Chapter 12

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"Jay Seeee?!" I called him, I was starving and had a craving for some Nutella which I just finished yesterday... Opps.

After calling Jc's name several times, I came to the conclusion he wasn't coming so I got up and went to the store.

At the store, I saw a friend of mine and told her everything that has happened.

By time I got into the car, I realized I spent 3 hours shopping and $50 on snacks.

I bought 2 jars of Nutella, vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, and some salty and some sweet chips.

When I reached home, I called Jc's name and once again, he didn't answer. I decided to go look for him. I climbed the stairs.

"Jc?" I said softly. If I knew one thing about Jc, it was that he'd never leave me.

I saw some movement in Kian's room and then a loud bang that made me cringe.

I opened the door and what I saw was just too heartbreaking... Disturbing... And honestly... I had no clue what to do with myself.

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