Preparations for War!

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   The months that followed my battle with Right Hand were spent saving and defeating. Nana was restored to her 25 year old self which by God was a thing of beauty. I granted several useful quirks to her that ranged from heightened senses, weather manipulation, intangibility, life sense, and energy manipulation. We spent a month in the forests of Musutafu forest training her new abilities.  We grew even closer as a pairing. In that span of time I managed to gain several new quirks from quirked animals we found in the forest. Nana was now a force of power far outstripping any she would have been with OFA and Float alone. We finally felt prepared to start tearing down AFO's organization.

      We made a deal that when we'd take down villains I'd copy the quirks most useful in a further effort to increase my power. So far I've spent almost a year apart from father and he's sent several powerful quirk users after us as we have taken down more and more of his allies. But I couldn't shake the feeling something major was brewing. I spoke with Nana about it and she had that same feeling. We then realized what the problems were as she was getting international requests for her aid. We went to the International Hero Commission and got me an international license.

    Our first assignment was to America. We warped to New York and worked through several cases.  AFO had worked along with his friends overseas and began trying to take over countries gaining massive amounts of quirks in an effort to counter myself and Nana's fight. We stopped hundreds of villains in America and eventually AFO had to go to other countries to gain more power and allies. For 5 months we battled his forces.

    If we had not both been immortal numerous times we would have been captured. Several times we had to rely on aid from top ranking heroes in the countries we visited in order to stay safe during our raids. Thankfully due to Nana and my new rank we had an easy time doing so. But still it was very dangerous. We stopped his quest for power in many countries but we never kept our eyes off of Japan. Fortunately we did so as he now was powerful enough to try and take over Japan one more time.

    The difference a year away from father made me far stronger and more intelligent. I grew powerful very powerful. Enough so that Nana and I felt ready to reveal ourselves and our enemy to the masses. Right now only we knew of our immortality and our enemy. But we were no longer willing to allow the symbol of fear to continue his wanton rampage of destruction. We first visited the school which trained Nana. UA High. It wasn't the best school in the world as its considered to be in the future but it was the best in the country. We met with the principal and warped him out to the forest of Musutafu. We told him everything about the past year. Took him to Sorahiko's grave and showed him our many powers. After 3 hours we told him the plan the two of us have come up with. We were going to track down father and lure him into a final battle if we could. We felt that between the two of us we stood a helluva good chance at besting father.

       The principal felt while it was necessary he wanted the two of us make an agreement with him. If we succeed we would join UA as faculty. That way we could ensure the success of up and coming students. We thought it over for some time before finally agreeing. Once we did something we hadn't expected happened. He gave us information on father that we had needed and explained that he was given it by a new teacher he had hired. Someone called Nezu. He explained that Nezu was a quirked animal who was found having escaped a government lab and was granted the rights of a pro Hero. The files he had were part of what he managed to steal before his escape. Apparently the government had aided father for a few years and the lab was one he helped create. This explained how he managed to stay secret for the past 100 years.

     We requested to meet this Nezu and speak with him in an effort to best take down father. We warped to UA and Nezu was summoned to the Principal and we were expecting many different things but we didn't expect a small white mouse, bear, dog, looking chimera thing to walk in. "Uhh Izu do you see what I see?" I nodded and said "Yep. Well as long as it's a tiny white chimera if not then no." Nana giggled a bit and sighed as Nezu spoke which yeah totally did not freak us out one bit. Yeah. What? Don't buy it? Grr fine it was creepy as fuck. "Ahh principal you brought me here to speak with these two? Very well. I am Nezu. You are Nana and Izuku shimura correct?" I froze for a minute. "Uhh yeah mouse guy. But umm how did you know Izuku's name?" Asked a very nervous Nana. I blinked a few times as I tried to figure out the answer. Using my mind reading quirk I figured it out. "Hahaha. That actually makes sense." I said laughing out loud which proabbly terrified both Nana and the principal. "I see you can read minds Izuku." I nodded. "Yep. Turns out Nezu here was a part of some of our efforts overseas Nana. That explains how he knew me and my name. Seeing as while here in Japan I only went by Emerald Savior. I first thought he was part of fathers allies." That stunned Nezu then. "Wait? Who is your father Izuku?" I sighed before Nana and I explained everything about my past to Nezu. "Oh I see. So is it to my understanding you requested my aid in helping bring down All for One?" I nodded as Nezu smiled "Very well. So how many heroes are we working with as of now?" I shrugged. "Uhh presently you two are the only ones beside myself and Nana who even know of the situation. We plan to do this as minimalist as possible to prevent unnecessary casualties. Hopefully just the two of us will be needed to take down father and prevent his plan to take over Japan. We have stopped his forces overseas but right now we don't know just how powerful father has become. We do know that myself and Nana are the strongest heroes but we fear adding more heroes to the cause will give him more weapons to use against us Nezu." Nezu was uhh very shocked to hear that. He figured we'd use overwhelming numbers to take down AFO. But to find out only two heroes will fight the demon king was quite the surprise indeed.

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