Chapter 4

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"Kiannn." I whined.

"Chloe, stop whining." He laughed and sat next to me.

"I've been thinking..."

"Oh wait," Kian interrupted. He looked down at his phone and showed it to me. "Jc said he'll be home late. He's shopping."

"Ugh. I wanted to hang out with my best friends though."

"I'm going to text Ricky."

I lightened up. "Okay!"

"We need to see Pitch Perfect 2."

"Ricky already saw it. He went to the premier." Kian laughed.

At this point I was lying across the couch. My legs were on Kian.

"Chloe?" He looked down on me. Kian was exactly a foot taller than me. It was so funny but at the same time I loved his height!

"Wassup Ki."

"Remember I asked you out..?"

My face flushed... "How can I forget? You're my best friend!"

"Can I ask... Why you didn't stay with me?"

He looked hurt. "Kian! No! You know I love you and I care for you. It's just... I don't know what or how it is but I'm with Jc and wheatear Jc and I break up or stay together, I'll always love you and you'll always be my best friend."

He smiled.

The Baby Mystery// A Jian Fanfic.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora