The Son of the Demon Returns!

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    *Nana's POV*

     It's been 3 years since Izuku left. It hurt me a lot. I know why he did what he did. I lost myself in a beastial fury after seeing Kotaro.... dead in the lab torn apart by that damn doctor Kyudai Garaki trying to turn him into some type of undead monster to use against me and Izuku. I remember his words to me though. I have faith in that young man. All the hell he suffered at the hands of his father yet he still never turned into a villain.

      To think a small boy could hold such undying grit to suffer so much yet escape. All...for me. I was why he finally broke out and betrayed his father as he aided me. The entire time I knew him he never faltered. He had a goal and I firmly believe he has fulfilled it. So I will wait for him. Have faith in him. I truly believe the man who conquered his demonic father for my sake will return to me. The man responsible for bringing back to me little Inko. Yes Nezu found her and we got her back but without Izuku.... none of that would have been possible. Without Izuku I would have died along with Sorahiko that day. I have currently been working for UA high and helped train many heroes. But not just any heroes. Heroes that will save and protect not just beat up the bad guys or desire fame, money, and power. Heroes that share that brilliant light Izuku has.

    The war against AFO and his underlings took weeks after Izuku vanished but we were able to take down most of his men and send them to the prisons we had built. We know some of the most dangerius ones got away but so far we havent had any S rank villains attack lately. It worries me a bit but with all the powerful heroes we now have I don't think they are willing to risk attacking just yet especially with all the strong heroes UA has had graduate.

    I've gotten along with the majority of the staff here at UA. Recovery Girl aka Chiyo Shuzenji and I get along the best out of all of them. She is blunt and never sugarcoats things which I prefer in a doctor, healer, or hero. Little Inko says when she grows up she's going to be a doctor just like auntie Chiyo. I don't mind that at all. Personally I prefer it as unlike myself Inko is not immortal. So the risks of hero work would be very dangerous for her. Sigh I just wish Izuku and Kotaro could be here.

    I wouldn't stop her from going into heroics or anything she desires but I'd make dang good and sure she's prepared for it if she did. Her quirk is a version of telekinesis but it only allows her to pull small things to her. Right now it's just me and her visiting her auntie Chiyo hehe. "So little Inko. How are your studies going?" Inko pouted. "It's hard. But I am doing good auntie. Promise." I smile a bit at that adorable pout she has. "Yeah. Even in math. Which thank goodness because I suck at math hehe." I said making Inko laugh. She looks around Chiyo's office and sees all the medical instruments. "I can't wait until I can be a doctor. I know it will be hard work but I promise I can do it!" Inko says full of determination. Chiyo chuckles at her. "Well I believe it little Inko. Hehe. I know if you do your best you can become a doctor a very good one at that. Hehe when you get a little older I wouldn't mind helping mentor you." Chiyo says with a toothy grin. Just then we hear alarms start blaring throughout the school. I jump up and tell Inko to stay with Chiyo.

     "What is it Nezu?" I ask as soon as I reach his office. Nezu looks nervous and says. "Nana. There's 20 S rank villains with hundreds of others from A rank to D rank attacking Musutafu and trying to breach our gates. I've already called for any nearby heroes to try and assist. Right now we need you and the rest of the staff to go to the courtyard and prevent them from getting into the school." I freeze up for a second. "Th-That many? How are so many high ranking villains just popping up all of a sudden?" Nezu shakes his head saying. "I honestly do not know. But from the Intel it seems to be some remnants of AFO's forces that got away. They seem to have gathered as many as possible to try taking vengeance for their masters defeat." I growl as I put my comms device in. "If thats the case they may have a warp quirk user amongst their forces. Come on we need to keep them out." I say as I head out. 

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