Chapter 16

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Donating my baby just like *that* seemed hard but I knew for certain that the baby would have great parents. Willing, hardworking, loving.

Although the soon gender to be announced of Kian and Jc's baby would grow up with 2 fathers. Jc and Kian even agreed I can stay with them until any time I wanted.

Within time, I didn't care Jc left me because we were all so happy. Kian had Jc and I had my... well Kian and Jc's baby in my stomach. I also had my two most best friends someone could ever ask for!

"I can't wait for this baby." I whispered. I didn't know if anyone had heard me.

"Me too." Jc whispered and smiled back. "C'mon, lets make a video!"

"Okay." I smiled, still having a low, quiet tone in my voice.


"WASSUP?!" Jc screamed. "Jc here and..."

"Kian!" Kian took over.

"And meeee." I jumped in. "I'm Chloe." I laughed and waved.

"Kian, Chloe, as you two know we have big news!" He threw his arms on us and smiled while my heart pounded.

"First off Kian and I are dating! And on top of that, Chloe is having a baby and we are legally adopting the baby!"

Kian smiled. "Any questions just ask... But no hate will be tolerated towards this... It was hard enough to tell you guys!"

"Mess with my best friends, mess with me and my fatness." I joked even though I was only 3 months pregnant.

I put my arms in the middle of Kian and Jc and kissed their cheeks.

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