Chapter 9

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Jc came from the living room.

"Hey babe." He said.

I gave him a kissed and a smile hello.

I sat there for a bit while Jc cooked breakfast.

I was daydreaming about having a baby when the aroma of bacon and eggs filled my nose.

I snapped out of the day dream to see a plate of bacon, eggs, toast and coffee in front of me and Jc already drinking his coffee.

I bit into a piece of buttered toast. "You know, Jc?"

"Yeah?" He was really happy.

"I've been thinking..."

"Really?!" He seemed happy but calmed down as it could've been a no.

"Let's do it."

Jc was so excited, he had no words.

"I mean... YOLO right?" I snorted and punched him lightly. "That stupid ass trend from when we stated dating!"

"Hey!" Jc caught me for doing something. "We got to make rules! First off, no swearing! Kian too!"

"Yes, very true!" He was so set it was too cute. I made the right choice.

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