he was but a 12 year old boy but the adults were gaining ground on him as they adjusted to his fighting style and quirks uncannily fast. Just as they overran him Toshi caught sight of the one he assumed to be the leader and screamed in horror. Standing there smiling demonically was an S ranked villain known as Nuke. The man had the ability to control and manipulation any form of radiation. Drawback was he wasn't immune to the damage of his own quirk. So while he could irradiate anyone and anything within a kilometer he too would suffer from the effects. Granted his effects wouldn't be as bad as his opponents but still he risked killing himself if he used too much power. Anyway. He was grinning and stomping his way towards our little hero before he stopped and looked at little Inko. Toshi began to cry out and roar at the man to not touch his sister and managed to take down three of the men before yet again being caught.

    Tears flowing as Nuke cackled wildly before he snatched Inko from the ground and ordered the rest of the children inside. Even with as overpowered as I made him Toshi had yet to fully grow into his power. Only 3 months of training was not enough for him to face so many high ranking foes. Nuke stepped towards Toshi and knelt in front of him. Finally dropping his sadistic smile. "Tell Shimura she'll never see her precious daughter again unless she faces me in battle and beat me. I must commend you though brat. For a kid you put up one helluva fight. So I shall give you a prize." He said before viciously grabbing Toshi by the throat and forcing a massive amount of radiation into him. Toshi began to grow frail and sores opened up all over his skin. His body racked with pain made him scream in sheer agony. Losing consciousness the last words he heard were. "She has a day. After that I kill the girl even if she were to arrive a minute late."

    We were contacted by Nezu minutes later explaining the situation. I grew furious. Not only did they kidnap Inko. The leader nearly killed Toshi as if killing kids was nothing to the bastard. I warped with Nana to the hospital Toshinori was in and we rushed through the door. Toshi looked like hell but due to his regen he would survive withour permanent damage but still it would take months before he's back to full health. He was weeping as Recovery Girl hugged him. She looked at us with a look of guilt on her face. I sighed as I stepped beside the bed and with a smile I spoke. "Chiyo, Toshi. This was neither of your faults. Toshi even though you didn't prevent Inko being kidnapped without you we'd never have known who took the children. Take heart young hero. We will get her and the rest of the kids back. Do not blame yourself for this."  Toshi cried even harder and even though I peered into his mind I let him speak his thoughts.

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